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1、考研英语一宁乡县2023年考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Hitting heavily on the keys in frustration, I turned away from the piano, trying to fight the tears that were already w

2、elling up in my eyes. After an hour of 1 , I still couldnt get the rhythm quite right on a Mozart piece that I had to 2 to my piano teacher the following day. It was frustrating to have spent such a( n) 3 time on a piano song and still be unable to play the piece correctly. To me, the piece had at f

3、irst seemed easy. But, no matter how 4 I tried, I just couldnt seem to play it the way that it was 5 to be played.I decided to take a 6 . For the most part, after a little bit of work, I could 7 learn the song rather quickly. However, it was always that one song, which might have appeared simple but

4、 was 8 , that always annoyed me. These types of songs always made me 9 myself whether I could be a pianist.After having dinner, I decided to come back to the piano. Placing my 10 on the keys, I chose to play the piece slowly and carefully, paying attention to hitting the correct notes 11 trying to p

5、lay the piece quickly. Using this new method of practicing, I 12 a great deal of patience, something that I often had 13 with. Instead of thinking how hard the rhythm was, I thought about how I could 14 myself, little by little. Finally, I could slowly see myself getting better. 15 , I didnt even ge

6、t the rhythm right until a week later. I also 16 an important lessonsometimes, baby steps are the best way to 17 a goal. Im an impatient person who likes to think that I can get 18 by leaps and bounds. But, in the case of piano, I couldnt move forward and improve 19 I slowed down, believed in myself

7、, and took it one step 20 .1、Awaiting Bpracticing Ccrying Dsinging2、Acontribute Bdonate Crepresent Dpresent3、Alimited Bextra Clong Dshort4、Ahard Bwell Ccarefully Defficiently5、Aoffered Bsupposed Cdesigned Dorganized6、Atry Bchance Cbreath Dbreak7、Ausually Bnever Csometimes Doccasionally8、Aimportant B

8、difficult Cnecessary Duseful9、Aignore Bregard Cdoubt Dbelieve10、Amind Bfingers Cnotes Dpiece11、Ainstead of Bin spite of Cas well as Din case of12、Aexpressed Bencouraged Cevaluated Dexercised13、Aconfusion Bcontact Ctrouble Dcontrol14、Aadjust Bpersuade Ccomfort Dimprove15、AHowever BTherefore COtherwis

9、e DMoreover16、Agave Bmissed Clearned Dtaught17、Aset Bidentify Cdevelop Dreach18、Asomewhere Bnowhere Cwherever Deverywhere19、Aas Buntil Cwhen Dif20、Aall the time Bat times Cat a time Dat one timeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below

10、 each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Early in the Iliad, Homers epic poem(史诗)about the legendary, Trojan War, there occurs a famous anecdote known as the catalogue of ships, which names all the Greek leaders and contingents(小分队) who came to fig

11、ht at Troy. Before unfolding this impressive muster roll (花名册),Homer makes a special, public appeal to the Muses to ensure he gets the facts right:Tell me now, Muses, who have your homes on Olympus- for you are goddesses, and ever-present, and know all things, and we hear only rumour: nor do we know

12、 anythingThese lines reflect a central claim of epic poetrythat through the inspiration of the Muses, daughters of Memory, it can preserve the knowledge of people and the events of the past a formidable power in the non-literate, oral cultures in which the Iliad evolved. The Iliad was composed aroun

13、d 750-700 BC, but its origins lie at least some five centuries earlier, deep in the Mycenaean Bronze Age-the world the Iliad poetically evokes.The Iliad is keenly aware of its role as the keeper of memory, and credibility is central to its storytelling. The epic is a work of fiction, and relates the

14、 events of a few weeks in the tenth and final year of the Trojan War fought between Greeks and Trojans over beautiful Helen, the Greek queen who deserted her husband to elope with a Trojan prince. Its cast of characters includes not only warriors and their captives and families, but the immortal Oly

15、mpian gods, who perform many supernatural acts in the course of their eager participation in the action around Troy.The Iliad has the reputation for being an exclusively(专门地) male epic, weak on female characters, but to choose only one exampleHomers delicate characterization of Helen as a woman driven by reluctant remorseful(悔恨的) pa



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