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1、2023年武山县考研英语一押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device (装置) on your desk. And theyve never actuall

2、y 1 you. Everything they know about you 2 through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. 3 they feel they can know you 4 from the sound of your voice. Thats how powerful the 5 is.Powerful, yes, but not always 6 . For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless ag

3、ent whom Id never met 7 , got me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really 8 me. I sometimes wished to 9 another agent.One morning, I had to 10 an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Ranis office 11 . The woman sitting at the desk, 12 my madness

4、, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a 13 smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the 14 immediately. What a wonderful lady! I thought.Rushing out 15 I called out over my shoulder, By the way, whats your name? Im Rani, she said. I turned around and saw a 16 woman with a big

5、 smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip. I was 17 ! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so 18 .Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Ranis 19 her warm smile, her nods, her Im here for you 20 were all silent signals that didnt travel through wir

6、es.1、AacceptedBnoticedCheardDmet2、AcameBmovedCranDdeveloped3、AThusBYetCThenDIndeed4、AratherBalsoCjustDalready5、AtelephoneBvoiceCconnectionDimpression6、AdirectBusefulCeasyDaccurate7、Ain personBby myselfCin publicDon purpose8、AannoyedBinterestedCdiscouragedDconfused9、ApromoteBtrainCfindDknow10、Aarrang

7、eBpostponeCconfirmDbook11、Afor the first timeBat any timeCfrom time to timeDin good time12、AexpectingBseeingCtestingDavoiding13、AshyBcomfortingCfamiliarDforced14、AbillBformCticketDlist15、AhopefullyBdisappointedlyCgratefullyDregretfully16、AcarefulBseriousCnervousDpleasant17、AamusedBworriedChelplessDs

8、peechless18、AcalmBniceCproudDclever19、AforgivenessBeagernessCfriendlinessDskillfulness20、AexplanationBattitudeCconceptDbehaviorSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWE

9、R SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Feeling down? Why not visit one of these four websites?CThis site was created in 1999 and gets about seven million visitor per month. Two of its videos have been chosen as winners for the Webby Awards: Pixar Intro Parody and Web Site Story. Other funny videos to looks out f

10、or include a debate on the advantages and disadvantages of going to college.FThis site has lots of really funny videos And as the name suggests, users vote on videos, choosing the options “funny” or “die”. If the video receives too many “die” votes, its sent to the sites “crypt”. But if it gets enou

11、gh “funny” votes, it goes into the Hall of Fame. The site was crated in 2006 by comedians Will Ferrell and Adam McKay. The sites first video. The Landlord has had over 70 million views Videos to watch out for include Just a Tip: Taxi, with some valuable advice on how to catch a taxi, and Over Analyz

12、ing Texts, with some tips on how to respond to text messagesRFounded in 2005, R is a social news and entertainment website. Registered users put funny content in the form of the video link or texts on the website. Other users then vote these things “up” or “down”. The most recent and well-liked cont

13、ent appears at the top on the front page of the site.TFirst appearing as a satirical newspaper in 1988, T has hundred of videos and articles on news and current affairs, and receives an average of 7.5 million visitors a months. Its famous for its amusing items, such as Michelle Obama Seen Outside Wa

14、lking Family Rhinoceros or Dad Cant Believe Lawn.1、If you want to watch videos ever winning the Webby Awards, you can visit_.AReddit. com BCollegehumor. comCT DF2、Videos on the website F are _.Awatched over 70 million timesBvoted by their usersCbased on newspaper storiesDcreated by users3、What do R and T have in common?AThey include funny videosBThey include valuable adviceCThey include debates on educationDThey provide satirical newsText 2 Musicians are said to have better language skills and scientific studies have backed



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