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1、2023年安阳市殷都区考研英语一临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Dusty is my son Jacks favorite pet. They have a special connection that is a 1 to see. After she finishes her dinner

2、 at night, Dusty will run into Jacks room to 2 on the pillow beside him. During the day shell 3 him around, jump into his arms, and even 4 with a “meow” every time he calls her name. 5 a few weeks ago Dusty began to lose 6 . She ate less and less and lost some of her fur. She 7 going after jack arou

3、nd and hid in my daughters old closet (壁橱). She 8 only to drink water and then quickly returned there. I was 9 that we were going to lost her and prayed to God that shed return to 10 . I didnt want Jack to lose his furry friend. 11 , after a few weeks she started to spend time outside the 12 again.

4、In addition, her 13 recovered. Soon her fur grew back and she gained weight. Once again she became my sons constant 14 and I thanked God for bringing her back to him.I can 15 why shed gone off by herself to take the time to heal (康复)from her illness. There have been many times in my own life when fe

5、ar, sickness and sadness have beaten me and Ive just needed to find a quiet in my own 16 to think and to heal. 17 , every time Ive done so my heart is filled with Gods 18 ,making me better and stronger than I was before.When life heats you down, dont 19 . Go within. Allow Gods love to fill you and t

6、o heal you. And then go out and 20 that love with the world.1、Adelight Bshock Chonor Dprize2、Ahide Bsleep Chunt Dguard3、Alook for Brun into Cfollow Dguide4、Aanswer Bchallenge Creward Dimpress5、ABesides BInstead CTherefore DHowever6、Amemory Bsight Cweight Dhearing7、Adelayed Brisked Cescaped Dstopped8

7、、Aset out Bcame out Ccalled put Dwork out9、Aembarrassed Bdisappointed Cworried Drelieved10、Ahealth Bsafety Ccalm Dpeace11、AMercifully BInterestingly CThankfully DUndoubtedly12、Apillow Bcloset Csuitcase Dkitchen13、Aappetite Bpride Cconfidence Dcuriosity14、Arelative Bcompanion Cguarantee Dunderstand15

8、、Aprove Bforecast Cguarantee Dunderstand16、Aview Bsoul Cchoice Dopinion17、AHonestly BEventually CJoyfully DRegretfully18、Abehavior Bhappiness Clove Dwords19、Akeep on Bturn back Cmarch on Dexchange20、Ashare Bcompare Clink DexchangeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following fo

9、ur texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Do you have a spare room in your house? What about a driveway for your car? Both of these can help you make money.Many people who are feeling the pinch are taking advantag

10、e of whats been called the “sharing economy”.Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnb-an American web business which allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers.It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has over 1,500,000 listings.It seems to have concerned t

11、he market!A British company is doing something with parking spaces.JustParks founder, Anthony Eskinazi, says ,“When I had the original idea,Ispotted a driveway close to a sports stadium.It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in commercial car park.”

12、 And he has a big clientele(客户):around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the site,and he says around half a million drivers use it.There are other sites doing very similar things,like Uber and Lyft-these let drivers share their cars with other passengers.Any driver knows how valuable a p

13、lace to park is .A church near Kings Cross in central London has apparently made over 200,000 by renting out space in its yard to travelers!Because this is a new business world,those rules arent there yet and many people are happy to share.as long as it pays!But the sharing economy has its critics:t

14、he competitors of these new companies.People who run things like traditional B&B, commercial car parks and taxi services are afraid of ending up out of pocket.And there is another issue:regulations on these new business are unclear.How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor?1、What does the underlined phrase “feeling the pinch” probably mean?ALacking in money BFull of curiosityCWilling to help others DUnsatisfied with their life2、Who may be against the sharing economy?AA taxi driver who cant find a a parking place BA priest in the church near Kings CrossCA traveller who needs a


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