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1、考研英语一2023年日土县高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was Easter 1990, and my family was on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Solomon Islands for my sisters wedding.I was

2、traveling with my husband, my four-year-old son and my daughter, who was nearly two. Wed been 1 that it was very hot in the Solomon, so we 2 lots of light cotton clothes and were wearing the same as it was summer. The only problem was that we had to catch an overnight bus that 3 at midnight for the

3、airport so we could make our early morning 4 to Honiara. It was cold on the bus! My husband and I were snuggling(依偎)our children as close as we could, trying to keep them 5 . The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off, and we didnt take much 6 . The little ones were 7 , unable to sleep

4、for the biting cold. Then at one stop, an older lady came forward from the back of the bus and paused by our seat. I sat forward to see what she wanted and she 8 a small blanket, My little girl reached 9 for it and pulled it tight around her. The lady said shed made the blanket herself and, seeing t

5、hat we were cold. she wanted us to use it. After she went back to her seat, our now-warm children 10 off, and they slept comfortably all the way to the airport. Just a stop or two 11 we arrived, the lady made her way to the door to get off. I tried to 12 the children to return her blanket, but she p

6、rotested. No, she said, 13 it. I can always make another one! Over the years, that little blanket became a 14 to me and to my children of the kindness of strangers. I told the story to the children over and over and hung the blanket on the end of my daughters bed so we would see it 15 . That blanket

7、 was handmade with the colors carefully chosen. Yet its maker 16 with it to keep my family warm for a night. If ever people were bad or 17 , it served as a reminder that there is goodness in the world.I am forever 18 , not just for the warmth that night, but for the lifelong reminder of the 19 of pe

8、ople. That blanket has warmed my 20 .1、Aconfirmed Btold Cadvised Dpersuaded2、Aoffered Bpiled Cpacked Ddiscovered3、Aleft Bwent Cpulled Ddrove4、Atrain Bvisit Cride Dflight5、Acomfortable Bwarm Ccalm Dquiet6、Anotice Bcare Caction Dinterest7、Anaughty Bhungry Crestless Denergetic8、Ashowed out Bmade out Cp

9、ut out Dheld out9、Aeagerly Bsilently Cpatiently Dbravely10、Aslept Bcame Cshook Dnodded11、Aas Buntil Cbefore Dafter12、Aunload Bunwrap Cunfold Duncover13、Akeep Bpossess Creturn Dbring14、Asign Bmark Csymbol Ddecoration15、Aclosely Bregularly Ccarefully Deely16、Aremained Bhanded Cdeserted Dparted17、Acrue

10、l Bsensitive Ccautious Dugly18、Adelighted Bpitiful Cgrateful Dexcited19、Aappreciation Bnature Cwelcome Dgoodness20、Abody Blife Cpast DfutureSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers

11、 on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 There are many programs for high school students today that help lonely teenagers deal with loneliness. However, loneliness is not only an issue for teens but also an important and rarely acknowledged one in the elderly.In Britain, Tracey Crouch was appointed

12、to be the first Minister of Loneliness in order to address the issues caused by loneliness. This is the first time such a position has been created.In Britain, there are around 9 million people who say they are lonely frequently. In Germany, a study conducted by Ruhr University Bochum found that 20

13、percent of people over the age of 85 felt lonely, and 14 percent of those between age 45 and 65 felt socially lonely. In the United States, more than 25 percent of the population lives alone, more than 50 percent are unmarried.Loneliness is generally associated with heart disease, overweight, and an

14、xiety. Additionally, the stress from loneliness can cause your cells to change on a molecular(分子)level that reduces its abilities to defend your body against diseases. In fact, doctors believe having feelings of loneliness is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes per day in regard to its effect on hea

15、lth!In Britain, the new Minister of Loneliness will help introduce government policies on the issue and fund a charityan organization for helping people in need, to devote their efforts towards aiding loneliness. There are charities that link lonely seniors to high school students in order to give them a line of communication whenever they feel l


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