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1、2023年哈尔滨市尚志市考研英语一预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Last summer a tornado hit a small town nearby. I saw in the local newspaper a picture of a young woman a little boy a

2、nd a younger 1 standing in front of a totally destroyed house eyes wide open with 2 I noticed their clothing 3 closely matched ours. This would be a good opportunity to teach my children to help those less 4 .I 5 their situation to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Martin, and 6 the boys to donate s

3、ome of their less favorite toys. My little daughter, Meghan, 7 quietly when the boys piled up the old toys. After a while, Meghan walked up 8 Lucy, her much-loved doll, 9 tightly to her chest. She put her round little 10 into Lucys, giving her a final kiss, and then laid her 11 on top of the others.

4、 “Oh, honey,” I said,“you dont have to give Lucy. You love her so much. ”Meghan nodded, trying to 12 her tears. “Lucy makes me happy, Mummy. Maybe shell make that little girl happy, too. ”The boys watched in surprise 13 their baby sister placed Lucy in the 14 While I stared at Meghan, reflecting upo

5、n my donation, they went, without a word, to their room and both 15 16 with their valued items. Martin hesitated 17 , then looked over at Meghan and put his model car next to Lucy. Amazed, I removed my old 18 from the box, and 19 it with a new one I had bought the week before, hoping the young woman

6、 would 20 it as much.Anyone can give away what they no longer need, but true generosity is giving what you_I, who had meant to teach, was taught.1、AmanBwomanCgirlDboy2、ApityBfearCangerDsympathy3、AbrandsBcolorsCpricesDsizes4、AoptimisticBfortunateCthankfulDwealthy5、AexplainedBannouncedCdemonstratedDtr

7、anslated6、AallowedBcommandedCrequestedDencouraged7、AwatchedBbehavedCcountedDwaited8、AtoBbyCwithDfor9、AtiedBhungChuggedDgrasped10、AeyesBearsCheadDface11、AgentlyBswiftlyCpainfullyDgratefully12、Akeep outBtake offCburst intoDhold back13、AbeforeBasCafterDonce14、AboxBcarCroomDpicture15、AplayedBdealtCretur

8、nedDdisappeared16、AangrilyBbrieflyCeagerlyDmerely17、AjacketBitemCnewspaperDdoll18、AbalancedBreplacedCmixedDcompared19、AloveBkeepCwearDwash20、AbuyBintendCneedDdislikeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B,

9、C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Last year, when our three-year-old great-granddaughter Kylie was taken to see Santa Claus, she made sure to give him her wish list of toys. A week later, she ran into a different Santa in a mall. He stopped to ask what she wanted for Ch

10、ristmas. Kylie was surprised and let him know: “If you cant remember what I told you last week, how are you going to remember on Christmas Eve?!”Mary Paul, Milwaukee, WisconsinAs my son Mike and I drove to the mall, we passed a Salvation Army Santa ringing his bell. “Mike,” I said, “theres Santa!” H

11、e shook his head. “Thats just some guy in a Santa suit,” he said. It saddened me to think that maybe my son no longer believed in Santa, and we drove the rest of the way in silence. At the mall, we spotted another Santa greeting young believers. Suddenly, Mike took off toward him. Turning back to me

12、, he shouted. “Now, theres the real Santa!”Michael E. Fahey, Huntley, IllinoisWe immigrated to America from China when I was six. Because I was shy and didnt speak English, I had few friends. My days were spent at home with my brother. Sometimes wed help our neighbor Mr. Mueller pull weeds. One Chri

13、stmas Day, there was a knock at the door. Grandma opened it, and there stood a big fellow in red with a snow-white beard, laughing, “Ho, ho, ho!” He handed out presents and made us laugh. I had so much fun. It was years later when I learned that our special Santa was our neighbor Mr. Mueller.Joanne

14、Tang, Litchfield Park, Arizona1、(小题1)Why was Kylie surprised when running into a different Santa?ABecause she got what she wished.BBecause she knew who the Santa was.CBecause she wished to get another toy.DBecause she thought they were the same Santa.2、(小题2)What would Mikes parent feel as to Mikes d

15、ifferent attitudes towards Santa?AAngry. BSad.CConfused. DUnderstandable.3、(小题3)What did Mr. Mueller do on Christmas Day?AHe stood outside our house.BHe gave out gifts by acting as Santa.CHe continued to pull weeds.DHe stayed with us in our home.Text 2Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to


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