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1、2022年江苏省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关提分题库(考点梳理)一单选题(共60题)1、绩效评价中运用的评价标准属于比较法的是()。A.等级择一法B.行为锚定量表法C.排序法D.行为对照表法【答案】 C2、2020年4月6日电,世界卫生组织5日发布第七十六期新冠肺炎疫情报告。报告认为,目前中国已从疫情遏制阶段进入(),中国经验正在帮助其他国家的抗疫行动。A.拉锯阶段B.缓解阶段C.攻坚阶段D.决胜阶段【答案】 B3、根据我国公司法的规定,有限责任公司成立的日期为()。A.公司登记机关受理登记申请之日B.申请人收到营业执照之日C.公司成立公告发布之日D.营业执照签发之日【答案】 D4、资料:最

2、后,大家谈论了中国在绿色经济方面做出的杰出贡献,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.One with much wealthB.One with high professional levelC.One with high social statusD.One with high reputation in academia【答案】 B5、布雷顿森林体系中的“双挂钩”是指()。A.美元和其他国家同时与黄金挂钩B.美元与黄金挂钩,黄金与其他各国货币挂钩C.美元与黄金挂钩,其他国家货币与美元挂钩D.其他国家货币与黄金挂钩,美元与其他国家货币挂钩【答案】 C6、 下列有关会计的表述中,不正确的一项是()。A

3、.在会计核算中,允许一些企业使用外币作为记账本位币B.会计主体需具有法人资格C.只有以货币表现的经济活动才是会计对象D.会计监督是会计的基本职能之一【答案】 B7、中国银行的核心价值观是()。A.担当、诚信、专业、创新、平稳、高效B.文明、和谐、自由、平等C.担当、诚信、专业、创新、稳健、绩效D.爱国、敬业、诚信、友善【答案】 C8、下列期货产品中,不属于金融期货的是()。A.货币期货B.股指期货C.利率期货D.黄金期货【答案】 D9、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in i

4、ts vaults. Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors. In Europe, at least, that is all about to change with a new set of regulations, named PSD2.A.Customers are more likely to enjoy more innovative servicesB.People will no longer go to

5、 banks to deposit their moneyC.Service providers do not want to partner with banksD.People will receive more pension【答案】 A10、水平标尺出现在word工作区的()。A.左侧B.顶部C.右侧D.底部【答案】 B11、Which of the following is or was an example of representative full-bodied money?( )。A.Debt moneyB.ATS accountC.Gold certificateD.Dem

6、and deposit【答案】 C12、信用的基本特征是()。A.平等的价值交换B.无条件的价值单方面让渡C.以偿还为条件的价值单方面转移D.无偿的赠与或援助【答案】 C13、_them all up,you can finally get the answer.A.AddingB.AddedC.To addD.Add【答案】 C14、2020年3月10日,北京航天飞行控制中心圆满完成我国首次()探测任务无线联试,充分验证了探测器与地面系统的接口匹配性和一致性。A.火星B.相控阵雷达C.空间引力波D.太阳【答案】 A15、中国农业银行于2010年7月15日和16日正式在上海和香港两地上市,至此

7、,中国四大国有商业银行全部实现上市,中国金融改革开始新的一页。A.1990 年 12 月B.1991 年 7 月C.1991 年 8 月D.1991 年 12 月【答案】 A16、货币市场工具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有()之誉。 A.货币B.票据C.基础货币D.准货币【答案】 D17、2009年10月2日在丹麦首都哥本哈根举行的国际奥委会第121届全会,关于2016年夏季奥运会举办城市的投票中,经过三轮投禀,()成功获得了2016年奥运会的主办权。A.芝加哥B.马德里C.东京D.里约热内卢【答案】 D18、打开Word文档一般是指( )。A.把文档的内容从内存中读出并显示出

8、来B.把文档的内容从磁盘调人内存并显示出来C.为打开的文档开设一个新的空的文档窗口D.显乐并打印文档的内容【答案】 B19、当前公司A信贷购入了2325元人民币的原材料于生产,在30天后支付了这笔应付账款,又过了30天后客户B以3000元的价钱买入这笔原材料,客户将于30天后支付这笔应收账款,则公司的现金周期为()天。A.75B.90C.60D.30【答案】 B20、资料:From:Gloria RichterA.An efficient way for the staff to deal with the large number of emailsB.More investment in

9、the well-being of the staffC.Reopening of the staff loungeD.clarification of whom the staff should report their works to【答案】 B21、资料:Asked to name their favorite city, many Americans would select San Francisco which began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay. The town was little mo

10、re than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico.A.1850B.1852C.1846D.1848【答案】 A22、资料:The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor

11、 and some to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. A.It tells you what to produceB.It tells you how to grow tomatoesC.It provides you wit

12、h everything you needD.It helps you save money【答案】 A23、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugals largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake to 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date.A.?0.03B.?0.02C.?0.05D.?0.025【答案】 A24、

13、“七喜”汽水突出宣传自己不含咖啡因的特点,成为非可乐型饮料的主导者,它采取的是()定位策略。A.市场渗透B.避强定位策略C.专业化营销D.迎头定位策略【答案】 B25、 甲为自己投保一份人寿险,指定其妻为受益人。甲有一子4步,甲母50岁且自己单独生活。某日,甲因交通事故身亡。该份保险的保险金依法应如何处理?()A.应作为遗产由甲妻、甲子、甲母共同继承B.应作为遗产由甲妻一人继承C.应作为遗产由甲妻、甲子继承D.应全部支付给甲妻【答案】 D26、The property will be shown by_only in an effort to separate the fans from the serious buyers,because the current owners are looking for buyers who want to keep the house intact。A.interestB.interviewC.applicationD.appointment【答案】 C27、Consequently,a sustainable business model can_companies to bett


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