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1、2023年赤峰市考研英语一高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady, like a lot of teens today, got tired of home. The daughter objected to her familys 1

2、 lifestyle and said , “I dont want your God . I am leaving !”She left home .Before long, she was disappointed and unable to find a job, so she took to the streets to do everything she could to 2 money. Many years passed by , her father died , her mother grew 3 , and the daughter became more and more

3、 entrenched (固执) in her way of life .No contact was made between mother and daughter during these years. The mother , having 4 her daughters whereabouts , went to the poor part of the city in 5 of her daughter . She stopped at each of the rescue missions with a simple 6 “Would you allow me to 7 this

4、 picture ?” It was a picture of the smiling , gray-haired mother with a handwritten 8 at the bottom : “I love you stillcome home !”One day the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a hot meal. She sat 9 listening to the service, all the while letting her 10 wander over to the bulletin board. T

5、here she saw the picture and thought, could that be my mother?She couldnt 11 until the service was over. She stood and went to look .It was her mother , and there were those words , “I love you stillcome home !” 12 she stood in front of the picture, she wept. It was too 13 to be true.It was night, b

6、ut she was so 14 by the message that she started walking home 15 the time she arrived it was early in the morning. She was afraid and 16 her way timidly. As she knocked, the door 17 open on its own. She thought someone must have broken into the house. Concerned for her mothers 18 , the young woman r

7、an to the bedroom and shook her mother awake and said, “Its me ! Its me ! Im home!”The mother couldnt believe her eyes. They fell into each others arms . The daughter said , “I was so worried and 19 someone had broken in.” The mother replied gently , “No, dear . From the day you left , that door has

8、 never been 20 ”1、AshabbyBreligiousCawfulDsimple2、AearnBwinCofferDapproach3、AlonelierBslowerCelderDolder4、Atold aboutBheard ofClearned fromDinformed of5、AsightBchargeCsearchDwant6、ArequestBremarkCquestionDspeech7、Abring upBlay offCdrop outDput up8、ArecordBadviceCmessageDnotice9、AconstantlyBabsent-mi


10、observedBrealizedCfoundDthought20、AadoptedBopenedClockedDFixedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The study led by Myrskyla,director of t

11、he Max Planck Institute in Germany was the first to analyze the accumulative effect of several key health behaviors on disability-free and total life expectancy.Previous studies have looked at single health behaviors.Myrskyla and colleagues instead examined several behaviors simultaneously(同时),which

12、 allowed them to determine how long and healthy the lives of people who had avoided most of the well-known individual behavioral risk factors were.The researchers noted that each of the three unhealthy behaviorsobesity,smoking,and unhealthy consumption of alcoholwas linked to a reduction in life exp

13、ectancy and to an earlier occurrence of disabilities.However, smoking was found to be associated with an early death but not with an increase in the number of years with disability,while obesity led to a long period of time with disability.Excessive alcohol consumption was found to cause both decrea

14、sed lifespan(寿命)and a reduced number of healthy years.However,the absence of all of these risky healthy behaviors was found to be associated with the greatest number of healthy years.The most striking finding was the discovery of a large difference in average lifespan between the groups who were the

15、 most and the least at risk.Men who were not overweight,had never smoked,and drank properly were found to live an average of 11 years longer than men who were overweight,had smoked,and drank excessively.For women, the gap between these two groups was found to be even greater,at 12 years.“Our results show how important it is to focus on prevention.Those who avoid risky health behaviors are achieving very long and healthy lives,”said Myrskyla.Its not without reason that we are tol


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