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1、考研英语一2023年张家口市沽源县高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One Friday we were packing to leave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help. When I went to invest

2、igate, I discovered an elderly neighbour we 1 knew had taken a bad fall on her front steps. She was clearly in 2 so I helped her inside her house and settled her on the couch.I noticed how 3 and dark her place was and it was obvious she hadnt cleaned in a while. She 4 she didnt need an ambulance or

3、5 help and that someone would be around soon, so I 6 her with a bottle of water at her side.As I left, I felt saddened to 7 that apart from a few smiles in the past 18 months we had been neighbours, we hadnt 8 She didnt know my name and I didnt know hers, and I hadnt even noticed she hadnt been 9 fo

4、r weeks due to backache.That weekend I 10 my grandmother for her 80th birthday and noticed how clean and spacious her flat seemed in comparison to my neighbours. Then my thoughts turned to all the 11 daughters, grandkids, nieces and nephews my grandmother had, and how 12 the atmosphere was.My neighb

5、our, as far as I knew, had no family 13 dropping by to visit.When I 14 I went to check on her but she didnt answer my 15 Trying the back door and 16 it open, I walked inside. More grateful than scared to see me, she explained she was 17 Yet, unable to bend down due to her bad back, she could not unp

6、ack groceries a delivery boy had left at floor level. Her kitchen was filled with garbage she was unable to 18 by herself.Weve since become good friends and chat every few days. She keeps thanking me for my kindness but I 19 helping her. Every time I return from putting out her garbage, collecting h

7、er mail or just chatting, I feel a deep sense of 20 and peace.1、AwellBbarelyCwidelyDnever2、ApainBreliefCsorrowDsurprise3、AvastBquietCmessyDchilly4、AinsistedBpromisedCadvisedDagreed5、AtechnicalBlegalCfinancialDmedical6、AaccompaniedBleftCannoyedDwarned7、AdoubtBnoticeCregretDrealize8、AseparatedBcomplai


9、tearing17、AfillBpoorCillDOK18、Atake outBleave outCpick outDhand out19、AenjoyBdislikeCconsiderDrisk20、AsafetyBdirectionCsatisfactionDHonestySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers

10、on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Many of the most striking beasts on the planet come in only two colors: black and white. These high-contrast markings represent some of the natures most diverse evolutionary choices. For some animals, black -and- white coloring is a way to warn off natural enem

11、ies. For others, to keep insects away. For still others, it creates a clever cover. Spend some time exploring what science has discovered about these animals appearances, and you will see that basic black and white isnt so basic after all.SkunkDepending on the species, black skunks may wear white sp

12、ots that act as a cover or white stripes(条纹)that signal enemies to watch out for their smelly spray.Giant PandaResent insights into panda coloring have come from studying each body part separately. Black ears indicate fierceness, and distinct eye patches aid in individual recognition. The panda in w

13、hite body hides it against snow, white its dark limbs(四肢) keep it from being spotted in forests, a compromise developed from its poor bamboo diet:Bamboo doesnt let pandas build up enough fat to hibernate(冬眠), forcing them to spend winters in the snow.BadgerEven when a badger is in its cave, its faci

14、al stripes can be seen, Zoologists say the warning coloration helps the small animal prevent natural enemies.Blackbuck(male)In bright sun, the bucks white stomach reduces the effect of the shadow cast by his back, allowing him to appear one color and two dimensional-especially hiding from natural en

15、emies in his own shadown.1、Which animals can use their color to warn off natural enemies?ASkunk and BadgerBGiant panda and ZebraCBadger and BlackbuckDZebra and Blackbuck2、White body and dark limbs help the giant panda to _.Ashow fiercenessBstore fatCrecognize individualsDtake cover3、What can be a suitable title for the text?AWhich animals have black- and- white color?BHow some animals protect themselves from harm.CWhy



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