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外教社2023新标准高职公共英语:实用综合教程(第三版)第4册 PPT课件Unit 7 Problems facing cities

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  • 文档编号:360922581
  • 上传时间:2023-09-18
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    • 1、实用综合教程UNIT 7 Problems facing cities“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材4第三版新标准高职公共英语系列教材Warm-upText AText BGrammarWritingiOpinion:Chinese perspectiveComprehensive exercisesWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-up1 London terrorist attackOn June 3,2017,several terrorists armed with long knives and wearing fake suicide vests killed people and wounded scores more in a bloody rampage through one of Londons busiest nightspots.Seven people were killed and at least 48 were wounded during this terrorist attack.Three suspected assailant

      2、s,all men,were quickly shot and killed by police,ending the attack.Background informationWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-up2 Smog in IndiaIn Indias capital New Delhi,the air pollution turns into the worst in three years.A poisonous haze envelops New Delhi every winter.The smog is the product of vehicle fumes,industrial emissions and smoke from agricultural burning in neighboring states.Background informationWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upA Read the news headlines.What problems is the news probably about?

      3、Match the problems in the box with the news headlines.crime_ health and safety problems_crimehigh cost of livinghealth and safety problemstraffic congestionWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upA Read the news headlines.What problems is the news probably about?Match the problems in the box with the news headlines.high cost of living_crimehigh cost of livinghealth and safety problemstraffic congestionWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upA Read the news headlines.What problems is the news probably about?Match the pr

      4、oblems in the box with the news headlines.traffic congestion_health and safety problems_crimehigh cost of livinghealth and safety problemstraffic congestionWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upB Do you know anything about the news in exercise A?Tell the class what you know.Heres an example.Traffic jams can be costly.The time wasted waiting,the extra gas burnt and the environmental damage caused by traffic jams all translate into economic losses.According to the report,housing is the single largest cost f

      5、or U.S.families,making up 33 to 27 percent of total expenses across income groups.High housing prices and the rising cost of living damage peoples well-being.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionssuburb/5/n.市郊,郊区县;郡阳台俯视,鸟瞰池塘(道路、桥梁等的)通行费收费公路环城公路county/5/n.balcony/5/n.overlook/75/v.pond/n.toll/n.toll roadbeltway/5/n.Text AReading comprehen

      6、sionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsjam/n.拥挤,堵塞(车等)到达;驶入(私人)车道与达成协议;妥协,让步避开;免受的影响校园生来地,出于天性地pull intodriveway/5/e to terms withbeat/v.campus/5/n.by natureText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsirritable/5/adj.易怒的,暴躁的不耐烦的,急躁的超过;赶上向发信号,用信号示意绕道,迂回灵魂,心灵(饭菜)外卖管家impatient/5/adj.overtake/75/v.signal/5/v.bypass/5/v.soul/n.takeout/5/n.housekeeper/5/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabul

      7、ary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionspump/v.用泵抽运;注入痛苦,受难令人心碎的suffering/5/n.heartbreaking/5/adj.Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText A1.Are you looking for a dream job in big cities when you graduate from college?I dont think so.Although big cities may offer more job opportunities and convenience,there are also many problems,such as high housing prices,traffic jams,long commute time,air pollution,etc.Before

      8、you readWords and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText A2.If you have to choose between your dream job and your home,which one will you choose and why?It depends.When I just graduate,I will choose my dream job.Ideal work can bring me work passion and motivation,which enrich my life.When I get married or even have kids,I may choose my home over my dream job.I want to spend more time with my family members.Before you readWords and expressionsReading compreh

      9、ensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText AAmy Collins lives in the quiet country suburbs of western Fairfax County1.Her house has a big garden,is surrounded by grass and trees,and has a huge balcony that overlooks a beautiful pond.But she rarely enjoys them.Her commutes have robbed them of her life.Amys decision12Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText AEach morning she has to spend at least an hour and 15 minutes on her way to work,firs

      10、t struggling on the Dulles Toll Road2 what she calls her“daily disaster”then the Capital Beltway3.The jam often gets so bad that she has to call her secretary from her car.“I cant bear it any more,”she would say.“Anything going on?”When she reaches the University of Maryland4 where she works as an executive,she is often in a bad mood.3Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText AAnd when she finally pulls into her short driveway at the end of the day,t

      《外教社2023新标准高职公共英语:实用综合教程(第三版)第4册 PPT课件Unit 7 Problems facing cities》由会员AZ****01分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外教社2023新标准高职公共英语:实用综合教程(第三版)第4册 PPT课件Unit 7 Problems facing cities》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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