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1、 七年级上册期中知识点汇集Starter Unit 1 Good morning!1. Hello/Hi. 答语:Hello/Hi.2. Good morning. 答语:Good morning.3. Good afternoon. 答语:Good afternoon.4. Good evening. 答语:Good evening.5. How are you? 答语:Im fine,thanks. And you ? / Im OK.Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?1. Whats this/that in English? 答语:Its a/a

2、n +单数名词。 (an orange, a map, a cup, a pen, a jacket, a key, a ruler)2. a + 辅音开头的单词(如a map, a ruler) an+元音开头的单词 (如 an orange, an apple, an eraser)3. Spell it, please. 请拼写它 答语: 大写字母串 如:M-A-PStarter Unit 3 What color is it?1.询问颜色:What color is it? 答语:Its+颜色词。(颜色词:red, yellow, green, blue, black, white,

3、purple, brown )2. be 动词(am,is,are)的用法: I 用am,you用are,is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it) 单数名词用is, 复数一律都用are. 3. 元音字母:A E I O U4. 26个字母按元音分类口诀: /ei/音四金刚 A H J K /i:/音九朵花 B C D E G P T V Z /e/ 音七仙女 F L M N S X Z /ju:/音兄弟三 U Q W /ai/ 音姐妹俩 I Y / /a:/俩孤儿 O R 5. 缩写形式与完全形式:Im = I am its=it is whats=what isUnit 1 My name

4、s Gina.1. 询问对方名字: Whats your name? 答语:Im+名字 或 My name is+名字 或 直接回答名字2. 询问他人名字: Whats his name? 答语:His name is +男名. 或 Hes+男名. Whats her name? 答语:Her name is +女名. 或 Shes+女名.3. Nice to meet you. 答语: Nice to meet you, too.4. 确认对方名字:Are you +名字? 答语:Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 5. 确认他人名字: Is he +单数名词? 答语:Yes,

5、 he is./ No, he isnt.Is she +单数名词? 答语:Yes, she is./ No, she isnt.6. 询问电话号码:Whats your telephone number? 答语:Its+电话号码。 或My telephone number is +电话号码。7. 缩写形式与完全形式: names=name is hes= he is shes= she is Unit 2 This is my sister.1.向他人介绍某人:This is + 单数名词。 这是. That is + 单数名词。 那是. These are+复数名词。 这些是. Those

6、 are+复数名词。 那些是.2.询问他人身份: Whos he? 答语:Hes +男名。 Whos she? 答语:Shes +女名。 Whore they? 答语:Theyre +名字。3. this复数 these that复数 those4. 可数名词复数的变化规则:见课本P86. 一般在名词后加s5. 缩写形式与完全形式:thats =that is whos = who is Whore =who are theyre =they are6. Have a good day! 答语:Thanks! You, too. 7.这里有某物。 Here is +单数名词 Here is a

7、 book. Here are +复数名词 Here are some books.Unit 3 Is this your pencil?1. 一般疑问句及其答语:Is this +单数名词? 答语:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Is that +单数名词? 答语:Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Are these +复数名词? 答语:Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Are those +复数名词? 答语:Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 2. 人称代词: 主格Iyouhesheitwe做句

8、子主语they 宾格meyouhimheritus做句子宾语them形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsour+名词their名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsours可单独使用theirs3. 基本句型:主语+be+名词/代词 4. 缩写形式与完全形式:isnt =is not arent = are not 5. Excuse me. 打扰了;劳驾。 Sorry 对不起6. 名词所有格,表示所属关系.的 见P86.7. What about+名词/代词动名词?=How about+名词/代词动名词? 用于询问消息,征询建议或提出建议。8. Thank you f

9、or =Thanks for +名词/动名词。 答语: Youre welcome.9. How do you spell it? 答语:大写字母串。如W-A-T-C-H10. ask sb.(某人)for sth.(某事物) 向某人要回某物 ask sb. about sth. 问某人关于某事 11. some+名词复数/不可数名词 一些 如some keys/some money. 12. in the school library 在学校图书馆里13. e-mail sb. at +邮箱地址 给某人发电子邮件14. call sb. At +电话号码 打电话找某人 Unit 4 Wher

10、es my schoolbag ?1. Where 引导的特殊疑问句: Where is +主语(单数)? 答语:Its +方位介词短语. Where are +主语(复数)? 答语:Theyre +方位介词短语.2.方位介词短语:1) in the schoolbag 在书包里 2) in the bookcase 在书架里 3) in your grandparents room 在你爷爷奶奶的房间里4)on the table 在桌子上5)on your head 在你的头上6)on the sofa 在沙发上7) under the desk 在你的桌子下8) under your bed 在你的床下 学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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