Unit+1+topic+3+section+C 仁爱版英语七年级上册

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《Unit+1+topic+3+section+C 仁爱版英语七年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit+1+topic+3+section+C 仁爱版英语七年级上册(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Topic 3Unit 1 Topic 3Unit 1 Topic 3Unit 1 Topic 3How old are you?How old are you?Section C Section C01能够掌握并正确运用新学习的单词:those,these,book,let,help,ruler等;02能够熟练掌握和应用可数名词单复数的变化规则:一般在名词后加s;以s/x结尾加es;03能够用英语熟练表达辨认物体的表达方式:What are these?What are those?They are Are these/those?Yes,they are.No,they ar

2、ent.04能运用表示辨认物体的表达方式进行简单的交流。A:Whats this in English?B:Its an apple.A:How do you spell it?B:A-P-P-L-E,apple.A:Is this an apple?B:No,it isnt.It is an orange.1 1Pre-listeningPre-listeningPre-listeningPre-listeningIs this an orange?Is this an orange?Is this an orange?Is this an orange?Yes,it isYes,it is

3、Yes,it isYes,it is.AreAreAreAre thesethesethesethese orange orange orange oranges s s s?Yes,they are.Yes,they are.Yes,they are.Yes,they are.thisthese thisthese thisthese thisthese i i i i z z z z 这些这些这些这些rnd 柑橘柑橘,橘黄橘黄色色Are these Are these Are these Are these eggeggeggeggs s s s?Yes,they are.Yes,they

4、 are.Yes,they are.Yes,they are.Is that aIs that aIs that aIs that a busbusbusbus?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.No,it isnt.No,it isnt.Are Are Are Are thosethosethosethose car car car cars s s s?YesYesYesYes,they are.,they are.,they are.,they are.thatthose thatthose thatthose thatthose z z z z 那些那些那些那些bs 公共汽车

5、公共汽车k 小汽车小汽车a a a a pencil pencil pencil pencilfourfourfourfour pencil pencil pencil pencils s s spensl n.铅笔铅笔a a a a bookbookbookbookfivefivefivefive bookbookbookbooks s s sbk 书书a a a a boxboxboxboxthreethreethreethree boxboxboxboxesesesesbks 箱,盒箱,盒a a a a busbusbusbusthreethreethreethree busbusbus

6、busesesesesbs n.n.公共汽车公共汽车 Look and fill in the blanks.Look and fill in the blanks.Look and fill in the blanks.Look and fill in the blanks.Whats this/that?Its What are these/those?Theyre a book _ books a ruler _ rulersan eraser _ erasersan orange_ orangesa bus _ buses_ boxesa box twofourthreefivesix

7、sevenWhat are these/those in What are these/those in What are these/those in What are these/those in English?English?English?English?Theyre.Theyre.Theyre.Theyre.火眼金睛游戏2 2WhileWhileWhileWhile-listening-listening-listening-listeningTask1:Read,number Task1:Read,number Task1:Read,number Task1:Read,numbe

8、r and filland filland filland fill.12 2They are _.Yes,they are.Hi,Miss Wang!What are these?Are they English books?No,they are maps.Are those Englishbooks,too?books34What are those?They are _ _ rules and pencils.Let me help you.Thank you!Task 2:Complete the conversations.Task 2:Complete the conversat

9、ions.Task 2:Complete the conversations.Task 2:Complete the conversations.Then practice with your partner.Then practice with your partner.Then practice with your partner.Then practice with your partner.A:What are these?B:_ _ cars.A:Thank you.B:_.They areThats ok.A:Are _ eggs?B:Yes,_ _.A:Thank you.B:_

10、 _.thesethey areThats OKA:_ _ _?B:They are books.A:Thanks.B:_ _.What are those Youre welcomeA:Are those oranges?B:_,_ _.A:What are they?B:They are _.A:Thanks.B:_ _.No they arentapplesYoure welcomeWhats this/that in English?Its a/anWhat are these/those?They areIs this/that a/an?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.

11、Are these/those?Yes,they are./No,they arent.单数单数 复数复数近指人或物近指人或物 远指人或物远指人或物 that 那那 this 这这these 这这些些those 那那些些3 3PostPostPostPost-listening-listening-listening-listeningRead and write the words.Read and write the words.Read and write the words.Read and write the words.namebigsadsevenninetenfivedeskm

12、appen1.What are these/those?(1)该句是对物品的提问,它实际上是)该句是对物品的提问,它实际上是Whats this?的复数形式。的复数形式。these 和和 those 都是指示代词都是指示代词。these这些这些是是 this 的复数,的复数,those那些那些是是 that 的复数。的复数。these 和和 this 指离说话指离说话者者较近较近的人或物,的人或物,those 和和 that 指离说话者指离说话者较远较远的人或物。的人或物。翻译:翻译:这些是鸡蛋,那些是苹果。这些是鸡蛋,那些是苹果。_ These are eggs and those are

13、apples.1.What are these/those?2)these 或或 those 作主语,后面的作主语,后面的 be 动词用动词用 are,否定形式用否定形式用 are not,可缩写为,可缩写为 arent。翻译:翻译:这些不是橘子。这些不是橘子。_ These arent oranges.1.What are these/those?(3)在回答主语是)在回答主语是 these 或或 those 的一般疑问句或选择疑问句时,、的一般疑问句或选择疑问句时,、通常用通常用 they 来代替句中的来代替句中的 these 或或 those,以避免重复。,以避免重复。翻译:翻译:这些这

14、些/那些用英语怎么说那些用英语怎么说?它们是一些鸡蛋。它们是一些鸡蛋。_ _ What are these/those in English?Theyre eggs.及时练习及时练习及时练习及时练习1.What are these?_ _cars.Are _ English cars?Yes,_ are.2.What are those?_books.Are_ your books?No,_arent.They are they they Theyre they they 2.Are these/those oranges?这些这些/那些是橘子那些是橘子吗吗?这是一般疑问句这是一般疑问句Are

15、 these/those.?这些这些/那些是吗那些是吗?句末用句末用升调朗读升调朗读,其其肯定回答肯定回答Yes,they are.(是的,它们是)。(是的,它们是)。否定回答否定回答No,they arent.(不,它们不是)。(不,它们不是)。they are 可缩略为可缩略为 theyre,但在但在简略形式的肯定回答中简略形式的肯定回答中 they are 不能写为不能写为 theyre。否定回答中否定回答中的的they are not 可缩写为可缩写为 they arent。如如 Are these oranges?这些是橘子吗这些是橘子吗?Yes,they are.是的,它们是。是的

16、,它们是。No,they arent.不,它们不是。不,它们不是。Are those apples?那些是苹果吗那些是苹果吗?Yes,they are.是的,它们是。是的,它们是。No,they arent.不,它们不是。不,它们不是。及时练习及时练习及时练习及时练习1.Those are English books.(对画线部分提问)对画线部分提问)_ _those?2.These are English books.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_ _English books?No,_ _.3.Those are English books.(改为否定句)(改为否定句)_ _English books.What are Are these they arent Those arent 单项选择单项选择单项选择单项选择()2.What are these?_ are desks.A.ThisB.ThoseC.They D.It()3.Whos that,Kangkang?_ Mary.A.ThatsB.This isC.Hes D.Theyre()4.



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