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1、辽宁省鞍山市立山区2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Mr.Bard is the manager at his familys shoe company.He really 1 competence in his workers.He always tells the 2 an

2、d hard-working employees that he is 3 of them.But Mr.Bard does not only show his appreciation through words.The most competent workers are also paid 4 .Mr.Bard thinks when an 5 works harder and produces higher quality shoes,the company earns more money. 6 ,the employee should also earn more.But many

3、 of the less competent workers 7 .“We are equal,”they protest(抗议). “We do the same job,so we should get the 8 pay!”He is a kind man,but he is also 9 .If he keeps hiring the less competent workers,the whole company will 10 , and perhaps all employees will lose their jobs.It will also be bad for his f

4、amily and for the company is 11 .To 12 the situation,Mr.Bard creates evening workshops(工作坊)to help 13 the employees who are not working at company 14 .They watch the most competent workers,who receive a special bonus for 15 their co-workers,and make lots of notes.They inspect the production line,ask

5、 lots of questions,and 16 until they are skilled and 17 .Production at the company 18 ,and the customers are happier with the high 19 shoes!As sales increase, Mr.Bard is able to pay his workers better.And 20 the companys smart pay system,the most competent workers can be highly rewarded.1、Aappreciat

6、es Bdescribes Cabsorbs Dagrees2、Aexcited Bskilled Cborn Dconsiderate3、Aworried Bconfused Cproud Dpainful4、Aworse Bless Cdegree Dmore5、Aemployer Bemployee Cdegree Dguarantee6、AHowever BOn the contrary CIn other words DTherefore7、Adisagreed Bdisliked Cdisappeared Ddiscouraged8、Ahigh Bsame Clow Ddistan

7、t9、Asilly Blikely Cwise Dsimple10、Aselect Bshake Csuffer Dscold11、Adrivers Bteachers Ccooks Dcustomers12、Aimprove Bput up Cpostpone Dcome up13、Aforget Bsell Ctrain Dharm14、Astandards Blimits Cborders Dpatience15、Apicking Bteaching Ctolerating Dweighing16、Awarn Bsneeze Csob Dpractice17、Aproductive Ba

8、ffected Cstrict Dstraight18、Agoes down Bgoes away Cgoes against Dgoes up19、Aquantity Bability Cquality Dequality20、Aregardless of Bthanks to Cinstead of Din spite ofSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B,

9、C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 As soon as a person dies, decomposition(分解) begins. And the first visitors arrive. “Within 5 to 15 minutes of death, flies or other insects begin to colonize the body.” says Rabi Musah, an organic chemist at the University at Albany.Sh

10、e says different species turn up at different stages of decomposition. “So because of that, depending upon what entomological(昆虫学的) evidence you find, you can learn something about when the person died in terms of the timing of the death.”Flies dont tend to stick around when disturbed by detectives.

11、 But they do leave behind eggs. The eggs are hard to tell apart by appearance alone, so specialists raise them until they hatch, a few weeks laterand they get a species ID and, with a little guesswork, a persons time of death. But Musah has come up with a more time-saving approach: chemical analysis

12、 of the eggs. She and her team investigated that method by first harvesting flies with pig-liver traps hidden throughout New York City. They collected the trapped flies and then chemically analyzed their eggs. And it turns out each species of fly egg has a unique chemical fingerprintenough to tell t

13、he eggs apart without raising the eggs to maturity. The study is in the journal Analytical Chemistry.Musah and her colleague Jennifer Rosati are now testing the method on a real case. “And once we do that we will be publishing some case studies to illustrate(阐明) that this is a method that can be use

14、d, and hopefully eventually its something that will stand up in court, and something that could speed up detective workor help deal with a cold case.”1、Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “colonize” in paragraph 1?Alook forBfight overCcarry awayDgather on2、How can a specialis

15、t know a persons time of death?ABy researching the habitual nature of flies.BBy relying on the entomological evidence.CBy distinguishing the appearance of flies.DBy discovering a new detective method.3、What can we infer about Musahs approach from the last paragraph?AScientists have published studies about it.BIt is bound to make


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