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1、考研英语一昌都地区丁青县2023年考前冲刺预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) After my brother died in an accident, my mother was very sad. I was only 4 years old at the time, but I still un

2、derstood the 1 in my moms attitude toward safety. 2 , everything around us was potentially 3 .I grew up with a lot of 4 and rules that were meant to 5 me. For example, I was not 6 to walk home from school by myself, even though everyone I knew already did. I couldnt 7 evening parties or go to summer

3、 camp, 8 what if something happened to me?As I got older, the list of things to 9 got longer. I became a natural 10 . I was concerned about things like getting cancer, losing my wallet, being caught in car accidents and earthquakes 11 big and small, real and 12 .The funny part is that youd never kno

4、w it by looking at my life, because Im constantly 13 myself to do the things that frighten or worry me. In fact, Ive developed a 14 for myself: If it scares me, then I have to do it 15 once. Ive done lots of things that would have 16 my mom: Ive ridden a motorcycle, Ive traveled alone, and Ive perfo

5、rmed stand-up comedy.Courage isnt a natural attribute (品质) of human beings. I believe that we have to practice being courageous. The more 17 I do things that scare me or that make me 18 , the more I realize that I can do a lot more than I originally thought I could do.Even though I inherited (经遗传获得)

6、 my mothers cautious 19 , Ive also come to believe that fear can be a good thing, if we 20 it. Believing that has made my world a less scary place.1、AhintBchangeCsceneDlesson2、ASlowlyBLogicallyCFortunatelyDSuddenly3、AimportantBinspiringCconvenientDdangerous4、ArestrictionsBconsiderationsCjudgmentsDco


8、14、AruleBformCcaseDhobby15、Ain allBat mostCafter allDat least16、AthreatenedBshockedCconfusedDentertained17、ArarelyBquicklyCoftenDfairly18、AconfidentBuncomfortableChappyDgenerous19、AnatureBdulyCworkDtask20、AknowBgetCavoidDfaceSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four te

9、xts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Cigarette butts (烟蒂) are everywhere - clogging up our streets, littering our beaches - and for decades theyve been thought of as “unrecyclable”. But a New Jersey-based company,

10、 called TerraCycle, has taken on the challenge, and has come up with a way to recycle millions of cigarette butts and turn them into industrial plastic products. Its aim is to take items that people normally consider impossible to recycle, and then use science to figure out a way to do just that.Des

11、pite the increase in anti-smoking ads and messaging over the past 20 years, global sales of cigarettes increased by 4 percent, and a whole lot of those cigarette butts are ending up as trash, which can surely pollute the surrounding environment.So how do you go about turning all those poisonous ends

12、 into something useful? TerraCycle does this by first breaking them down into separate parts. They mix the remaining materials, such as the tobacco and the paper, with other kinds of rubbish, and use it on non-agricultural land, such as golf courses. The filters (过滤嘴) are a little harder. To recycle

13、 these, TerraCycle first makes them clean and cuts them into small pieces, and then combines them with other recycled materials, making them into liquid for industrial plastic products.They now have more than 3,000 cigarette recycling bins in nine countries around the world. Theyre also expanding th

14、eir recycling offerings to the rest of the 40 percent of household waste that currently cant be recycled, such as chocolate packaging, pens, and mobile phones. The goal is to use the latest research to find a way to stop so much waste ending up in. landfill (垃圾填埋), and then get companies to fund the

15、 process. And so far, its working.“We havent found anything that we cant recycle,” communications director of Terra Cycle, Albe Zakes, said. “But with the amount and variety of packaging and litter in the world, we are always looking for new waste streams to address.”1、Which of the following is true according to the text?AIt is impossible for the filters to be recycled.BTerra Cycle has achieved a lot in recycling what used to be con



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