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1、考研英语一宜宾市长宁县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) On Dec. 6, Kelsey Zwick boarded Flight 58 from Orlando to Philly with Lucy, one of her 11-month-old twin daughters.

2、 Lucy was born 11 weeks prematurely (早产)and 1 from severe lung disease as a result of a complication (并发症) of that. The brave baby girl was on oxygen 2 until recently. Today, Lucy needs oxygen at night and while 3 one small good deed reminded Zwick how “ 4 “ she and her husband, Yuri, truly are.“To

3、the 5 in 2DI dont know you, but I imagine you saw us 6 . I was pushing a stroller (婴儿车), had a diaper (尿布) bag on my arm and also 7 an oxygen machine for my daughter,” Zwick wrote on her Facebook post. “We 8 the plane, sat down in our window seat and made 9 to those around us about having to sit by

4、my yelling-but-happy baby. The flight attendant came over and told me a gentleman was waiting to 10 seats,” she wrote. “You were giving up your comfortable, first-class seat to us. Not able to 11 tears, I cried my way up the 12 while my daughter Lucy 13 ! She felt it in her bones too. real, pure, go

5、odness. I smiled and thanked you as we switched but didnt get to 14 you properly,” the mom continued.“So. thank you. Not just for the seat itself but for 15 . For seeing us and realizing that maybe things are not 16 easy. For deciding you wanted to show a random act of 17 to us. I cant wait to tell

6、Lucy someday. In the meantime. we will pay it 18 .”Zwicks story touched the hearts of many, giving rise to 19 comments on the post that has since been 20 over 164,000 times.1、ArecoversBsuffersCresultsDbenefits2、AtestBhealthCsurvivalDsupport3、AplayingBflyingCsleepingDgrowing4、AastonishedBamusedCbless

7、edDanxious5、AmanBattendantCassistantDguide6、AsomewhereBanywhereCnowhereDeverywhere7、AfillingBpumpingCfollowingDdragging8、AbookedBreservedCpre-boardedDquit9、AcomplaintsBcommentsCoffersDjokes10、AchooseBswitchCacceptDoccupy11、Aburst intoBgive backChold backDbreak into12、ApassageBairportCflightDpilot13、

8、AshoutedBcrawledCtalkedDlaughed14、AmeetBthankCrecogniseDaccept15、AnoticingBdonatingCremindingDforgiving16、AjustBrightCalwaysDever17、AforgivenessBadvantageCkindnessDdonation18、AforwardBdownwardCbackwardDtoward19、ApassiveBsupportiveCpossibleDnegative20、AmadeBchosenCresearchedDsharedSection II Reading

9、ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Amazing concept images have shown what homes of the future could look like, as preparations are made for the worlds firs

10、t freefrom 3D-printed property (房产).Experts will build a house called Curve Appeal, which will be 3D-printed off-site before being put together on-site to create two outside walls, a roof and an inside part. These four main sections will then be joined together.Although 3D-printed buildings have bee

11、n made before, this home - to be constructed in Chattanooga, Tennessee, later this year will be the first of its kind, as it will contain no regular shapes or angles. The house is the creation of the design company WATG, based in London and California. The design for Curve Appeal draws inspiration f

12、rom the Case Study House program.The architects leading the program were famed for constantly pushing the limits in terms of minimalist (极简主义) materials, and trying to create open-plan spaces that focused on enhancing (增强) natural light. In a written statement, a spokesman for WATG said, “Employing

13、many of the same modem design principles, Curve Appeal is the next evolutionary step. Its important that the architecture and the environment work together harmoniously. The chosen site is steps away from the Tennessee River in a beautiful wooded, sunlit area.”WATG was awarded the first prize in the

14、 Freeform Home Design Challenge in 2016 and given prize money of $ 8,000 to make its plans a reality. The competition was aimed at architects, designers, engineers and artists. Participants were challenged to design a 600 to 800sq ft single-family home that rethinks traditional aesthetics (美学), ergo

15、nomics, construction, building systems and structure.Over the last year, WATGs Chicago office has been developing their design with Branch Technology. This project is currently underway, working towards breaking ground later this year. Once completed, the Curve Appeal home will have open and light-filled inside living spaces.1、From the passage we can know that Curve Apple .Awill be different from an ordinary houseBis the first


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