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1、考研英语一2023年济南市天桥区考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)As I walked through a parking lot on a cold night, I saw a homeless man. He was settling in to 1 against the wall su

2、rrounding a trash bin. Though I knew as a woman, it was 2 for me to ask g strange man if he needed 3 , I turned and walked back.“Sir,” I began, “I live over there.” I pointed to my complex and 4 that the police officer in the community said they would try to help the homeless find 5 if we called. I

3、asked if it was okay to 6 the police, and he said that it was. 7 I do not carry a cellphone, I 8 a call at a nearby business. I was afraid the police would pass by and not see him. I did not want him to be 9 . When I returned, I asked if it was okay for me to 10 with him. Again, he calmly 11 . He th

4、en asked, “Do you think theyll find me an apartment?”“I do believe so” is my 12 to him. I did not have any money or food with me 13 .two water bottles. I smiled, pulled out one of the water bottles and 14 it to him. He took the bottle and then sat up, as if he wanted to respect the 15 I made. He tho

5、ught for a moment and then began drinking small sips of the water.When the officers arrived, they 16 me that he would have housing and even thanked me. To my 17 , I was unwilling to leave the man. I realized an unexpected 18 was born. It was the calm man whose name I never knew that 19 me that thoug

6、h there will always be people who are better able to do 20 , sometimes you must stop because you are the one who is there.1、Aeat Blearn Csleep Dlean2、Astrange Bunwise Cnecessary Dvital3、Ahelp Bguide Cdonation Dsponsor4、Aexcused Binquired Cexpressed Dexplained5、Ashelter Bmoney Cfood Ddrink6、Abeg Bque

7、stion Ccontact Dtouch7、AWhile BSince CWhen DIf8、Areceived Bconfirmed Creturned Dmade9、Ainvisible Bimpolite Cignorant Dannoyed10、Aplay Bchat Clive Dwait11、Aforgot Bagreed Crefused Ddoubted12、Aidea Breason Ccause Dresponse13、Ayet Beven Cjust Dstill14、Aoffered Blent Csent Dowed15、Adecision Beffort Cpro

8、mise Ddifference16、Arequired Bwarned Cassured Dinformed17、Asurprise Bjoy Cregret Dpride18、Abusiness Baction Corganization Dconnection19、Aadvised Bcalled Creminded Dallowed20、Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing DanythingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answe

9、r the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A mother, Carrie Cort, 51, from Sussex, and her nine-year-old son have been named the UKs most environmentally friendly family after winning an award for their environmental achievement

10、s.Now every aspect of her life is environmentally friendly, from her son Adams birthday parties to her clothing, and she recycles everything from empty pens to milk bottle tops. “Changing our family lifestyle to green has saved us around 11, 000 every year, which has given us more financial stabilit

11、y,” Carrie says. “Living green has made us healthier and I feel younger now. It is fun seeing what you can make with unwanted or broken things. Growing your own food is great exercise, good for wildlife, and the food is much more nutritious and tastier.”“My concern for the way we humans are treating

12、 the planet was really roused in 2008 when Adam was born. When he arrived, I suddenly had this huge, greater awareness of the kind of planet were bringing our children into though I learnt something about it in university.” She began going to talks, reading books, watching documentaries and attendin

13、g green meetings in order to educate herself in the details of green living.Carrie set up the local campaign group Sussex Green Living six years after her sons birth. Later, she gave up her high-powered job, as she ran a video company with her brother, to do her job full-time. Today, she organizes t

14、alks and workshops. She runs a repair caf, where people can bring everything to be fixed. Her recycling program helps people reuse wastes. Toothpaste tubes, for example, which Carrie sends to the Philippines, are turned into purses by an organization. “My goal is to inspire more people to lead green

15、er, more environmentally friendly lives, to enable us to live in greater harmony with nature, now and for future organizations. I achieve this using various Sussex Green Living communication programs and working with other organizations who have the same goals and values.”1、How did Carrie feel about her environmentally friendly lifest



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