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1、备考2023安徽省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库附答案(基础题)一单选题(共100题)1、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in

2、Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the banks president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.A.The proje

3、ct will only improve road in Tajikistan by three miles but it will do great helpB.Local people welcome the projectsC.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank can start the projects quickly with the finance of other institutionsD.The project in Bangladesh is also financed with other institutions【答案】

4、D2、借助于金融市场的交易组织、交易规则和信用制度,以及丰富的可供选择的金融产品和便利的资产交易方式,为各种期限、内容不同的金融工具互相转换提供了必需的条件,可降低交易成本,便利金融工具实现交易的金融市场功能是()。A.货币资金融通功能B.优化资源配置功能C.交易及定价功能D.经济调节功能【答案】 C3、She was able to get the government and _ companies to help patients with the cost of their care.A.assuranceB.assumptionC.sanctionD.insurance【答案】 D4

5、、 下列不属于期货交易的主要特征的是()。A.期货交易以在期货交易所内买卖期货合约的方式进行B.期货合约是由期货交易所制定的标准化合约C.实物交割率高D.实行保证金制度【答案】 C5、个人贷款还款方式不包括()。A.等额本息还款法B.差额等息还款法C.等额本金还款法D.按月还息、到期一次性还本还款法【答案】 B6、资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You ScaleA.An insurgent company invests more in the future while an incumbent company invests more in the

6、status quoB.An insurgent company prefers chaos to stabilityC.An insurgent company loves challenging the incumbent companiesD.An insurgent company sees changes as opportunities while an incumbent company loves stability more【答案】 D7、(),he is appointed as the manager.A.Be a man ever so youngB.So young

7、as a man ever isC.No matter he is youngD.A man ever so young【答案】 A8、Josh graduated with his masters degree in space studies and planetary sciences,but after years of working odd jobs and barely_,he decided to go back to get his teaching license。A.putting on the back burnerB.breaking new groundC.maki

8、ng ends meetD.proving his mettle【答案】 C9、在确定的借贷周期内,按复利的()越多,其收入比值越高。A.本金B.计息次数C.利率D.本息和【答案】 B10、The smog is due( )invisible gases,mostly from automobile exhaust.A.fromB.toC.forD.with【答案】 B11、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while the other person talks. To the contrary, people perceiv

9、e the best listeners to be those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight. These questions gently challenge old assumptions, but do so in a constructive way. Sitting there silently nodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening, but asking a good question

10、tells the speaker the listener has not only heard what was said, but that they comprehended it well enough to want additional information. Good listening was consistently seen as a two-way dialog, rather than a one-way “speaker versus hearer” interaction. The best conversations were active.A.Those w

11、ho periodically ask questions want to take charge of the conversationB.If you give critical opinions, the speaker will be less confidentC.Good listeners should agree with the speakerD.If the speaker creates a comfortable environment, listeners will become confident【答案】 B12、Could I speak to()is in ch

12、arge of International Sales please?A.whoB.whatC.whoeverD.whatever【答案】 C13、资料:Workforce planning helps an organization to estimate its future workforce requirements and calculate the numbers, nature and sources of potential employees who might meet that demand.A.because it enables the company to know

13、 its employees betterB.because it makes the company prepared for the potential challengesC.because it gives the employees a chance to receive trainingD.all above【答案】 A14、The number of people wanting to become a Southwest Airlines flight attendant has reached _ .A.record highB.a record highC.high rec

14、ordD.a high record【答案】 D15、资料:Job DescriptionA.Hardworking but taciturnB.Little knowledge of co-branded sponsored entertainmentC.Experience with on-air promotion productionD.With little post production experience【答案】 C16、中央银行提供的基础货币是通过其资产业务流通出去的,下列不属于中央银行提供基础货币途径的是()。A.对商业银行办理再贴现或发放再贷款,变动对金融机构的债权B.中

15、央银行收购外汇、黄金,变动储备资产C.调整存款利率,影响公众存款意愿D.在公开市场买卖政府债券,变动对政府的债权【答案】 C17、资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.A.The work force in China has increased in past ten yearsB.internet firms benefit a lot from the income gr


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