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1、2023年宜春市袁州区考研英语一临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Dont let Auroras small stature(身材)fool youher spirit is strong. She is one of 140 chickens 1 from a farm. When we sa

2、ved her, she was tiny and sick and it seemed 2 that she would survive. Having never got the right 3 , many of the chickens were sick and some 4 died.At a young age, Aurora and her sisters and brothers were 5 by their mom. Luckily, another mother 6 their care. Aurora seemed the last to 7 food and att

3、ention. She grew at a much slower 8 than her brothers and sisters. Everything seemed 9 her.At the young age of seven months, Aurora had lost two moms and was 10 to find a place with the other chickens.Aurora 11 found comfort with an old chicken named Margaret, staying under her 12 wings during the c

4、old nights, 13 Margaret was so old that a few months later she died. Aurora, in her own way, thinks of Margaret. Every evening, you will find her in the 14 spot where she kept Margaret company. 15 when the other chickens try to 16 her away, Aurora comes back.As Aurora grew, we became 17 at her love

5、to simply live. Nothing 18 her.So remember, when life seems so 19 that you cant take it, think of Aurora. She has lost two moms, watched her sisters and brothers die, and 20 from serious illnesses. Yet she enjoys the small, sweet_life has offeredsafety, food, warmth and good friendships.1、AraisedBpu

6、rchasedCrescuedDcollected2、AhopefulBproperCpossibleDunlikely3、AtouchBcareCgiftDpartner4、AsadlyBangrilyCcoldlyDcalmly5、ApunishedBrefusedCabandonedDscolded6、Atook onBput forwardClooked afterDbrought about7、AgetBeatCdrawDoffer8、AcostBrateCstandardDvalue9、AforBaroundCaboutDagainst10、AarrangingBchoosingC


8、Dlearned20、AchancesBpleasuresCdreamsDservicesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Whenever something looks interesting or beautiful,theres

9、 a natural impulse to catch and own itwhich means, in this day and age,that we cant help reaching for our phones to take a picture when seeing beautiful things.Though this would seem to be a wonderful solution,there are two big problems about taking pictures.Firstly, were likely to be so busy taking

10、 the pictures that we forget to look at the world whose beauty and interest inspire us to take a photograph in the first place.And secondly,because we feel the pictures are safely stored in our phones,we never get around to look at them.These problems would seem to be very much of today,a consequenc

11、e of the tiny phones in our pockets.But they were noticed right at the beginning of the history of photography,when the average camera was the size of a grandfather clock.The first person who noticed them was the English art critic,John Ruskin.He was a travelling lover who realized that most tourist

12、s failed to notice or remember the beautiful things they saw.He argued that humans have a born tendency(倾向)to respond to beauty and desire to keep it,but that there are bad expressions of this desire.At worst,we get into buying souvenirs or taking photographs.But,in Ruskins eyes, theres one thing we

13、 should do and that is attempting to draw the interesting things we see,and it doesnt matter whether we happen to have any talent for doing so.Before the invention of photography,people used to draw far more than they do today.It was an active necessity. But in the mid-19th century,photography kille

14、d drawing.It became something only artists would ever do,so Ruskin spent four years on a campaign to get people drawing again.So if drawing had value even when it was practiced by people with no talent,it was for Ruskin because drawing can teach us to notice properly rather than watch absent-mindedl

15、y(心不在焉地).When describing what lies before our eyes with our own hands,we naturally move from a position of observing beauty in a loose way to one where we acquire a deep understanding of its parts.1、What does the underlined word impulse mean?AInterest. BUrge.CHabit. DReaction.2、What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?AAn effective solution to storing something nice.BReasons for taking pictures in the first place.CProblems related with taking phot


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