高中英语:Unit 3 课时跟踪练(五) Lesson 4

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《高中英语:Unit 3 课时跟踪练(五) Lesson 4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语:Unit 3 课时跟踪练(五) Lesson 4(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、-1-课时跟踪练课时跟踪练(五五)LessonLesson 4 4 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写单词拼写 1 1 TheyThey willwill completecomplete thethe decorationdecoration (装 饰装 饰)ofof theirtheir newnew househouse onon thethe weekend.weekend.2 2YouYou putput thethe letterletter inin thethe envelopeenvelope (信封信封)andand sendsend iti

2、t throughthrough thethe postpost office.office.3 3SeeingSeeing hishis mothermother comecome intointo hishis bedroom,bedroom,littlelittle JackJack swallowedswallowed (吞下吞下)thethe puddingpudding quickly.quickly.4 4NotNot onlyonly adultsadults (成年人成年人)butbut thethe youngyoung maymay suffersuffer fromfr

3、om thethe teethteeth problem.problem.5 5TheThe thiefthief coveredcovered hishis faceface withwith a a stockingstocking (长筒女袜长筒女袜)6 6ThoseThose whowho wentwent toto thethe dancedance partyparty worewore a a flowerflower onon theirtheir breastsbreasts (胸部胸部)7 7TheThe merrymerry (高兴的高兴的)facesfaces ofof

4、 thethe childrenchildren showshow usus thatthat theythey areare livingliving a a happyhappy life.life.8 8WeWe leanedleaned thethe polepole (柱,杆柱,杆)backback againstagainst thethe wall.wall.单句语法填空单句语法填空 1 1ItIt wonwont t bebe longlong beforebefore theythey understandunderstand eacheach other.other.2 2

5、HeHe stayedstayed upup latelate intointo thethe night,night,preparingpreparing (prepare)(prepare)forfor a a speech.speech.3 3TheThe managersmanagers discusseddiscussed thethe planplan thatthat theythey wouldwould likelike toto seesee carriedcarried outout thethe nextnext year.year.4 4Jenny,Jenny,put

6、put awayaway youryour toystoys beforebefore leavingleaving thethe room.room.5 5TheThe prisonerprisoner waswas ledled inin withwith hishis handshands tiedtied (tie)(tie)toto hishis back.back.6 6NotNot untiluntil thethe riverriver waswas seriouslyseriously (serious)(serious)pollutedpolluted diddid the

7、the locallocal governmentgovernment realizerealize thethe problem.problem.7 7sheshe forgotforgot toto turnturn offoff thethe taptap (水龙头水龙头),),soso therethere waswas waterwater allall overover thethe floor.floor.8 8WhatWhat badbad mannersmanners itit isis forfor thethe boyboy toto talktalk withwith

8、hishis mouthmouth full!full!.选词填空选词填空 l la au ug gh h a at t,t tu ur rn n o of ff f,c ca ar rr ry y o on n,p pu ut t o on n,s st ta ay y a aw wa ak ke e,p pl la ay y w wi it th h 1 1I I cancan eateat whatwhat I I wantwant butbut I I nevernever putput_ _onon weight.weight.2 2I I laidlaid mymy bookboo

9、k aside,aside,turnedturned_ _offoff thethe lightlight andand wentwent toto sleep.sleep.3 3StayStay_ _awake!awake!YouYou shouldshould knowknow itit isis notnot permittedpermitted toto sleepsleep inin class.class.4 4AfterAfter hishis death,death,hishis childrenchildren willwill certainlycertainly carr

10、ycarry_ _onon hishis career.career.-2-5 5ChildrenChildren shouldshould bebe taughttaught notnot toto starestare atat oror laughlaugh_ _atat thethe disableddisabled people.people.6 6LeftLeft atat homehome readingreading allall day,day,thethe boyboy feltfelt veryvery lonelylonely andand wishedwished t

11、oto gogo outout toto playplay_ _withwith hishis friends.friends.课文语法填空课文语法填空 MemoriesMemories ofof ChristmasChristmas ForFor me,me,ChristmasChristmas alwaysalways beganbegan inin thethe middlemiddle ofof November.November.WeWe satsat downdown inin frontfront ofof thethe firefire andand wrotewrote (w

12、rite)(write)a a letterletter toto FatherFather Christmas.Christmas.WeWe seriouslyseriously (serious)(serious)wrotewrote “Father“Father Christmas,Christmas,thethe NorthNorth Pole”Pole”beforebefore givinggiving themthem toto ourour mothermother toto post.post.OnOn ChristmasChristmas Eve,Eve,thethe who

13、lewhole familyfamily helpedhelped toto putput upup thethe ChristmasChristmas tree,tree,thethe decorationsdecorations andand thethe balloons.balloons.AtAt nightnight beforebefore wewe wentwent toto bedbed wewe putput stockingsstockings atat thethe endend ofof ourour bedsbeds forfor ChristmasChristmas

14、 gifts.gifts.ChristmasChristmas lunchlunch waswas alwaysalways late,late,butbut whatwhat a a lunch!lunch!OfOf allall I I likelike turkeyturkey breastbreast thethe bestbest (well).(well).I I putput soso muchmuch foodfood inin mymy mouthmouth sometimessometimes thatthat itit waswas hardhard toto_ _swa

15、llowswallow (swallow).(swallow).AfterAfter lunch,lunch,thethe adultsadults sleptslept onon thethe sofassofas whilewhile wewe allall playedplayed cards.cards.ThenThen wewe hadhad tea,tea,withwith a a hugehuge ChristmasChristmas cakecake coveredcovered (cover)(cover)withwith snowmen.snowmen.ByBy bedti

16、mebedtime allall ofof thethe childrenchildren werewere veryvery tired.tired.AsAs soonsoon asas wewe turnedturned offoff thethe light,light,wewe allall fellfell intointo a a deep,deep,happyhappy sleep.sleep.串点成篇微表达串点成篇微表达 由于由于(with(with 复合结构复合结构)喉咙严重喉咙严重(seriously)(seriously)受伤受伤(injure)(injure),这位著名主持人发现吞咽,这位著名主持人发现吞咽(swallow)(swallow)任何东西和说话很难任何东西和说话很难。因此因此,他在微博上贴出他在微博上贴出(put(put up)up)通知通知,因不能继续因不能继续(carry(carry on)on)主持节目而向听众们道歉。看到他的通知后主持节目而向听众们道歉。看到他的通知后(用现在分词作状语用现在分词作状语),粉丝们立刻表达了对其健,粉丝们立刻表达



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