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1、考研英语一2023年大连市瓦房店市押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When my son unexpectedly volunteered for the Marines(美国海军陆战队), I was busy writing my novels and giving little thought

2、 to the men and women in the army .My son John Schaeffer, recently came home 1 from the Middle East. He slowly appeared from a broken car. John 2 all night from a base near Washington, 3 he had landed the day before. He did not want me to 4 him there. “I need time to myself,” my son said 5 calling f

3、rom Kuwait on the way home.I gave my wife a head start. Mother 6 son. “I was so worried,” Genie said. She pulled away to look up again and again to 7 he was really there.My wife gave me a great gift: 8 alone with my boy. John was tired and lay 9 on his bed. I lay down next to him and was grasping hi

4、s hand the whole time. I just wanted to be certain that the nightmares Id had about John being killed were 10 .I kept holding my son, the way I 11 when he was two and came into our bed after a 12 dream. I asked John if hed rather sleep than talk, and he said there would be time for 13 later.With the

5、 14 over, under and around me came incredible tiredness. I slept with his voice dying away. It was the first good 15 Id had in months. I woke and John was asleep next to me. Sitting by his bed watching him breathe, I found myself praying and 16 for all the fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands

6、 and wives of those who were not coming home. For the first time in my life, I was weeping for 17 .Before my son went to war I would never have shed tears for them. My son 18 me. He taught me that our men and women in uniform are not the “ 19 ”. They are our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. So

7、metimes shedding tears for strangers is a holy 20 . Sometimes its all we can do.1、AangryBaliveCfrightenedDexcited2、AdroveBwas drivingChad drivenDwould have driven3、AwhenBwhereCwhichDwho4、AmeetBcongratulateCpermitDaccept5、AonceBwhenCunlessDsince6、AabandonedBpattedCconcludedDembraced7、Amake sureBset d

8、ownCget acrossDmake sense8、AperiodBchanceCtimeDmoment9、AexpandedBstretchedCextendingDspreading10、AfactsBtruthCproofsDlies11、Aused toBought toCshouldDmust12、AhappyBcheerfulCscaryDdull13、AadviceBdiscussionCtalkDsleep14、AchatBworriesCmeetingDcuriosity15、AconversationBobservationCsleepDdifficulty16、Acry

9、ingBcursingCscreamingDregretting17、AfriendsBneighborsCstrangersDsoldiers18、ApersuadedBchangedCfrightenedDaccused19、AanotherBotherCothersDone20、AfunctionBadventureCdutyDshameSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosin

10、g A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Adult education coursesComputer studiesTechnology is advancing at a rapid pace, and we rely more and more on computers for everything from cooking to organizing our taxes. This six-week course will give you an understanding of c

11、omputer fundamentals including the use of software packages (Word, Excel and Power Point) and how to use the Internet.Start: May 2, 2019Time: Wed 7pm-9pmCost:¥2Length: 6 weeksPlace: Shandong UniversityWoodworkLearn the basics of woodworking with simple hands-on projects to build your confidence and

12、skills. Each lesson explores a different area of woodworking that will provide you with the skills needed for any woodworking project. Flexible learning allows you to choose only the lessons that interest you.Start: April 15, 2019Time: Mon 5pm-7pmCost:¥30 per lessonLength: 12weeksPlace: Adult Learni

13、ng CentreWeb DesignProvides advanced training in software, design, and coding for the web. Students must have already completed a recognized basic web design course or have at least 2 years relevant work experience. Students completing the course will receive the Diploma in Advanced Web Design.Start

14、: June 1, 2019Time: Weekdays 9am-4pmCost: ¥4,990Length: 40 weeksPlace: University of TechnologyArtThis practical course is intended to help established artists take their creativity further. From sketching and colour, to composition, painting and experimenting with style, you will study and explore

15、an engaging variety of creative media and subject matter.Start: April 21, 2019Time: Thur 3pm-6pmCost:¥750Length: 15weeksPlace: City Art Centre298、Which courses arc suitable for beginners?AWeb Design and Art.BComputer Studies and woodwork.CWoodwork and Web Design.DComputer Studies and Art.1、Which course awards students an official certificate?AArt.BWoodwork.Cweb Design.DComputer Studies.2、How much will a student wh



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