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1、考研英语一2023年高唐县巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Every year, the fifth graders at Brookstone Elementary went on a field trip to Washington, DCTerence 1 the exciting tr

2、ip, and was 2 to go next year.Terence asked his parents 3 if they would pay for half of the trip if he earned the other half of the money himself. His parents 4 . He had almost a year to earn $150. His first 5 was to earn money baby-sitting, and he typed a nice letter 6 that he would baby-sit during

3、 his neighbors 7 . He named a few afternoons available and said he would 8 $1 per hour per child. After five baby-sitting 9 , he earned $45.When the 10 weather arrived, Terence knocked on his neighbors doors to ask if they needed help with 11 work. He helped with mowing (修剪) and weeding gardens. Aft

4、er the summer was over, he earned $75. When the fall arrived, he counted his money and 12 that he still needed $40 for his trip. Soon his mom saw a(n) 13 for a job for him. He got a job 14 newspapers every Wednesday afternoon, making 5 cents for every paper, $10 15 each Wednesday. It wasnt long befo

5、re he had 16 money to go on the trip to Washington, DCHe was 17 in time. The class trip was on October 15. His mom and dad gave him a check for the $150 they 18 him. What a great feeling! He helped 19 the cost of his trip.This experience 20 Terence in many ways, making his dream a reality with great

6、 efforts.1、Aprepared forBlaid outCreferred toDheard about2、AdyingBgratefulCluckyDproud3、AcuriouslyBcasuallyCanxiouslyDbriefly4、AsubmittedBagreedCbargainedDrefused5、AideaBjobCconclusionDsuggestion6、AdeclaringBconfirmingCshowingDsaying7、AstayBcompanyCinteractionDabsence8、ApayBspendCchargeDdonate9、Aneg

7、otiationsBsessionsCattemptsDinterviews10、AwarmBfineCunusualDchangeable11、AyardBpaperCschoolDvolunteer12、AadmittedBdeterminedCcomplainedDinsisted13、AdirectoryBpermitCadvertisementDemail14、AeditingBupdatingCprintingDdelivering15、Aat onceBon timeCafter allDin total16、AextraBmuchCenoughDeasy17、AjustBeve

8、nCeverDstill18、AowedBlentCpromisedDordered19、AcountBcoverCestimateDreduce20、AastonishedBshapedCexcitedDimpressedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 po

9、ints)Text 1Historian Tom Holland is the award-winning author of Rubicon, Persian Fire and Millennium. He appears regularly on radio, TV and in print. His latest book Dynasty is published in paperback by Abacus.Moominsummer MadnessBy Tove JansoonWhat I love about this book, as a child and still today

10、, is its mix of the fantastical and normal. On the one hand, its about a family and their friends all enjoying themselves, quite happy not doing much. On the other hand, its about characters that can change into odd shapes, magicians coming down from the moon and peculiar creatures emerging from the

11、 roof. That mix of the familiar and the extraordinary informs all my writing.The HistoriesBy HerodoTusBy the time I was 12, I was obsessed by Ancient Greece and Rome. At first, I found the early section of The Histories a real grind because its like a long shaggy dog story that never gets to the poi

12、nt.In the second half I was rewarded with the stories Id been waiting for, like the battles of Marathon, Salamis and Thermopylae. Over the years, I come to value the infectious curiosity of the first half and the portrait of the world in the fifth century BC seen through the eyes of this extraordina

13、ry Greek historian.A Distant MirrorBy BarBara W TucHmanTuchmans book The Guns of August won the Pulitzer Prize, but its this slightly less well-known work that provided me with a role model for my own writing. Both scholarly and interesting, its a portrait of the 14th century in Western Europe and v

14、ividly evokes medieval civilization buffeted by cataclysms: the Black Death, the Peasants Revolt and the Great Papal Schism. I felt I knew what it was to die of the plague or to have a sword put through me real stories told remarkably436、Tom Holland now finds the first half of The Histories _.Aoff t

15、he pointBculture-centeredCreally boringDquite entertaining1、Which book does Tom Holland appreciate and try to copy its style?AThe HistoriesBA Distant MirrorCThe Guns of AugustDMoominsummer MadnessText 2Id have to say that the schemes to reduce staff absence and increase punctuality(准时) have been a big success. Weve seen that staff attendance levels have increased from 88% to 93%, and levels of punc


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