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1、2022年陕西省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力模拟试题(含答案)一单选题(共60题)1、The number of children being home educated_in Britain has increased by 65 percent over the six years.A.being recordedB.to be recordedC.recordedD.recording【答案】 C2、Which of the following underlined parts is different from others in pronunciation?A.wishedB

2、.jumpedC.kissedD.waited【答案】 D3、His presentation will show you _ can be used in other contexts. A.that you have observedB.that how you have observedC.how that you have observedD.how what you have observed【答案】 D4、I have personally come to understand that “empowerment” is not a lesson that can be thoug

3、ht by way of textbooks or lectures, projects or field trips, and not even by way of principles and inspirational teaching. It must be taught by personal examples.A.It is the most renowned of its kind in the worldB.Its graduates are well received by their employersC.Its staff are unwilling to empower

4、 themselves as living examplesD.It aims at empowering trainees to grow beyond their circumstances【答案】 D5、When designing speaking tasks, we must follow the principles except_.A.maximum foreign talkB.even participationC.high motivationD.high language level【答案】 D6、 According to a recent research, the o

5、ld are more than twice as likely to have a positive attitude to life _ the young.A.asB.thanC.whileD.until【答案】 A7、English teacher Alice stopped Toms reading and asked him to follow her and repeat the word “eat” again and again. What can we conclude from the description above?A.The teacher concerns th

6、e principle of accuracyB.The teacher should stop students reading to correct their pronunciationsC.Toms pronunciation is poorD.Every pronunciation is important in English【答案】 A8、请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。A.It is impossible for them to get college educationB.They cannot afford to study in Montgomery College

7、C.They must pay more tuition than their peers to get high school diplomasD.They must pay more tuition than their peers at the states public colleges【答案】 D9、Passage 1A.banning browsing before breakfastB.banning browsing after dinnerC.banning texting at weekendsD.banning texting at weekdays【答案】 D10、Th

8、rough doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to _the children understand what they are reading.A.how ?B.whichC.that ?D.what【答案】 B11、A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word in meaning from another in a givenlanguage is a_A.phoneB.phonemeC.allophoneD.allomorph【答案】 B12

9、、What type of approach does the student apply to listening according to what he describes? _When I listen to English tapes, I am always worried about my limited vocabulary. I tend to figure out its actual meaning when coming across an unknown word, so that stop makes me miss the next part of the spe

10、ech.A.Detail-oriented approachB.Top-down approachC.Interactive approachD.Bottom-up approach【答案】 D13、When an EFL teacher asks his student How do you know that the author liked the placesince he did not tell us explicitly, he/she is helping students to reach _ comprehension.A.literalB.evaluativeC.infe

11、rentialD.appreciative【答案】 C14、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.People should keep exercisingB.Exercising may not reduce the harm of sittingC.Sitting for long time is deadlyD.How to eliminate the harm of sitting【答案】 C15、Which of the following words contains an inflectional morpheme?A.DisappearB.BlackenC.OxenD.Anti-pollu

12、tion【答案】 C16、Which of the following features is NOT one of the design features of language A.ProductiveB.DualC.SymbolicD.Arbitrary【答案】 C17、In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds t, d, s, n share the feature of_.A.palatalB.alveolarC.bilabialD.dental【答案】 B18、Mr. Joe has worked ver

13、y hard in the past two years and has paid all his debts ( )the last penny.A.byB.toC.untilD.with【答案】 B19、Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?A.ArbitrarinessB.DisplacementC.DualityD.Diachronicity【答案】 D20、Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the Un

14、ited States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrantsIn his reinterpretation,migration becomes the organizing principle for rewriting the history of preindustrial North AmericaHis approach rests on four separate propositionsA.A larger percentage of migrants to colonial North America came as indentured servants than as free agents interested


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