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1、备考2023辽宁省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识全真模拟考试试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共100题)1、Passage 1A.they loved this woman deeply and they didnt wanted her to dieB.the woman had lots of money to be shared as soon as she diedC.they wanted to know the secret of her lifetime happinessD.they wanted to pray for her after her death【答案】 C2、The sna

2、ke farmers said they had been bitten, some by deadly snakes, and were saved by_of anti-venom medicine .A.injectionB.producingC.infectionD.consuming【答案】 A3、网络主要的目标是实现( )。A.通信B.交换数据C.资源共享D.连接【答案】 C4、随着行业营销费用的增加,刺激消费的力度加大,市场需求一般会随之增大,但当营销费用超过一定水平后,就不能进一步促进需求,市场需求达到极限值,这个极限值被叫做()。A.市场需求B.企业需求C.市场潜量D.市场最

3、低【答案】 C5、一次校友聚会有35人参加,在参加联欢会的同学中,每个女生认识的男生人数各不相同,而且恰好构成一串连续的自然数,最多的全认识,最少的也认识12个,这次聚会有()个女生。A.24B.13C.12D.无法确定【答案】 C6、计算机系统软件中最核心、最重要的是( )。A.语言处理系统B.数据库管理系统C.操作系统D.诊断程序【答案】 C7、下面是中国古典文学四大名著中的人物与情节,其中搭配不当的一项是()。A.鲁智深倒拔垂杨柳B.孙悟空大闹天宫C.诸葛亮三顾茅庐D.刘姥姥进大观园【答案】 C8、产出增加、利率不确定是财政政策和货币政策混合使用的哪种方式产生的结果?()A.紧缩性财政政

4、策和扩张性货币政策B.扩张性财政政策和扩张性货币政策C.紧缩性财政政策和紧缩性货币政策D.扩张性财政政策和紧缩性货币政策【答案】 B9、She is less _ on being a grandmother, now her daughter Caron is married.A.desirousB.eagerC.keenD.anxious【答案】 C10、下列指标中不属于银行管理结构指标的为()。A.资产结构B.贷款结构C.客户结构D.人员结构【答案】 D11、以动产作为抵押的,办理动产抵押时,向抵押人住所地的( )办理抵押登记。A.工商行政管理部门B.证券登记结算机构C.信贷征信机构D.

5、财政管理部门【答案】 A12、Passage 6A.Less Screening for More SafetyB.PreChecka Belated SolutionC.Getting Stuck in Security LinesD.Underused PreCheck Lanes【答案】 C13、由两个以上的个人共同出资,通过签订协议而联合经营的企业属于()。A.合伙制企业B.个人业主企业C.有限责任公司D.股份有限公司【答案】 A14、以一定单位的本国货币为标准来计算应收多少单位外国货币的标价方式是( )。A.直接标价法B.买人标价法C.间接标价法D.应付标价法【答案】 C15、Dea

6、lers often tell customers that if their car gets wrecked in a crash they could be financially harmed because regular insurance may not_the entire amount owed on the loan。A.pay upB.pay offC.pay outD.pay away【答案】 B16、银行的活期存款人通知银行在其存款额度内无条件支付一定金额给持票人的书面凭证是()。A.支票B.汇票C.本票D.存单【答案】 A17、It was no()that his

7、 car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.A.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication【答案】 A18、资料:(一)A.only a small proportion of the insured suffer lossB.everyone at some time suffers lossC.nearly everyone suffers lossD.only insured people suffer loss【答案】 A19、信用的基本特征是()。A.平等的价值交换

8、B.无条件的价值单方面让渡C.以偿还为条件的价值单方面转移D.无偿的赠与或援助【答案】 C20、( )是亚洲唯一与欧盟和美国两个世界最大经济体缔结自由贸易协定的国家。A.中国B.日本C.韩国D.新加坡【答案】 C21、(),he is appointed as the manager.A.Be a man ever so youngB.So young as a man ever isC.No matter he is youngD.A man ever so young【答案】 A22、 下列会计凭证中属于原始凭证的是()。A.收款凭证B.付款凭证C.转账凭证D.收款收据【答案】 D23、资

9、料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations report published on Thursday.A.blockingB.undergoingC.supportingD.stressing【答案】 C24、资料:FOR TWO MARKETING EXECUTIVESA.table,

10、oven and garmentB.wardrobe, printer and dryerC.bedside lamp, sofa and closetD.refrigerator, washing machine and laundry detergent【答案】 C25、保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议,是一种()。A.民事合同B.刑事合同C.不具有法律关系的民事合同D.不能转让的合同【答案】 A26、The()of climbing to the top of the corporate ladder is best defined in the new book pu

11、blished by Scott Thompson,one of the most successful businessmen in history.A.challengeB.dimensionC.introductionD.compassion【答案】 A27、The_goal of the project is to expand the scientific knowledge relevant to improving health outcomes for women and children in low income countries.A.entireB.totalC.tar

12、getD.overall【答案】 D28、Serena often has a long discussion with _ colleagues about sales figure forecast for Q1 FY 2014.A.herselfB.hersC.herD.she【答案】 C29、下列名画按创作时间排序正确的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 C30、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率1个百分点,其中,2019年1月15日和1月25日分别下调0.5个百分点。同时,2019年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)

13、不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。A.常备借贷便利B.中期借贷便利C.抵押补充贷款D.中央银行贷款【答案】 D31、资料:Desktop Support for Private Equity Firm in MidtownA.To update, track and close incident ticketsB.To use an enterprise imaging solutionC.Physical setting up for computersD.Configuring systems and applications【答案】 A32、Passage 2A.Its statistics look embarrassingB.It is invalid in terms of methodologyC.It deserves our closest attentionD.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated【答案】 B33、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while the othe


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