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1、考研英语一安阳县2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)RediscoveryI used to be a happy child with a loving family and many friends. I had a 1 that could brighten a cold winte

2、r day and I had a special love for life.At twelve, my life had a huge breakdown. It was then that I 2 OCD (强迫症). I started to wash my hands ten times an hour, and I constantly 3 my kitchen oven to make sure that it was off. This way of lifecontinued for four painful years, and by then, my OCD had le

3、d to depression (抑郁). I was no longer the 4 little girl I had been.In the tenth grade I finally 5 to my mother that I was suffering from depression along with my OCDMy mom took me to a doctor and I started taking 6 . Over a few months, the medicine did help the OCD, but I still was struggling with d

4、epression.One autumn evening, I hit rock bottom. I thought suicide (自杀) was the only 7 to my depression problem, so I decided to write a suicide note. As I was 8 it, my eyes fell on a photo. It was a 9 of an adorable little girl, wearing her red soccer uniform and holding a bike helmet. She had a br

5、ight smile that showed she was full of life.It took me a few minutes to 10 who the girl in the photo was. The photo had been taken when I was seven years old. I almost couldnt believe that smiling child was me. I felt a chill go down my spine (脊柱). It was like my younger self had sent me a 11 . Righ

6、t then and there I knew I couldnt kill myself. Once I had been a strong little girl, and I had to become 12 like that again.I tore up my suicide note and 13 that I would not rely only on my medicine. I would have to fight the depression with my mind, too. I could make myself happy again.It has been

7、two years since I 14 myself. The real reason I am healed is that I took action and refused to let depression 15 my life. I learned a lifelong 16 : Never give up. Everyone has challenges in life, but everyone can 17 . I am living proof of that.Now I am prepared for whatever 18 life may bring. I have

8、a role model to 19 up to for strength, and who is guiding me 20 life. My hero is a seven-year-old girl, smiling back at me from a photo on my desk.1、AdreamBthoughtChopeDsmile2、ApreventedBtreatedCdevelopedDdiscovered3、AcheckedBfixedCtouchedDtested4、AprettyBhappyCpopularDlovely5、AadmittedBsuggestedCsh


10、dCrecalledDrediscovered15、AriskBabandonCruinDwaste16、AlessonBskillCclassDexperience17、AescapeBquitCrecoverDsurvive18、AadventuresBbenefitsCopportunitiesDchallenges19、AcomeBlookCmakeDadd20、AthroughBoverCacrossDfromSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer t

11、he questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Nowadays there is less and less contact between the old and the young. There are many reasons for this, but the result is the same: increasing numbers of children without grandparents and o

12、ld people who have no contact with children. And more old people who are lonely and feel use- less, along with more and more families with young children who desperately need more support. Its a major problem in many societies.Thats why intergenerational programmes, designed to bring the old and the

13、 young together, are growing in popularity all over the world, supported by UNESCO and other local and international organisations. There are examples of successful initiatives all over the world. Using young people to teach IT skills to older people is one obvious example. Using old people as volun

14、teer assistants in schools is another, perhaps reading with children who need extra attention.One successful scheme in France is combining a residential home for the elderly with a creche/nursery school in the same building. The children and the residents eat lunch together and share activities such

15、 as music, painting, gardening and caring for the pets which the residents are encouraged to keep. In the afternoons, the residents enjoy reading or telling stones to the children and, if a child is feeling sad or tired, there is always a kind lap to sit on and a cuddle (依偎). There are trips out and birthday parties too.The advantages are enormous for everyone concerned. The children are happy because they get a lot more individual attention and respond



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