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1、中学完形填空专练小卷(二)(2024届浙江省绍兴市高三上学期模拟预测英语试题)Devi had never been to a swimming lesson in her life. But now that her mother had found a new job in the city, Devi faced a new 76 school field trips to the local pool. The first time Devi went with her class to the pool, she had no 77 what she was in for. Devi

2、 78 into the water and held onto the side of the pool, expecting to be able to touch the 79 with her feet. But when Devi 80 the side of the pool, she sank under the water. Devi soon 81 the cement ledge (水泥平台) to prevent herself drowning. Then, seized by 82 , she just sat on a bench, too embarrassed

3、to try again. When she came home, her mother 83 right away that Devi was upset. “Honey, I made a call to the local pool, and you start lessons this weekend.” Devi felt 84 that lessons would help, but she had to 85 her fear. 86 , when the time came to take her first lesson, Devi was even more embarra

4、ssed than before. “Im 13, and Im taking lessons with all little kids! This is 87 !”When she was standing there, her 88 came over and said, “Hi, Devi! Im Angela. You know what, I didnt learn to swim until I was 20, and now Im a swimming teacher!”Angelas words put Devi 89 . She couldnt help but smile,

5、 realizing that she might never be a fearless swimmer, but she would sure have fun 90 .76AplatformBopportunityCchallengeDproject77AideaBhopeCviewDintention78AdivedBsankCleaptDslipped79AsideBbottomCsurfaceDedge80Atook hold ofBlet go ofCgot rid ofDcaught sight of81AgrabbedBobtainedCrecalledDfixed82Apu

6、zzleBdelightChorrorDregret83AimaginedBconcludedCnoticedDwondered84AcontentBgratefulCcuriousDdoubtful85AhideBovercomeCsupportDconvey86AStillBThereforeCOtherwiseDMoreover87AfantasticBridiculousCtolerantDaccessible88AparentBfriendCpartnerDinstructor89Aat easeBin troubleCat riskDin need90AcompetingBplay

7、ingCtryingDwinning(浙江省杭州市之江高级中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中测试英语试题)My mom has been and will always be my biggest inspiration. She is a single parent of eight, and I have no idea how she survived. Throughout the years, my mom has 91 many hardships which could easily make someone with little determination 92 .Ev

8、en when doctors 93 if my little sister Mary would live to see the age of 2, my mom never lost hope. After 94 visits to countless doctors, my mom decided to bring her home and make the best of my sisters life 95 giving in to the bad results from different hospitals. Marys frequent hospital visits def

9、initely upset her, but my mom never showed 96 of weakness. Her 97 helped Mary through every tough time. No matter how confused Mary was, my mom always made her feel as if there was mothing to worry about, which 98 Mary to live the life of a normal child. 99 , things began to take a tum for the worse

10、. Around her 6th birthday, Mary lost sight, which was caused by loss of sensation(直觉)in her left arm at the age of 5. The doctor said that it could 100 cure. The whole family were heartbroken and helpless. Once again, my mom found a way to 101 us all. She made it her job to let us know that she had

11、a strong support system. She 102 her job and stayed with Mary day and night, which helped contribute to her recovery 103 .My mom gets us to realize that no matter how 104 our life may appear, we have a strong 105 system. We are a family that will always be there for one another.91AscaredBdefeatedCwa

12、rnedDcheered92AdelightedBembarrassedCashamedDdiscouraged93AquestionedBorderedCguessedDrecommended94AnumerousBlimitedCfewDrare95Ain spite ofBdue toCapart fromDrather than96AsignalsBpredictionsCsignsDsymbols97AcreationBstrengthCgestureDjudgement98ApreventedBpersuadedCenabledDsuggested99ANeverthelessBT

13、hereforeCBesidesDHence100AfrequentlyBactuallyCpossiblyDhardly101AblameBinspireCfavorDrespect102Aput upBtook upCgave upDbroke up103AgraduallyBimmediatelyCterriblyDinstantly104AcruelBofficialCtoughDsmooth105AperformanceBacceptanceCentertainmentDsupport(浙江省杭州市学军中学海创园学校2022-2023学年高二下学期期中测试英语试题)How do we

14、 make good things out of bad? How do we look at ourselves? Can there be a 106 side even in our pain? There was an elderly woman. She needed to walk down to the river every morning to 107 water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. She 108 two buckets, filled them up on the riverbank and walked back with them to her rural 109 .One of the buckets was newer, perfectly sealed (密封) and 110 its water completely. The second bucket was older and contained a few thin cracks that would 111 water as


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