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1、益阳市安化县2023年考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Stars guide the way for us in the dark. Some are 1 , others are dim, but they all shine together as if theyre 2 the u

2、ps and downs of life. Among them, I try to find Hazels, the heroine of the novel The Fault in Our Stars, written by U.S. author John Green.Hazel is a 16-year-old girl who has cancer. In her 3 group, she wins a boys love, who has lost a leg and he also has 4 . They fight pain, fear and death together

3、. 5 their lives are hard, Hazel has a strong will. She never 6 , and even silently 7 the happiness of people around her, behind which, I believe, it is the inner spirit that makes her 8 .Hazel isnt 9 . She quarrels with her parents, like most teenagers. But most of the time, shes very 10 , never let

4、ting cancer be an excuse to 11 her life. She regards cancer as a side effect of death, which everyone will 12 one day. She accepts the fact that “the world is not a wish-granting factory”, so she 13 every single moment in life, no matter if its 14 or sweet.Thats 15 I admire her. I dont experience th

5、e pain and the challenge that Hazel has faced, but 16 , I come across many difficulties. When Im in 17 , I always wonder what I can do about it. If theres no more mercy I can beg for, then I try to find 18 in my heart. Hazel has taught me that we should love and appreciate life as it is, forget toda

6、ys 19 , and live life to its fullest. 20 , tomorrow is another day.1、AweakBbrightCcolorfulDfavorable2、AconcerningBclarifyingCcommentingDshowing3、AsupportBeducationCfundingDinsurance4、AdiseaseBfluCcancerDlegs5、AThoughBThereforeCAs ifDFurthermore6、Asets upBsends upCbrings upDgives up7、Atakes awayBtake

7、s upCtakes inDtakes off8、AfamousBdifferentCpopularDbright9、AperfectBaloneCwrongDsimple10、AridiculousBallergicCcuteDoptimistic11、AdisturbBriskCruinDserve12、AtakeBfaceCchallengeDovercome13、AvaluesBtakesCcaresDpolishes14、AtoughBroughCbitterDsour15、AwhyBhowCbecauseDso16、AevenByetCeverDstill17、AneedBtrou

8、bleCloveDpain18、AhappinessBkindnessCbraveryDpersistence19、AmistakesBfearsCrolesDerrors20、AAt allBIn allCAbove allDAfter allSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SH

9、EET. (40 points)Text 1 Sydneys Royal Botanic Gardens are to start a war on gray-headed flying foxes. These super bats have invaded one of Australias most famous public spaces. Officials have said the animals are destroying trees and have to move on.These unwanted guests at Sydneys Royal Botanic Gard

10、ens look like tiny foxes with wings. Officials have estimated there are about 11,000 of them living in the picturesque harbor-side park. After inspecting damage to dozens of trees they now believe there are twice as many as previously thought. Branches have been breaking under the weight of these fu

11、rry invaders and their droppings have been poisoning plants.Help may well be at hand, however, in the shape of the ordinary garbage bin. The gardens director Dr. Tim Entwistle hopes the unpleasant sounds of crashing bin lids will agitate the flying foxes and force them to move on. “The way to distur

12、b them is to use noises, so weve used the loud noises made by rubbish bins in the past. You can also use speakers as long as you move the noise around, and what well do is have a series of noises, at the beginning and end of the day. What weve found in the past is that the flying foxes leave the gar

13、dens and go somewhere else,” said Tim.The gray-headed flying fox is Australias largest bat. It flies around at night using its eyes and a powerful sense of smell to search for fruit and flowers. Officials at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney have said theyre optimistic the unwelcome colony can be

14、uprooted. If and when the bats do move to other parts of the city they will of course then become someone elses problem.1、According to the passage, Why do people want to get rid of the flying foxes ?ABecause the garden are important public places.BBecause they are polluting the city.CBecause many ga

15、rbage bins have been damaged by them.DBecause theyre threatening the survival of trees and other plants.2、In order to get rid of the flying foxes, what are people doing?AThey are shooting them.BThey are using rubbish containers.CThey are shaking the trees hard.DThey are cutting some trees down.3、Which of the following can replace the underlined “agitate” in Paragraph 3?AExciteBkillCdisturbDdiscourage4、What does the writer impl


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