读后续写+团结合作共创高峰+我的“金字塔”之旅+讲义 高考英语一轮复习

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读后续写+团结合作共创高峰+我的“金字塔”之旅+讲义 高考英语一轮复习_第1页
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《读后续写+团结合作共创高峰+我的“金字塔”之旅+讲义 高考英语一轮复习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《读后续写+团结合作共创高峰+我的“金字塔”之旅+讲义 高考英语一轮复习(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、团结合作,共创高峰我的“金字塔”之旅高考英语读后续写复习题阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。“Jordi, wake up!” my father calls in the hallway.I quickly get up and pull on the uniform for our team. All my life, Ive watched my parents compete. But I will participate in the human pyramid building for the first time today!When

2、we get there, the town square is already crowded. While we wait for our turn to compete, my friend Tomeu comes to stand with me. He and his family are also part of our team. Tomeu has competed before.“What if Im not ready for this, Tomeu?” I ask.“We are never ready, Jordi. None of us who compete in

3、the human pyramid building knows for sure how it will go,” he says and gestures toward the pyramid going up in front of us. “Just like those people, you must have faith in those below who lift you up, and you must trust yourself.”I nod my head to show that I understand. I will do my best to follow h

4、is advice.Soon, it is our turn. I gather with my team in the center of the square and turn my attention to the task at hand.We must first make the base for our pyramid. My father and three of the strongest men stand in a circle facing each other as they hold tightly to each others arms. Four more st

5、rong men step behind, each holding his arms around the chest of a man and giving him a bear hug. Then as many as fifty more men and women crowd behind them and begin pushing on their backs to keep them tightly together. Four smaller men climb onto the backs of the original base group and stand on th

6、eir shoulders. They then grab onto each others arms and hold firmly, creating a strong second level. I can see that my fathers face is red as he works hard to be strong for the person on his shoulders. Our pyramid is growing taller and taller and eventually it is my turn to climb to the top of the p

7、yramid and stand on my mothers shoulders.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:Climbing up the first two levels is easy.Paragraph 2:“Focus. Balance,” My mother whispers to me.情节分析这个故事讲述了一个名叫Jordi的孩子参加人类人体金字塔比赛的经历。Jordi的父亲在走廊里叫他起床,他迅速起床并穿上队服。他一生都看着父母参加比赛,但今天是他第一次参加人类人体金字塔建造比赛。当他们到达比赛地点时,


9、,紧紧地抱着对方的胳膊。另外四个强壮的男人站在他们身后,每个人抱紧一个人的胸部。然后,还有大约五十个男人和女人挤在他们后面,用力推他们的背部以保持紧密在一起。四个身材较小的男人爬上原始底座的背部,站在他们的肩膀上。他们紧抓对方的胳膊,并坚定地站稳,形成一个坚固的第二层。Jordi可以看到他父亲的脸变得通红,他努力保持强壮,为肩膀上的人提供支撑。金字塔越来越高,最终轮到Jordi爬到金字塔的顶部,站在他母亲的肩膀上。续写思路Paragraph 1:在这段中,首句内容“爬上前两层很容易。”可知,下文可以描写越往上爬越难以及作者的感受。Paragraph 2:在这段中,首句内容“专注,平衡。”我母亲

10、对我低声说道。”可知,下文可写作者是如何克服最终取得胜利的。参考答案Climbing up the first two levels is easy. But as I go higher, the pyramid feels less steady. By the time I reach the fifth level, the pyramid below me shakes a bit. My heart begins a crazy dance in my chest. My hands become sweaty and my knees start shaking for I am

11、 very high off the ground. I take a deep breath to calm myself and tell myself that I cannot be the one to ruin our pyramid and that I cannot let my team down.“Focus. Balance,” My mother whispers to me. I try to place my feet into her belt very carefully and climb onto her shoulders. With focus and

12、trust, I slowly straighten my knees and waves my hand to the judges. Far below, I can hear the crowd cheering louder and louder. With faith in each other and with focus on the task, our team has built our pyramid and I have become a real pyramid builder today!爬上前两层很容易。但是随着我往上爬,金字塔变得不太稳定。当我到达第五层时,下面的

13、金字塔有些晃动。我的心开始在胸腔里疯狂跳动。我的手变得湿漉漉的,我的膝盖开始颤抖,因为我离地面很高。我深吸一口气,试图冷静下来,并告诉自己我不能毁掉我们的金字塔,不能让我的团队失望。“专注,平衡。”我母亲对我低声说道。我小心翼翼地把脚放在她的腰带上,爬上她的肩膀。凭借专注和信任,我慢慢伸直了膝盖,向评委们挥手致意。远下方,我可以听到观众越来越响亮的欢呼声。凭借对彼此的信念和对任务的专注,我们的团队建立了金字塔,而我今天成为了一个真正的金字塔建造者!文章回顾What if Im not ready for this, Tomeu?如果我还没有准备好,Tomeu,怎么办?这个句子是一个条件状语从句

14、,使用了虚拟语气来表达假设情况。Our pyramid is growing taller and taller and eventually it is my turn to climb to the top of the pyramid and stand on my mothers shoulders.我们的金字塔越来越高,最终轮到我爬到金字塔顶部,站在我母亲的肩膀上。这个句子使用了并列连词and,连接了多个形容词taller and taller,以及多个并列的动词短语climb to the top of the pyramid和stand on my mothers shoulders。学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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