Unit+4+SectionA 讲义 人教版七年级英语上册+

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Unit+4+SectionA 讲义 人教版七年级英语上册+_第1页
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1、 新目标七年级英语上册 Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? SectionA 课文重点内容讲解1、A: Are the keys on the sofa?钥匙在沙发上吗?B: No, they arent. Theyre on the table.不,不在。它们在桌子上。对一般疑问句的回答可用简略答语,肯定回答用Yes, it is. /Yes, they are.;否定回答用“No,it isnt./No, they arent.。如:- Is your ruler on the chair? 你的尺子在椅子上吗? -Yes, it is./No,it isnt.是的。/不

2、,不在。2、Come on, Jack! 快点儿,杰克!Come on.(口语,用于催促、鼓励)嘿,快点!来吧!加油!如: Come on! The bus is coming!快点儿,车来了! Come on! You are the best.加油!你是最棒的。3、I think its in your grandparents room.我想它在你祖父母的房间里。I think (that)+从句,表示“我想;我认为”,其中that可以省略。当主语为第三人称单数时,要用thinks。如:I think the notebook is Helens.我想这个笔记本是海伦的。 She thi

3、nks you are a good boy.她认为你是一个好孩子。 Do you think he will come?你觉得他会来吗? -Where are the pencils?铅笔在哪里? - I dont know.我不知道。行为动词构成否定句和疑问句时要用助动词do(第三人称单数变为does)。如: I dont know the answer.我不知道答案。 He doesnt like carrots.他不喜欢胡萝卜。 Do you know her name?你知道她的名字吗?巩固练习(一)单词拼写。1-W_ are you from?- Im from China.2 W

4、hen I watch TV, I like sitting on the _(沙发).3 Some pictures of our dog are on the t_.4 - Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? - Sorry, I dont k_.5 Some old people are playing chess u_the tree.6 Every day she gets up early, and cleans her r_.7 W_ is your English book? Its in my schoolbag.8 Ma

5、rys dictionary is on the _ (沙发). 9 I _(认为) your schoolbag is on your bed. 10 On Teachers Day, students usually make cards to thank t_ teachers.(二)翻译句子。11 帽子在哪里?_12 它们在书桌上。_13 我不知道。_14 它在书柜里吗?_15 不,它不在。_16 打扰一下。你的沙发在哪里?Excuse me. _?17 这是你们的桌子吗?_ your _?18 我的全家福在书架上。My family photo is _.19 他弟弟的手表在椅子下面

6、。_ watch is _.20 他的书在哪里? 它们在他的书包里。_ his books? They are _.(三)单项选择。( )21 Where_my shoes?A. isB. amC.areD. be( ) 22 All my books are_my bedroom.A.inB. ofC. withD. on( )23 He_the hat_.A.think; expensive B. thinks; expensiveC. think; is expensiveD. thinks; is expensive( )24-Where is your father?- Sorry

7、,_.A. l like himB. I dont knowC. he is readingD. he is in the room( )25 She is sitting on the grass_a tree.A. inB.onC. underD.with( )26 Where are _ pencils? Theyre in _ pencil box.A. the; anB.a; a C. the; the D.a; the( )27 Mom,I cant find my schoolbag.Its on the bed in your _.A. headB. room C. chair

8、 D. bookcase( )28 Tom and Mike are brothers._mother is Amy Smith.A. TheirB. They C. His D. He( )29 I cant find my eraser. Wheres it, Dad? I _ its in your pencil box.A. askB. help C. think D. thank( )30 _,Mike. You must meet your grandpa at 8:30 a.m.I see. But its 7:00 a.m. now.A. Thank you B. Good e

9、veningC. Come on D. Have a good day三、语法选择This is my house. There _31_ three bedrooms in it. One is for my parents. One is for my grandparents. And the third (第三的) bedroom is for me. There is a table and a chair in _32_ bedroom. I can study there every day. There is a bed _33_ it. It is very clean _3

10、4_ tidy. I like sleeping on it. Above the bed I put up a picture of me _35_ the wall. _36_ very big and lovely. _37_ is the big window? Oh, it is in front of my bed. Every morning the sun shines through it. I get up at six oclock. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth in _38_ washing room. My mothe

11、r does cooking in the kitchen. By the way, I have _39_ computer on my desk. I do some homework on it. It _40_ me a lot. Sometimes my friend and I play games, too. I love it very much.( )31.A. is B. are C. am( )32.A. I B. me C. my( )33.A. in B. under C. on( )34.A. orB. andC. but( )35.A. inB. onC. in( )36.A. ItsB. ItC. Its( )37.A. WhoB. WhatC. Where( )38.A. ourB. we C. ours( )39.A. anB. aC. the( )40.A. helpB. helpsC. helping 学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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