高考英语二轮复习提升考能 8

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《高考英语二轮复习提升考能 8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习提升考能 8(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、-1-.常考句型【句型 1】SinceS过去时,S现在完成时。“自从”仿写:自从他上高中,他一直很用功。Since he went to senior high school,he has worked very hard.【句型 2】It pays toV.“是值得的。”仿写:帮助别人是值得的。It pays to help others.【句型 3】be based on“以为基础”仿写:社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。The progress of the society is based on harmony.完形填空 体 裁 话 题 关键词 建议时间 正确率 夹叙夹议 热点话题 insu

2、rance 15 分钟/20 Years ago,my wife Anne was talking to a woman I call Lisa about another lady I call Gwen.Gwen had just 1 her job.Since shed only worked for the company a short time,she wasnt 2 to continue the companys medical insurance.That was 3 because she was eight weeks pregnant and unmarried and

3、 the reason shed taken the 4 was to get medical insurance.With the help of a lawyer,Gwen had 5 her employer with a lawsuit,claiming the company 6 her because she was pregnant.Anne asked,“Is that what really 7?”“Well,no,”Lisa answered,“but she really needs the 8 .She hopes the-2-threat will 9 the com

4、pany to settle.”“But thats 10 !”Anne said.Shocked by Annes 11 ,Lisa stressed how hard it would be for Gwen with no insurance and no 12 .She had been artificially inseminated(授精)Gwen had thought of asking the 13 if she could keep her insurance 14 paying the premiums(额外费用),but her lawyer told her it w

5、ould weaken her case.Anne was 15 .“Weaken her case?Her case is a 16 !Shes in a tough situation,but how can she possibly justify making a false 17?”Lisa concluded,“Gwen did what she had to do.”Its one thing to feel compassion for Gwen.Its quite another to justify deception because its“18 ”Necessity c

6、laims have a powerful force,but neither real nor 19 poverty gives anyone a moral free pass.Personal needs and wants dont trump moral principles.20 is doing the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay.【语篇导读】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。本文进述了 Gwen 用谎言来获得自己急需的医疗保险的故事,说明了必要性不能成为一个人撒谎的理由这一道理。1A.obtained

7、Blost Cleft Dfound 解析考查上下文暗示。根据后面的“Since shed only worked for the company a short time”可知她刚失去了工作。答案B 2A.enthusiastic Bshameful Cappropriate Dpotential 解析考查上下文暗示。结合后面的“to continue the companys medical insurance”可知由于她在那个公司工作的时间短,所以她无法继续享受医疗保险。appropriate“恰当的,合适的”,符合语境。enthusiastic“热情的”,shameful“可耻的”,p

8、otential“潜在的”,均不符合语境。答案C 3A.important Bstrange Cnatural Dunusual-3-解析考查上下文暗示。根据后面的“because she was eight weeks pregnant and unmarried”可知医疗保险对她来说是很重要的,因为她怀孕了,并且未婚。important“重要的”,符合语境。strange“奇怪的”,natural“自然的”,unusual“不寻常的”,均不符合语境。答案A 4A.chance Brisk Coffer Djob 解析考查上下文暗示。由上下文可知她当初干这份工作的原因是想拥有医疗保险。答案D

9、 5A.threatened Binvolved Cconnected Dwarned 解析考查语境逻辑。根据语境可知此处应是指她威胁公司。threaten“威胁”,符合语境。involve“包含”,connect“(使)连接”,warn“警告”,均不符合语境。答案A 6A.tricked Bprejudiced Coffended Dsuspected 解析考查语境逻辑。结合后面的“because she was pregnant”可知她要起诉公司因为她怀孕了而歧视她。prejudice“使怀有(或形成)偏见”,符合语境。trick“欺骗”,offend“冒犯”,suspect“怀疑”,均不

10、符合语境。答案B 7A.allowed Bdiffered Chappened Dmattered 解析考查语境逻辑。这里指 Anne 问是不是真的发生了这样的事情。happen“发生”,符合语境。allow“允许”,differ“不同于”,matter“要紧”,均不符合语境。答案C 8A.money Bassistance Cpayment Dinsurance 解析考查上下文暗示。根据上文中的“to get medical insurance”可知她需要这份医疗保险,所以选 D。答案D 9A.persuade Btempt Cforce Dencourage 解析考查语境逻辑。语境表示她希

11、望通过威胁公司来迫使公司给予她享受医疗保险的权利。force“迫使”,符合语境。persuade“劝说”,tempt“引诱”,-4-encourage“鼓励”,均不符合语境。答案C 10A.dishonest Bunfair Cimpossible Dinnocent 解析考查语境逻辑。Gwen 说公司因为她怀孕而歧视她,但是实际上并没有发生这样的事情,所以这里指她这样做是不诚实的。dishonest“不诚实的”,符合语境。unfair“不公平的”,impossible“不可能的”,innocent“清白的,无辜的”,均不符合语境。答案A 11A.puzzlement Bblame Ccuri

12、osity Dwarning 解析考查语境逻辑。上文 Anne 说她是不诚实的,所以这是一种责备,故选B。blame“指责,责怪”,符合语境。puzzlement“困惑”,curiosity“好奇”,warning“警告”,均不符合语境。答案B 12A.relative Bfriend Chusband Dparent 解析考查上下文暗示。根据第一段中的“unmarried”可知她没有丈夫。答案C 13A.lawyer Bboss Cgovernment Dcompany 解析考查上下文呼应。此处指上文反复提到的公司。答案D 14A.by Bwith Cin Dof 解析考查语境逻辑。此处表示

13、是否她可以通过给公司缴纳额外费用来保留自己的医疗保险。这里表示方式,所以用介词 by。by doing sth“通过做”。答案A 15A.cautious Bdoubtful Chappy Dupset 解析考查上下文暗示。从后面的“Weaken her case?”可知 Anne 感到疑惑。因为案件本身就是不合法的,竟然还会削弱案由。doubtful“怀疑的”,符合语境。cautious“小心的”,happy“高兴的”,upset“难过”,均不符合语境。-5-答案B 16A.lie Bfact Creality Dstory 解析考查上下文暗示。因为公司并没有歧视她,所以这个案件是不真实的。

14、lie“谎言”,符合语境。fact“事实”,reality“现实”,story“故事”,均不符合语境。答案A 17A.comparison Bannouncement Cpromise Dclaim 解析考查语境逻辑。此处表示 Anne 不明白她怎么能够对虚假的索赔作出解释。claim 意为“要求,索取,索赔”。comparison“比较”,announcement“宣布”,promise“诺言”,均不符合语境。答案D 18A.beneficial Bnecessary Caccidental Dharmless 解析考查语境逻辑。结合前面的“Its quite another to just

15、ify deception”以及本文最后一段可知这个欺骗是以“需要”为理由的。beneficial“有益的”,accidental“偶然的”,harmless“无害的”,均不符合语境。答案B 19A.miserable Bextreme Cfalse Dfinancial 解析考查上下文暗示。与前面的“real”形成对比,故选 C。miserable“痛苦的”,extreme“极大的”,financial“财政的”,均不符合语境。答案C 20A.Courage BCharacter CNature DKindness 解析考查语境逻辑。character“品质”,符合语境。courage“勇气”,nature“本性”,kindness“善良”,均不符合语境。答案B


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