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1、考研英语一湖南省衡阳市珠晖区2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Before I came to college, I was sure I knew all about it, since I had met some college students and had seen more t

2、han my share of old “college” movies where the 1 belonged to “playboys” and the heroines to sophisticates(圆滑世故的人). But, now, after one semester as a college student, many of my old ideas have 2 completely.I used to imagine bossy upper-classmen, for example. I thought they would be know-it-all rulers

3、 of the campus who 3 freshmen for fun. I pictured being 4 to the wrong classrooms, being ignored. But, in fact, the upper-classmen turned out to be quite 5 . They offered to help me and inspired me to 6 my tough courses.The upper-classmen werent the only ones I worried about. I was also 7 about the

4、other freshmen. I was afraid they might think I was too fat, too shy, too 8 , or even too dumb to bother with. 9 , I was wrong. When I finally got to college, I discovered that most students felt exactly as I did. They were as uneasy with me as I was with them, and as we started to open up, we began

5、 to 10 one another. We began to become curious about each others backgrounds and interests; the differences among us actually became 11 .I changed my mind about other things too. I had 12 homework to be a book-filled nightmare, which would keep me from meeting 13 dates. I did have some 14 tests; I d

6、id break out in a clammy sweat, and 15 a stomach upset and a gigantic headache, but contrary to expectations, I passed all of my exams with good grades.Ive always been 16 . Then if the worst happens, Im just ready for it. I have planned to live 17 this principle before. But after this, I know not al

7、l schools would be the same. This one 18 to be much better than I thought it would be a good 19 in not jumping to conclusions. No doubt my 20 toward college will shift still more as I go on, but I know Ill never be as negative as I was before I got to college.1、Adirectors Bheroes Cstars Dactors2、Ach

8、anged Badvanced Cdeveloped Doccurred3、Aattacked Bchallenged Ctricked Dreminded4、Aattracted Bpersuaded Cfollowed Ddirected5、Aconsiderate Bunusual Cstrange Dhonest6、Astick with Bcompete with Ccompare with Dmeet with7、Acrazy Bconcerned Cguilty Dserious8、Anervous Bembarrassed Cugly Danxious9、AMeanwhile

9、BBesides CTherefore DAgain10、Aassist Btrust Cconsider Dpraise11、Aworries Bproblems Cattractions Dadvantages12、Aimagined Bintended Choped Dexpected13、Aright Bdue Cwrong Dproper14、Aawful Bguilty Cunforgettable Dsuccessful15、Asense Bcure Csuffer Dfind16、Afoolish Bnegative Cpositive Dconfident17、Aon Bfo

10、r Cin Dby18、Aturned over Bturned up Cturned out Dturned down19、Alesson Btheory Cmemory Dknowledge20、Aconcept Bdream Cmethod DattitudeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the

11、 ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Many young people these days adore the advertised magazine body and become too focused on attaining this image instead of worrying more about what lasts and even grows over time. But could you imagine being considered beautiful for years, and suddenly being ugly after

12、 moving to another continent? It is a sad reality that people dont realize how vacillating the idea of beauty can be from one country to another. Think of the most typical American girl you know. Is she blonde haired with white skin and light eyes, and does she love shopping or sports? Now place thi

13、s girl in the heart of Africa, a place where beauty is placed on what you can control. The Maasai tribe in Kenya focuses on how clean people are, and how stylish their piercings (穿孔) are. This tribes culture is to be a brave fighter, so they will cut their skin with patterns in it to show that they

14、are strong. If you dont look fierce, you are not beautiful.Other countries like North Korea and South Korea have their own unique views on beauty. In an interview, a woman who has lived in both North and South Korea claims that beauty in North Korea is based more on your ability to be a good woman a

15、nd wife. She says that women in North Korea are less concerned about fashion and beauty in the physical sense. She says they did have a time when big eyes were a big deal and everyone wanted to get double eyelid surgery. This is something extreme and could perhaps be influenced by Western culture. An


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