英语人教版8年级下册Unit 2 Section A (1)试卷及参考答案

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1、试卷第 1页,共 8页英语人教版 8 年级下册Unit 2 Section A 分层作业(培优版)英语人教版 8 年级下册Unit 2 Section A 分层作业(培优版)一、多句选词填空一、多句选词填空辨析 put 短语。put upput offput awayput output on1Its cold outside.Youd better _your coat when you go out.2In many countries,people _their fingers to their mouths to ask for silence.3We_ the welcome par

2、ty for Laura because she was in hospital last night.4The firemen worked closely with each other_ the big fire last night.5Leo always_ his soccer ball after playing.His room is always clean and tidy.二、汉译英:单词/短语二、汉译英:单词/短语根据汉语提示写出相应的短语。6开始拉小提琴 _7度过一个美好的夜晚 _8独自创作音乐 _9在大剧院举办音乐会 _10讨厌听古典音乐 _11各种各样的乐器 _12

3、如此美丽的花朵 _13在我们的日常生活中 _14受到年轻人的喜爱 _15不需要帮助地弹出每一个音符 _16因为钢琴弹得好而出名 _17决定开始上音乐课 _二、译一译二、译一译18I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look ofjoy on their ownersfaces._19Volunteering here is a dream come true for me._且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功1试卷第 2页,共

4、8页20I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time._21She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read._三、三、完成句子22这个女孩可以去医院看望生病的孩子使他们振奋起来。The girl could visit the _ kids in the hospital to _ _ _.23我的妈妈过去是长发,但是现在她留着短发。My mother _ _ _ long hair,but now she has short hair.24我们可

5、以召集十名同学过来帮我们。We can _ _ ten students to come to help us.25你可以把这幅画张贴在黑板旁边。You could _ _ this picture next to the blackboard.26我正计划今年夏天去一家养老院工作。Im making some _ _ _ in an this summer.27他们让你帮什么忙?What did they ask you _ _ _ _?28你可以做一些事情,比如给老人读报纸,或者只是和他们聊天。You can do some things like _ _ _ _ the old peop

6、le,or just_ _ them.29他们给我讲过去的故事和过去的情况。They told me stories _ _ _ and how things _ _.30我的意思是,我们总有一天也会变老。I mean,were all _ _ _ _ one day,too.四、完形填空四、完形填空Some boys stood around a tall tree.“It would be _31_ to climb to the top!”theysaid to each other.The boys then decided to play a game to see _32_ cou

7、ld climb tothe top of the tree first.Their mothers were sitting not far away,_33_ up their childrenas they played.One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David.He was the shortest child_34_ the group.No one thought he would win the competition.且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功2试卷第 3页,共 8页The

8、n the game _35_.All of the boys tried their best to climb as high as theycould._36_ they all made it halfway up the tree before David did,he reached the topof the tree fastest in the end.His mother was happy _37_ this.She asked him,“David,how did you try toreach the top of the tree so _38_?”“It was

9、easy,”David said.“The other children kept looking down as they climbed.Whenthey realized how high they were,they got scared _39_ were afraid of falling down.I,however,looked only up.When I saw how close I was,I _40_ going higher andhigher until I reached the top.”It is true in life that if we just k

10、eep going forward without looking back,we are morelikely to reach our dreams.31AinterestingBboringCimportantDdifficult32AwhatBwhoCwhenDwhere33AputtingBcleaningCcallingDcheering34AtoBatCinDon35AstartedBendedCcameDwent36ABecauseBBeforeCAlthoughDUnless37AseeBto seeCseeingDsaw38AheavilyBnearlyCslowlyDqu

11、ickly39AandBbutCorDso40AenjoyedBfinishedCkeptDpracticed五、阅读单选五、阅读单选“Please help me find the Rh AB negative blood(熊猫血)for my father!”Miss Huangfrom Wuhan asked for help on Changjiang Daily on July 21,2019.Her father was over 70and he was in a serious situation when she took him to a hospital.He neede

12、d an immediateoperation(手术),or he could lose his life.However,there was no Rh AB negative blood forhim.The doctors had to put off the operation.“An old man with Rh AB negative blood is in great danger.We need such blood for his且喜平常度,切忌神慌乱。畅游题海后,金榜题君名。考试在即,祝你成功3试卷第 4页,共 8页operation!”Shen Jian who wor

13、ks in the Wuhan Blood Center called out the volunteers intheir public QQ groups.He checked their information on the computer and called them oneby one.Yu Zhou was doing housework when he received Shens call at nine oclock at night.He went to the center and donated(捐)400 ml of blood at once.Wang Bing

14、 was at work whenhe picked up the phone.As soon as he finished working,he went to donate 400 ml of blood aswell.Xu Huijun donated 200 ml.Tan Peng and Lu Juanzhi also donated their blood in theclosest blood center.By July 22,the five volunteers donated 1,600 ml of Rh AB negative blood after passingex

15、aminations.The doctor had an operation on the old man soon.Just three percent of people own(拥有)Rh AB negative blood.Wuhan Blood Center setup three QQ groups for volunteers in 2002.They give their blood regularly(定期地)and havehelped people in trouble for years.41The underlined word“immediate”means“”in

16、 Chinese.A重要的B综合的C紧急的42From the passage,we know Mr.Huangs blood wasnt.AcommonBcheapCclear43was working when Shen Jian called him.AYu ZhouBWang BingCXu Huijun44How much blood did Tan Peng and Lu Juanzhi donate?AThey donated 200 ml of blood each.BThey donated 400 ml of blood together.CThey donated 600 ml of blood together.45What can be the best title for the passage?ASave an old man at nightBThanks to five blood donation volunteersCLook for Rh AB negative bloodQin Tian,26,returned from Britain to



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