Module+4+Unit+2 外研版初中英语九年级上册

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《Module+4+Unit+2 外研版初中英语九年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module+4+Unit+2 外研版初中英语九年级上册(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.Module 4 Home alone2 Warming upWarming up师生问候师生问候Good morning,boys and girlsGood morning,Miss/Mrs3 Look and sayWarming upWarming up4 Show homeworkWarming upWarming up5 Learn the new wordsPresentationPresentationorder/

2、d/n.命令;指示order 还可意为还可意为“点菜点菜”,也可,也可作动词,意为作动词,意为“命令;订购命令;订购”。6 Learn the new wordsPresentationPresentationempty/empti/adj.空的7 Learn the new wordsPresentationPresentationstomach/stmk/n.胃;腹部8 Learn the new wordsPresentationPresentationclassmate/klsmet/n.同班同学复数为复数为 classmates9 Learn the new wordsPresent

3、ationPresentationburn/bn/v.(使)烤糊;(使)烧焦过去式和过去分词有两种:过去式和过去分词有两种:burned/burned;burnt/burnt。10 Learn the new wordsPresentationPresentationcup/kp/n.杯子;一杯饮料a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡一杯咖啡11 Learn the new wordsPresentationPresentationsimple=easy,形容词“简单的;容易的”。task,可数名词(=job)“任务;工作”。turn off 关掉;(关闭设备)on business 出差

4、12 PresentationPresentationturn offPractise the new wordsorderon businessemptystomachclassmateburncupsimpletasktidy upteenagerourselves13 Work in pairs.Talk about daily things you do alone and the things your parents do for you.ReadingReading cook dinner go shopping tidy up wash clothes14 Listen to

5、the passage and choose the best summary.ReadingReadinga)Zheng Chenyu found his life more difficult without his parents.b)Zheng Chenyu depended on his parents to prepare meals for him.c)Zheng Chenyu had so much homework that he did not have time to look after himself.d)Zheng Chenyu should learn to co

6、ok.15 Translate the passageReadingReading我的我的“完美假期完美假期”作为男孩,就像其他所有的男孩一样,我想做个男子汉。但我的父母却为我包办一切。实际上,他们安排了我生活中的每一分钟。虽然他们是爱我,但我有点儿不高兴。“郑晨宇,做作业!”“练琴了!”“把电视关掉!”我对他们的指令厌烦之至,我多希望他们能让我独自生活。没料想,我的愿望实现了!虽然爸爸妈妈非常担心暂时离开我,但是他们不得不出差几天。现在,我的机会来了!我终于可以快乐轻松一下了!第一天,放学一到家,我就开心地把书包往沙发上一扔,吃了许多零食。然后我在电视上看了一部精彩的电影,接着玩了电脑游戏。

7、我对这个游戏非常痴迷,一直玩到半夜。16 Translate the passageReadingReading 第二天,我醒得晚了。早饭没吃我就匆忙地赶往学校,但我还是迟到了。老师向我要家庭作业,但我交不出来。我肚子空空,也没力气和同学打篮球。在校一整天我都觉得精疲力尽,睡意蒙眬。回到家后,我想自己做点儿米饭,但把饭给烧焦了。做饭时我还把爸爸的茶杯给掉在地上了。我发现自己动手做饭的能力那么差。我开始觉得孤独。我想让爸爸妈妈快点回来。妈妈做的菜那么好吃,而且保证让我从来不忘记作业。爸爸总是帮我解决难题。我难过时,他总给我讲滑稽的笑话。然后我意识到,独自在家并不是完美的事情。当爸爸妈妈回来后,他

8、们高兴地发现我会做饭和整理了。我跟他们讲了自己独自在家时的故事,大家都笑了。17如此以至于例如:Li Gang is so young that he cant go to school.李刚太年轻了,他不能上学。2.turn off 关闭例如:Turn off the light before you leave the classroom.离开教室前把灯关掉。3.on business 出差例如:My fathers going to Shanghai on business.我爸爸要去上海出差。Language pointsReadingReading18 4.ti

9、dy up 整理例如:Im very happy that my little son can tidy up his bedroom.我很高兴我的小儿子能整理他的卧室。5.hand in 上交例如:The teacher asks us to hand in our homework on time.老师要求我们按时交作业。6.ask sb for sth 向某人要某物例如:The child often asks his parents for money.这个孩子经常向父母要钱。Language pointsReadingReading19 1.Zheng Chenyu felt _ w

10、ith his parents because they did everything for him and managed every minute of his life.2.After Zheng Chenyus parents went away on business,he felt _ because he could _.3.Zheng Chenyu felt _ after the first night.4.Zheng Chenyu felt _ when he found he could not look after himself well.5.Zheng Cheny

11、u realised being home alone _.Complete the sentences.See how Zheng Chenyus feelings changed.unhappyhappyhave some fun at lasttired and happylonelywas not always perfectDiscussion&ConsolidationDiscussion&Consolidation20 Zheng Chenyu was bored with his parents(1)_.He was happy when his parents went aw

12、ay on business,although he soon found that he could not do(2)_ things.He forgot his homework.He went to school with a(n)(3)_ stomach.He(4)_ his food and broke his fathers(5)_.Zheng Chenyu had to learn to do(6)_ like cooking and tidying up.He realised being home alone was not always perfect.Complete

13、the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.burn cup empty order simple taskorderssimpleemptyburnt/burnedcuptasksDiscussion&ConsolidationDiscussion&Consolidation21 WritingWritingMake lists of what Zheng Chenyu can do and cannot do when his parents are away.Zheng Chenyu can do Zheng Che

14、nyu cant do He cant wake up on time.He cant cook meals.He can eat snacks.He can play computer games.He can watch films on TV.He cant hand in homework on time.22 WritingWritingWrite a passage about what you can do and what you cannot do when your parents are away.Make lists of what you can do and can

15、not do when your parents are away.I can wake up on time.I cannot make breakfast.Now join the sentences with although,but or so.that.I can wake up on time,although I cannot make breakfast.Write a conclusion to the sentences.I will miss my parents,but I think I can look after myself very well.Share yo

16、ur passage with your classmates.23 SummarySummary英语阅读的方法和技巧英语阅读的方法和技巧1.阅读时,首先弄清楚后面每题的要求,然后快速浏览短阅读时,首先弄清楚后面每题的要求,然后快速浏览短文的大意,知道主题即可。接着带着问题读短文,在速读文的大意,知道主题即可。接着带着问题读短文,在速读的过程中,尽可能的多捕捉一些信息。因为我们必须在十的过程中,尽可能的多捕捉一些信息。因为我们必须在十分有限的时间里来快速阅读短文的大意。分有限的时间里来快速阅读短文的大意。2.通过上下文猜测生词的意思,不要被不认识的单词羁绊。通过上下文猜测生词的意思,不要被不认识的单词羁绊。3.要抓住每段的主题句。仔细琢磨,理解透彻。它一般出要抓住每段的主题句。仔细琢磨,理解透彻。它一般出现在文章的开头和结尾。但是也有一些短文没有主题句,现在文章的开头和结尾。但是也有一些短文没有主题句,需要自己去归纳。需要自己去归纳。24 SummarySummary英语阅读的方法和技巧英语阅读的方法和技巧1.重点单词重点单词:order,empty,stomach,classmate


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