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1、华中农业大学 2021 年英语翻译基础考研真题华中农业大学 2021 年英语翻译基础考研真题I.Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminologies into their target language respectively.There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese,with one point for each.I.Directions:Translate the fo

2、llowing words,abbreviations or terminologies into their target language respectively.There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese,with one point for each.(30)1.NASA 2.Trump Tower 3.Apartheid mando 5.child abuse 6.royalty card 7.virtual reality 8.learning cur

3、ve 9.provisional plan 10.translation universal 11.anti-stealth technology 12.pedagogical affordance 13.Language Service Provider 14.Air Worthiness Certificate 15.Parent-Teacher Association(PTA)16.自驾游 17.网约车 18.宝蕴楼 19.双一流 20.鱼香茄子 21.人工智能 22.分享经济23.精准扶贫 24.文物医院 25.工匠精神 26.免运费日 27.监察法 28.供给侧改革 29.自贸试验区

4、 30.新时代中国特色社会主义思想 II.Directions:Translate the following texts into their target language respectively.II.Directions:Translate the following texts into their target language respectively.There are altogether 4 texts in this part of the test.2 in English and 2 in Chinese,with 30 points for each.(120)T

5、ext 1 Text 1 His Mothers Mate The haggard woman sat on a step under the electric light,by the entrance of the theatre.She had a child on one arm,two more beside her,a pile of papers on her knee,and a cigar box,full of matches,bootlaces and bone studs,on the pavement by her foot A gentleman stepped o

6、ut of themarble baropposite,stood for a moment on the kerb,glanced at his watch and then across at the theatre.He crossed over,and put his hand in his pocket as he reached the pavement.Paper,sir?cried the newsboy.Here,Yare,mister-News,Star.Butmisterhad noticed the woman and walked towards her.Paper,

7、sir!Star!?cried the boy,dodging in front;then with a quick glance from misters face to the newswoman.Its all right,mister!Its all the same-shes my mother.Thanks.Text 2 Text 2 The Law of Contracts The law of contracts is concerned with the enforcement of promissory obligations.Contractual liability i

8、s usually based on consent freely given in the form of an express promise or one implied in fact from the acts of the parties.The law of contracts has preserved its unitary quality,resisting fundamental distinctions between different classes of contracts according to either the subject of the agreem

9、ent or the nature of the parties.Accordingly,with some exceptions,its principles are applicable to agreements on such varied subjects as employment,sale of goods or land,and insurance and to such diverse parties as individuals,business organizations and governmental entities.In America,the law of co

10、ntracts is largely state rather than federal law,but it differs usually only in detail from one state to another.While it is still primarily case law,an increasing number of statutes deal with particular problems.The Uniform Commercial Code,for example,contains some special provisions on the formati

11、on of contracts for the sale of goods.Text 3 Text 3 孔子是公元前 6 至 5 世纪最伟大的哲学家、政治家和教育家。孔子的庙宇、墓地和府邸位于山东省的曲阜。孔庙是公元前 478 年为纪念孔子而兴建的,千百 年来屡毁屡建,到今天已经发展成超过 100 座殿堂的建筑群。孔林里不仅容纳了 孔子的坟墓,而且他的后裔中,有超过 10 万人也葬在这里。当初小小的孔宅如 今已经扩建成一个庞大显赫的府邸,整个宅院包括了 152 座殿堂。曲阜的古建筑 群之所以具有独特的艺术和历史特色,应归功于 2000 多年来中国历代帝王对孔 子的大力推崇。Text 4 Text 4 人力资源网站和在线婚恋平台近日发布了一份关于职场单 身人群的婚恋需求报告,报告显示程序员是中国单身率最高的工作。他们进 行了一项网络样本调查,共收到 12102 份有效反馈。报告显示,27%职场单身 人群如果长时间未脱单会选择离开北京、上海、广州等一线城市,回老家发展。5%人愿意为了留在大城市而放弃爱情。报告显示,繁忙的工作会影响婚恋状 态。单身率最高的的职业前三名是技术、财务和销售,均是大众眼中少有闲暇的 职业。数据还显示,近 64%职场人群认为婚恋状态会影响求职。调查称,面试 官最想了解的关于求职者的情况包括单身的原因、计划结婚的时间以及理想伴侣 的基本信息。



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