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1、2023年沈阳市新民市考研英语一深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A man, a woman and a child are telling a tree their troubles.“How can I do what others say,” asked the child, “and 1

2、 be me?” said the tree. “I 2 in the wind, move downwards in the rain, yet I always 3 myself, a tree.”The man said, “I cant 4 my life.” “Look at me,” said the tree. “I change every 5 from green to brown to green again, from shoots to flowers to 6 leaves. Yet I always remain myself, a tree.”“I cant lo

3、ve any more,” said the woman. “With my love, I have 7 all that I have.” “Look at me,” said the tree. “There are birds in my 8 , moss (苔藓) and ladybugs 9 on my bark (树皮). They may take what I 10 , but not what I am.”Whether we know it or not, we are like the tree. Only our pride hangs on to a 11 sens

4、e of self, wanting to keep everything, refusing to 12 advice or spiritual direction.What we do doesnt matter; how we do it is what 13 . Change and growth is as 14 as the sun coming up every morning and sinking every night. 15 what is inside you and listen to what your 16 tells you. Why not just for

5、today, 17 once more to a place that exists outside yourself without your own or others 18 ?We can easily 19 a child who is afraid of the dark; but the real tragedy (悲剧) of life is that men are afraid of the 20 .1、Aalready Bthus Cstill Dinstead2、Atremble Bbend Cwave Dfight3、Aremain Bpolish Cchange Dd

6、etermine4、Apromote Badvance Cimprove Dtransform5、Atime Bseason Cday Dterm6、Arotten Bgolden Cbroken Dfallen7、Agiven away Bgiven out Ctaken away Dgot through8、Aroots Bbranches Cspirit Dworld9、Arelying Bfocusing Cliving Dplacing10、Abear Bproduce Chave Ddesert11、Atransparent Bspecial Cfalse Dauthentic12

7、、Aunderstand Bevaluate Cprovide Dfollow13、Acares Bcounts Chelps Ddistinguishes14、Anatural Bfun Csplendid Dfantastic15、AGo with BGo over CLook after DLook up16、Adream Bfuture Cpast Dheart17、Aset out Bput out Chold up Dput off18、Acriticism Btest Cjudgement Dapplause19、Aforget Bencourage Crescue Dforgi

8、ve20、Adark Btruth Cgrowth DlightSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1A new family moved in next door and I got to meet the mother of the f

9、amily, Lydia.Lydia is Korean, and her family moved to our city so her husband could go to graduate school. We started talking, and she was apologetic about how bad her English was, but I didnt care. I knew how hard it was to learn a second language. I enjoyed chatting with Lydia as we watched our ki

10、ds play.It was what came next that challenged me: Lydia asked if Id be willing to help her with her English.Now, I am not a teacher. I admire teachers, and Im grateful for teachers, and its because I admire what they do so much that I was very, very sure that I couldnt do it myself.But Lydia was sur

11、e that she wanted my help. I was doubtful. I wasnt sure my “help” was even worth being called by that name.But because she asked me, I said “yes.”And that was the beginning of 过 friendship. Lydia and I spent afternoons sitting together and reading the newspaper, and as we did, she asked me questions

12、 when she had them questions about language, yes, but also questions about the new culture she found herself in.In turn, I asked my own questions, growing curious about her home country and culture. We bonded over our shared faith and our struggles as mothers of kids with special needs. When I compl

13、imented (恭维)her cooking, she began to teach me about Korean food, eventually leading to a shared trip to explore the Korean grocery stores in our city.Because of Lydia, I learned more about my own hometown than I ever could have learned by myself.Im still not sure that Im any good as a teacher. But

14、Im grateful I said “yes” when my neighbor asked me to help her with her English. That meant spending extra time with my neighbor, and that extra time meant she didnt remain just my neighbor. She became my friend.1、What was Lydia sorry about?AHer bad English. BHer carelessness.CNobody teaching her English. DHer poor life in a new place.2、What can be concluded from the fourth paragraph?AThe author admired teachers.BThe author wanted to be a teacher.CThe author didnt want to help Lydia.DThe author was not confident in helping Lydia.3、Why was the author grateful at the last paragrap


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