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1、考研英语一苍山县2023年高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Cali Scores a GoalIt was the last game of the season. Cali had been playing soccer all summer. She really enjoyed 1 aro

2、und with the other players in her blue uniform, chasing the black and white ball across the grassy field. As much as she tried, 2 , Cali still had not scored one single goal.“Dont give up,” said her coach. He showed Cali and her team how to pass the ball to each other and take shots at the goal. Cal

3、i was pretty good at passing the ball, but she couldnt kick the ball 3 the goalkeeper. She wondered if she should 4 soccer.“Dont give up,” said her teammates. ”You just need to keep trying and you will get 5 .” So Cali stayed on the team and did her best.“Dont give up,” said Aunt Lisa. But it was ha

4、lf-time, and Cali was feeling 6 . She was trying! Every time she got a(an) 7 to kick the ball, it would go in the 8 direction or a player from the other team would take control of it.The break was over and the referee(裁判) blew her whistle to 9 the game again. The two 10 walked back onto the field, b

5、oth 11 to win. Cali heard her aunt whisper in her ear. “Look for an opportunity to get the ball. You can do it.”Cali took a deep breath. 12 she didnt get one goal all summer, she knew that she had tried her best. She dreamed shed leave her team after the game was over. Suddenly, she was woken by som

6、e 13 that was the sweet, happy jingle of the ice cream truck. It was driving right beside the soccer field, playing its music loudly to attract 14 .The players on both teams turned to 15 at it. A few girls pointed to it and cheered. The soccer game had nearly stopped. Cali looked around and saw the

7、soccer ball close by, 16 by the nearest player from the other team. Cali dashed over to the ball. She dribbled(带球) it between her feet, moving forward toward the net of the yellow team. By the time the other girls had 17 , Cali was positioned right in front of the net. The goalkeeper was 18 to one s

8、ide, looking at the ice cream truck. She turned back 19 to guard the net as Cali kicked the ball hard.The keeper 20 out her gloved hand. The ball touched the tips of her fingers as it swooshed past, right into the net. “Goal!”1、ArunningBwalkingCjumpingDhiking2、AthereforeBotherwiseCthoughDmeanwhile3、

9、AwithBoverCforDpast4、AquitBrememberCchangeDrespect5、AharderBbetterCfasterDeasier6、AnormalBhopefulCcalmDupset7、AawardBideaCchanceDorder8、AsafeBwrongCclearDpositive9、ApauseBstartCcancelDend10、AplayersBgirlsCteamsDcoaches11、AsatisfiedBfrightenedCpleasedDdetermined12、AEven ifBAs ifCBecauseDWhen13、Anoise

10、BmusicCwhistleDcheer14、AcustomersBteachersCaudiencesDreporters15、AfireBlaughCknockDlook16、AfoundBignoredCprotectedDpushed17、AdiscussedBrecalledCnoticedDpermitted18、AhidingBrushingCstandingDwaiting19、AquicklyBsecretlyCbravelyDsilently20、AthrewBcarriedCdraggedDreachedSection II Reading ComprehensionPa

11、rt ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The True Story of a Young ManWhen Reginald Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia in 1967, what he wan

12、ted most was not a job with a good salary, but a chance to be a member of Congress as a southern representative. After earning his degree at Harvard Law School in 1970, he returned to the South to practice law among the poor. “I want to help them understand what their rights are and to help them ach

13、ieve them,” he said. Then he ran for political office at the local and state level until he was ready to try for Congress.Reg grew up in a low-income Negro section of Birmingham, Alabama. Brought up by his grandparents after his parents were divorced while he was very young, Reg had been living thro

14、ugh a period of far-reaching progress in race relations. In the summer of 1968 Reg himself became a good example of this progress when he became the first Negro student appointed to a special new program. The program introduced bright young students to the workings of the Georgia State government an

15、d encouraged them to seek employment there after finishing their education. “Ive been lucky,” he said. “I seem to have been in the right place at the right time.”But luck was only part of Regs story, for he made the most of opportunities that came his way. He learned to read in kindergarten and began visiting the public library regularly to borrow books. His grandparents encouraged him, though neither of them had much education, and they bough


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