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1、江苏开放大学大学英语B2形考作业3参考答案23年秋注意:学习平台题目可能是随机,题目顺序与本答案未必一致,同学们在本页按“Ctrl+F”快捷搜索题目中“关键字”就可以快速定位题目,一定注意答案对应的选项,如果答案有疑问或遗漏,请在下载网站联系上传者进行售后。一、江苏开放大学大学英语B2形考作业3选择题答案23年秋1、D-1. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.A、 他没有能够遵守机器操作原理,出现了事故。B、他在遵守

2、机器安全操作规则上失败了,结果出了事故。C、他没有看清楚安全守则,结果机器出了毛病。D、因为他没有能够遵守安全规则,导致机器出了故障。参考答案:D2、D-2. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。A man cannot be really happy if what he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no importance.A、如果一个人喜欢做事情但被社会所忽略的话,他不可能真正幸福。 B、如果一个人喜欢做的事被视为不重要而被社会所忽视,他就不可能真正感到快乐。C、一个人不可能幸福,如果社会无视他喜欢做的事情的话。D、一个人不可能

3、幸福,如果他喜欢做那些被社会所忽视的事情的话。参考答案:B3、D-3. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。Humans will be affected by technology in many aspects of daily life, with some jobs potentially threatened by robots.A、机器人已经逐步代替人类,正在从事许多繁重枯燥的工作,并且大大地提高了生产率。B、机器人将会影响到人类生活的方方面面,并很有可能威胁到人类现在从事的许多工作。C、人类在日常生活的许多方面将会受到技术的影响,有些工作会受到机器人的潜在威胁。D、人类在日常

4、生活中技术将会影响许多方面,有些工作会受到机器人的威胁。参考答案:C4、D-4. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。When we are not satisfied with a purchase, the vast majority of us fail to complain to the company or business in question.A、对所购的物品感到不满意时,我们绝大多数人都没有向有关公司或企业投诉。B、当我们发现收到的商品没有达到标准时,我们就会向这些公司提出全额退款。C、我们大多数人对买到的商品感到不满时,都会要求有问题的公司或企业赔偿。D、我们大多数人

5、对买到的商品感到不满时,都会要求有关的公司或企业赔偿。参考答案:A5、D-5. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。Rents are due on the first of every month and will be considered late if not received by the 5th of the month by 5 pm.A、租金须一月一缴,最迟不超过每月5号下午5点,否则被视为违反合同。B、租金须每月第一天缴纳,如果5号下午5点前尚未收到,将被视为迟缴。C、租金须每年一次性缴纳,1月5号下午5点前须交清,否则不保证续租。D、租金须每年一次性缴纳,1月5号下午5

6、点前须交清,否则被视为违反合同。参考答案:B6、D-6. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。Those, unaware of what is happening in society today, may be surprised to learn that few academic philosophers study death, happiness and so on.A、有些人对于社会太不了解,看到没有人研究死亡和幸福就大惊小怪。B、 那些人,不知道今天的社会发生了些什么,会吃惊地发现有些哲学家竟然在研究死亡和 幸福等。C、那些人不了解当今社会发生的事情,所以发现很少有哲学家研

7、究死亡和幸福之类的东 西时会感到奇怪。D、那些对于现代社会正在发生什么不了解的人,可能会很吃惊地向哲学家学习来研究死 亡和幸福之类的东西。参考答案:C7、D-7. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。The plan having been made, what is important to the plan-maker now is to put it into practice.A、已经制订好的计划就是最重要的,要用到实践中去。B、已经制订好的关于什么是重要的计划将被投入实践。C、计划已经制订出来了,现在对制订计划者来说,重要的是要大量练习。D、计划已经制订出来了,现在对制订计划者来

8、说,关键是付诸实践。参考答案:D8、D-8. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。Not having been discovered,many laws of nature actually exist in nature and wait for you to discover.A、人们还没有发现自然当中存在许多法则。B、还没有被发现,许多自然的法律实际上存在于自然界并等待你去发现。C、自然中存在许多规律,这一点,正等待被人发现。D、虽然还没有被人类发现,但是,许多自然规律实际上存在于自然当中并等待你去发现。参考答案:D9、D-9. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。People

9、 who are not self-confident depend too much on the praise of others in order to feel good about themselves.A、人们不自信地信任别人,只为了让他们自己过得快乐。B、不自信的人通常在意他人的赞扬,为了让自己感觉好。C、缺乏自信心的人过分依赖他人的赞赏来使自己感觉良好。D、没有自信的人靠别人的怜悯来使自己感觉舒服。参考答案:C10、D-10. 理解英文句子,从四个选项中选择最佳译文。You just cant do everything on your own if you want to r

10、emain competitive and strong in a modern society.A、你自己不能做所有的事情,尽管你想在现代社会中保持竞争力和强壮。B、你不能独立做所有的事情,尽管你想在现代社会中保持竞争力和强壮。C、如果你想在现代社会中保持竞争力、保持强大,就不可能自己完成所有的事情。D、假使你想在现代社会中保持竞争力和强大,就不可能完成自己所有的事情。参考答案:C二、江苏开放大学大学英语B2形考作业3填空题答案23年秋1、D-11 选词填空题。阅读下面材料,其中有10个空,需从所给AO 15个词汇中,选择最合适的1个填进空中。将答案前的正确字母填写在对应数字序号即可。A.

11、transplant B. solution C. gradually D. transport E. elementalF. conflict G. continually H. mobile I. couples J. agriculturalK. including L. compromise M. requires N. primary O. consistingThe typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children, but numerous other dependents as wellgrandpa

12、rents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Such “extended” families were suited for survival in slow paced societies. But such families are hard to . They are immobile. Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus

13、the extended family shed its excess weight and the so-called “nuclear” family emergeda stripped-down, portable family unit only of parents and a small set of children. This new style family, far more than the traditional extended family, became the standard model in all the industrial counties. Supe

14、r-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, even higher mobility. Thus we may expect many among the people of the future to carry the stream lining process, a step further by remaining children, cutting the family down to its more components, a man and a woman. Two peo

15、ple, perhaps with matched careers, will prove more efficient at navigating through education and social status, through job changes and geographic relocations, than the ordinarily child-cluttered family. A may be the postponement of children, rather than childlessness. Men and women today are often torn in between a commitment to career and a commitment to children. In the future, many will side step this problem by deferring the entire task of raising children until after retirement.参考答案:第1空:J第2空:A第3空:C第4空:O第5空:H第6空:M第7空:E第8空:L第9空:F第10空:I三、江苏开放大学大学英语B2形考作业3简答题答案23年秋1、D- 请翻译下面长段


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