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1、云南省保山市2023年考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A Game of Light and ShadeIt was a sunny day. I had gone up and down the tower when, outside the door at the foot, a bl

2、ind man came toward me. In a moment, he disappeared up the stairs. I looked at the sign that said “To the Tower”, and decided to 1 him.I caught up with him in the ticket office. There I was 2 to see the attendant (工作人员) selling him a ticket as if he were any other visitor. Then, with the ticket in o

3、ne hand and 3 the wall with the fingers of the other, the blind man reached the stairs 4 to the hallway.“That man is blind. What would a blind man climb up the tower for?” I said to the attendant, expecting him to show some 5 , but he didnt answer.“Not the 6 certainly,” I said. “Perhaps he wants to

4、7 .”I bought a ticket and 8 up the stairs. The man hadnt gone as far as I 9 . A third of the way up the tower, I heard his 10 . I slowed down and followed him at a little 11 . He stopped from time to time. When he got to the balcony, I was a dozen steps 12 . As I reached it, I saw him at the corner

5、of the tower.At last, after ten minutes, I 13 him. “Excuse me,” I said as politely as I could, “but I am curious to know 14 you came up.”He smiled. “Coming up the stairs, you will notice how not just light but sun 15 into the tower through the narrow windows here and there, so that you can feel the

6、16 the cool stairs suddenly become quite warmand how up here behind the wall there is 17 , but as soon as going opposite a window you can find the sun. There is no 18 so good as this for feeling the difference between light and shade. It is not the first time Ive come up.”The blind man seemed quite

7、19 just like a child who was enjoying his favorite games. He told me the truth that blind men can also find the beauty in life 20 they cannot enjoy the sights of the world.1、AacceptBfollowCcontrolDvisit2、AfrightenedBdisappointedCsurprisedDembarrassed3、AtouchingBclimbingChittingDcovering4、ApointingBa


9、edBsurroundedCapproachedDwitnessed14、AwhyBhowCwhenDwhether15、AknocksBpoursCslidesDbursts16、AtrendBreactionCchangeDhonor17、AlightBspaceCmessDshade18、AplaceBsignalCobjectDperiod19、AnervousBcontentCcuriousDpatient20、AunlessBbecauseConceDalthoughSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the

10、following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The shower,I find,is the best place to cry.The water covers the sound of my sadness,while washing away any evidence of my pain.I shower after the kids have gon

11、e to bed;its the only time I can be alone.I always did my best to protect my two children from my tears.If I needed to cry,I cried by myself.Yet,I encourage my two boys to cry.My 7-year-old prides himself on never crying at school.Oh,but you must cry,I insist. Crying is good.It gets the sadness out.

12、Never hold back your tears.But then I did just that.What might it do to them to see their mother upset? Then my father died,and there was no way I could schedule my grief and keep my feelings inside.I tried to get on with things,but the sadness still came. The realization that my dad was actually go

13、ne hit me with an intensity(紧张)that was impossible to cover up.To my surprise,my boys didnt seem too alarmed.Later,they found me hiding in the bedroom one afternoon,weeping.Its OK,mommies get sad too,I told them,smiling through my tears.“Dont be sad,Mommy.Granddad is coming back as a baby,”my 7-year

14、-old said,his tiny arm stretched across my shoulders.Think about love,he went on.Think about all the people who love you.I realized that in hiding my pain,I was only denying what it means to be human,I felt as if I had led my sons to believe that negative emotions are only a concept,and not somethin

15、g they should possess.Its one thing to tell my children its OK to cry.Its another to show them how its done.We owe that to our children,according to social researcher and author Brene Brown.During her TED talk,Brown said,Its necessary we be seendeeply seen.Our job is not to protect our children,to keep them perfect,said Brown.Our job is to look and say,youre imperfect,and youre made for struggles,but you are worthy of lo



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