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1、安徽省巢湖市无为县2023年考研英语一全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A serious defeat I suffered when I was only 10 years old helped me win the 1968 Olympic ice skating championship.

2、 It also gave me a deadly 1 - the other Peggy Fleming. Just before that, I had been roller-skating, playing basketball, and could climb 2 a tree as well as any boy. So Dad 3 me to take skating lessons. And soon I 4 several local figure-skating (花样滑冰) awards. Then came the Pacific Coast Championship

3、in Los Angeles.I, a very confident young girl, proud of the 5 of friends and newspapers, walked into the stadium 6 to add another laurel (桂冠) to my recent success. Out on the ice, I 7 enjoyed myself, flying through all kinds of figures I knew so well. But when the 8 were posted, I was 9 - out of the

4、 12 competitors I had finished last! The 10 burned as bright as my skate knives: “You didnt skate your best!” I knew that only one person had 11 me that day - myself, my own 12 .When I trained for Olympics, I would 13 the same 69 figures over and over, eight hours a day. A skater must do five figure

5、s for the Olympics, but you arent told 14 the last minute which figures these will be. So you must be very 15 with the 69 figures. Often in the middle of practicing a figure, the other Peggy Fleming would whisper, “Good enough - why 16 yourself so hard?” And then I would 17 my lesson in Los Angeles.

6、Now I skate professionally. 18 I still face this competitor, myself. I firmly believe that each of us has been given a special 19 . And if we bury our talent in our own self-satisfaction, simply do not want to make the effort or fear trying, we will 20 completely.1、Afollower Bleader Cinjury Dcompeti

7、tor2、Aup Bover Coff Ddown3、Apromised Bordered Cencouraged Dchose4、Alost Bwon Cissued Ddonated5、Ahelp Bpraise Cinstruction Dexplanation6、Aexpecting Bagreeing Chating Dpretending7、Aexactly Bgradually Cfrequently Dtotally8、Aresults Bletters Cbags Dadvertisements9、Aannoyed Bembarrassed Cshocked Dexcited

8、10、Acomment Blesson Cvisit Dexample11、Asurprised Bhonored Cblamed Dbeaten12、Aself-defense Bself-destruction Cself-satisfaction Dself-care13、Alearn Bresearch Cpractice Dphotograph14、Ain Bafter Cat Duntil15、Afamiliar Bangry Ccareful Ddisappointed16、Acriticize Bforce Chit Dignore17、Aremember Bstart Cmi

9、ss Dplan18、ASo BBut CSince DOr19、Arequirement Bknowledge Ctalent Deducation20、Alie Bsurvive Crecover DfailSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)T

10、ext 1Some people are so rude!Who sends an e-mail or a text message that just says “Thank you”? Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you? Who asks for a fact easily found on Google? Dont these people realize that theyre wasting your time?Maybe Im the rude one for not appreciating lifes l

11、ittle politeness. But many social agreed standards just dont make sense to people drowning in digital communication.In texts, you dont have to declare who you are or even say hello; E-mail, too, is slower than a text; Voice mail is a now impolite way of trying to connect.My father learned this lesso

12、n after leaving me a dozen voice mail messages, none of which I listened to. Exasperated, he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls. “Why are you leaving him voice mails?” my sister asked. “Just text him.”In the age of the smartphone, there is no reason

13、 to ask once-acceptable questions about: the weather forecast, a businesss phone number, or directions to a house, a restaurant, which can be easily found on Google Maps. But people still ask these things. And when you answer, they respond with a thank-you e-mail.How to handle these differing standa

14、rds? Easy: Consider your audience. Some people, especially older ones, appreciate a thank-you message. Others, like me, want no reply.The anthropologist (人类学家) Margaret Mead once said that in traditional societies, the young learn from the old. But in modem societies, the old can also learn from the

15、 young. Heres hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that time-wasting forms of communication do.1、What does the underlined word “exasperated” mean in the fifth paragraph?AWorried. BAnnoyed.CSurprised. DTired.2、Why didnt the writer reply to his father?AHe didnt want to talk with his fa



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