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1、读后续写,顾名思义先读后写,没有读,写就无从谈起。而读什么,怎么读?一、 “会读”是续写的关键以下是一些方法和技巧可以帮助我们找到作者对情节推动发展的伏笔线索:读背景(setting)作者通常会通过对环境、人物、物品等的详细描写来埋下伏笔线索。这些细节可能与后续情节密切相关,因此我们需要仔细观察并记下这些细节。读象征(symbol)作者可能会借用一些人物或物品,在后续情节中扮演关键角色或发挥重要作用。注意作者对这些人物或物品的特殊描述,这可能是作者为后续情节的发展做出的暗示。读对话(dialogue)人物之间的对话经常包含暗示和隐喻,这些可以揭示后续情节的发展方向。留意人物之间的隐含意义和暗示

2、,它们可能透露出一些重要线索。读矛盾(contradiction)通过文中后续出现的矛盾来引起情节的发展。当文本中出现看似矛盾或不合情理的情况时,这可能是作者为后续情节的发展刻意设计的。留意这些矛盾和反转,它们可能暗示着情节的转折点。需要注意的是,寻找作者对情节推动发展的伏笔线索需要细致入微地阅读和分析文本。通过仔细观察和推理,我们可以发现作者故意安排的线索,从而更好地理解和欣赏故事的情节发展。案例分析1:2020新高考I卷(山东卷)One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before.T

3、here was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy.The little boyhis name was Bernardhad interested her very much.“Iwish you could see him,”she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very

4、 much to earn some money, but I dont see what he can do.”划线1-2部分透露的信息是Bernard是家里唯一的顶梁柱,经济来源。下文必然是开始创业为家人赚钱。划线2还透露“我”的无奈,不知如何帮助,下文自然推出孩子们出谋划策的情节发展。案例分析2:2023年新高考I卷When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher asked me to enter a writing contest,I said no without thinking. I did not love writ

5、ing. My family came from Brazil, so English was only my second language. Writing was so difficult and painful for me that my teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic byacting out a play, where I played all the parts.No one laughed harder than he did. 从划线部分一读出我的不自信,划线部

6、分二读出老师对我的欣赏,看我表演的那份开心。所以,成功离不开老师的激励和陪伴,也可以作为升华的主题备选项。What did the horse think, as he spedthrough the night? Did he get tired? Have doubts? Did he want to quit?Isympathized immediately.I got tired. I had doubts. I wanted to quit.But, like Reveres horse, I kept going.I worked hard. I checked my spelli

7、ng. I asked my older sister to correct my grammar. I checked out a half-dozen books on Paul Revere from the library. I even read a few of them.此部分读出了作者态度的转变,由不喜欢变得的坚持写作,并取得辉煌。也揭示了自我成长的个人主题。所以以此为升华,无可厚非。When I handed in the essay to my teacher, he read it, laughed out loud and said, “Great. Now, writ

8、e it again.”I wrote it again, and again and again.When I finally finished it, the thought of winning had given way to the enjoyment of writing. If I didnt win, I wouldnt care. 此部分读出了我的心理变化,对于写作已经变为内心的热爱,开始享受写作的快乐。所以后段,继续提及keep writing属于合情合理的。实战演练阅读下面材料。根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。A school talent s

9、how would be held three weeks later. I told my best friend. Tina the news. My older brother had been teaching me juggling(杂技).and I knew hed help me with my act for the show, Tia ran over to the noticeboard and read the poster But when Tina asked me what our act was going to be. I didnt know how to

10、speak up for myself. I held on to my books tightly. Tina laughed and pointed to the poster. It said acts can be individuals, partners, or small groups. My grip(%摊)on my books now became uncomfortable. I asked Tina if she wanted to do an act with me. She nodded. I hesitated for a second before contin

11、uing. “Ive got an idea and Tina interrupted me immediately.“Yeah, me too. Lets talk about it over lunch ”.During math, I tried to think of how I would tell Tina that I wanted to do my own act. After all, we were best friends: we should be able to see eve to eve about this. The problem was Tina alway

12、s took charge. I never spoke up, and then I ended up feeling angry. I desperately wanted to win, but it was more than that. I wanted to win on my own with an act that was all mine.At lunch, Tina started talking as soon as we sat down. She had it all planned out. She said we could singalong to a song

13、 and do a dance routine, and her mother could make us costumes. However, I got up the courage and told her about my juggling act. Tina said she didnt think she could learn to juggle in three weeks and that she would probably drop the balls. She didnt want to be embarrassed. I didnt say anything. but

14、 after school I ran around the track a couple of times just to let off steam(情绪).注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答Paragraph 1:My grandmother drove over to pick me upParagraph 2:When we got home, I took 12 deep breaths before I called Tina.续写答案详细解析:A school talent show would be held three weeks

15、later. I told my best friend, Tina, the news.My older brother had been teaching me juggling(玩杂耍),此处读出续写中我的动作行为。and I knew hed help me with my act for the show. Tina ran over to the noticeboard and read the poster.But when Tina asked me what our act was going to be, I didnt know how to speak up for m

16、yself. I held on to my books tightly.此处读出我的性格特征,有点胆小,不太敢于说出自己的看法。Tina laughed and pointed to the poster. It said acts can be individuals, partners, or small groups.My grip(紧握)on my books now became uncomfortable.此处再次读出我的心理活动,为续写中和Tina交流铺垫心理情绪的活动描写,也为奶奶人物参与鼓励做了铺垫。I asked Tina if she wanted to do an act with me. She nodded.I hesitated for a second before continuing. “Ive got an idea and ” Tina inte


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