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1、考研英语一2023年四川省德阳市罗江县预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation. Every day, she would ask five of t

2、he young Navajo students to 21 the chalkboard and complete a simple math problem from 22 homework.They would stand there, silently, 23 to complete the task. Mary couldnt figure it out. 24 she had studied in her educational curriculum helped, and she 25 hadnt seen anything like it in her student-teac

3、hing days back in Phoenix. What am I doing wrong? Could I have chosen five students who cant do the 26 ? Mary would wonder. No, 27 couldnt be that. Finally she 28 the students what was wrong. And in their answers, she learned a 29 lesson from her young 30 pupils about self-image and a(n) 31 of self-

4、worth.It seemed that the students 32 each others individuality and knew that 33 of them were capable of doing the problems. 34 at their early age, they understood the senselessness of the win-lose approach in the classroom. They believed no one would 35 if any students were shown up or embarrassed a

5、t the 36 . So they 37 to compete with each other in public. Once she understood, Mary changed the system 38 she could check each childs math problem individually, but not at any childs expense 39 his classmates. They all wanted to learn, 40 not at someone elses expense.1、Ago toBcome toCget close toD

6、bring2、AhisBtheirChis ownDher3、AhappyBwillinglyCreadilyDunwilling4、AAnythingBNothingCEverythingDNeither5、AalmostBcertainlyChardlyDnever6、AquestionBchalkboardCproblemDhomework7、AtheyBitCeverythingDeach8、AaskedBquestionedCtoldDunderstood9、AoutstandingBsurprisingCannoyingDfrightening10、AsunburnedBtende

7、rCIndianDnaughty11、AsenseBimageCwayDaspect12、AhadBignoredCrespectedDcared13、AnoneBno oneCeachDnot all14、AEspeciallyBEven thoughCEven soDEven15、AloseBwinCachieveDanswer16、AtimeBsituationCchalkboardDcondition17、ArefusedBrejectedCtriedDpromised18、AifBso thatCunlessDin case19、Ain favor ofBofCby means of

8、Din front of20、AandBbutCsoDorSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1What do you do if your nation has a severe water shortage and happens to

9、 be located in a desert? If you have the resources, you turn to technology, which is what a company in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates (阿联酋) (UAE for short) is planning to do. The country, which gets less than four inches of rain per year, could solve its issue with water shortage by dragging iceb

10、ergs from Antarctica to its shores. The first such attempt will begin in 2018.Once the iceberg is at UAE shores, the ice above the waterline would be cut off and crushed into drinking water, which would then be stored in large water tanks. The iceberg would also have a broader impact, says Abdullah

11、Mohammad Sulaiman Al Shehi:“Cold air out from an iceberg close to the shore of the Arabian Sea would cause rainstorms across the Arabian Gulf and the southern region of the Arabian Peninsula all year round. As the rising air expands, cools and condenses (冷凝) due to the decrease in air pressure, wate

12、r vapor (水蒸气) is collected in the clouds, which becomes heavy and falls as rain.” More icebergs will bring more water vapor and clouds, creating a profound (巨大的)effect on the regional climate over a decade, turning the desert into “green meadows(草地)”. The melting iceberg would also add fresh water t

13、o the Arabian sea, returning biodiversity. There would also be a boost(兴旺) for tourism from all the people interested in looking at the icebergs. The Emirates Iceberg Project comes from a group of efforts by NABL called “Filling the Empty Quarter”. The project aims to dramatically influence the dese

14、rts of the “Empty Quarter”, the planets largest sand desert. The region is also the richest oil-producing area in the world, including parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE and Yemen.1、What is the UAE planning to do according to the text?ATo collect fresh sea water from Antarctica.BTo drag icebergs from

15、Antarctica to the country.CTo make icebergs from Antarctica melt.DTo get 20 billion gallons of fresh water from icebergs.2、What Al Shehi said reflects the effect of icebergs on_.Athe weather Bthe industryCthe biodiversity Dthe tourism3、According to the text, the deserts of the “Empty Quarter” are_.Aturning into green meadowsBthe resource of salt in the Arabian seaCthe empty area without populationDabundant in oil as a matter of fact4、According to the text, ice


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