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1、宁波大学 2022 年翻译与汉语考研真题宁波大学 2022 年翻译与汉语考研真题Part I Translation(100 points)Part I Translation(100 points)Directions:Directions:This part consists of three passages.Translate Passage 1 from English into Chinese and Passages 2 and 3 from Chinese into English.This part consists of three passages.Translate P

2、assage 1 from English into Chinese and Passages 2 and 3 from Chinese into English.Passage 1:English-Chinese Translation.(50 points)Passage 1:English-Chinese Translation.(50 points)Win-Win Performance Agreements Creating Win-Win Performance Agreements requires vital Paradigm Shifts.The focus is on re

3、sults;not methods.Most of us tend to supervise methods.We use the gofer delegation discussed in Habit 3,the methods management I used with Sandra when I asked her to take pictures of our son as he was waterskiing.But Win-Win Agreements focus on results,releasing tremendous individual human potential

4、 and creating greater synergy,building PC in the process instead of focusing exclusively on P.With win-win accountability,people evaluate themselves.The traditional evaluation games people play are awkward and emotionally exhausting.In win-win,people evaluate themselves,using the criteria that they

5、themselves helped to create up front.And if you set it up correctly,people can do that.With a Win-Win Delegation Agreement,even a seven-year-old boy can tell for himself how well hes keeping the yard green and clean.My best experiences in teaching university classes have come when I have created a w

6、in-win shared understanding of the goal up front.This is what were trying to accomplish.Here are the basic requirements for an A,B,or C grade.My goal is to help every one of you get an A.Now you take what weve talked about and analyze it and come up with your own understanding of what you want to ac

7、complish that is unique to you.Then lets get together and agree on the grade you want and what you plan to do to get it.Management philosopher and consultant Peter Drucker recommends the use of a managers letter to capture the essence of performance agreements between managers and their employees.Fo

8、llowing a deep and thorough discussion of expectations,guidelines,and resources to make sure they are in harmony with organizational goals,the employee writes a letter to the manager that summarizes the discussion and indicates when the next performance plan or review discussion will take place.In W

9、in-Win Agreements,consequences become the natural or logical results of performance rather than a reward or punishment arbitrarily handed out by the person in charge.There are basically four kinds of consequences(rewards and penalties)that management or parents can control-financial,psychic,opportun

10、ity,and responsibility.Financial consequences include such things as income,stock options,allowances,or penalties.Psychic or psychological consequences include recognition,approval,respect,credibility,or the loss of them.Unless people are in a survival mode,psychic compensation is often more motivat

11、ing than financial compensation.Opportunity includes training,development,perks,and other benefits.Responsibility has to do with scope and authority,either of which can be enlarged or diminished.Win-Win Agreements specify consequences in one or more of those areas and the people involved know it up

12、front.So you dont play games.Everything is clear from the beginning.Passage 2:Chinese-English Translation.(20 points)Passage 2:Chinese-English Translation.(20 points)现时,中国内地美容服务市场的目标顾客仍以女性为主。相对女士美容服务,男士美容服务尚处于初步发展阶段。不过,鉴于内地社会开放程度逐渐提高和多元化,男士接受美容护理也开始被心态年轻或较时尚的消费者所接受,男士美容服务的发展潜力不可忽视。男士同样注重“颜值”内地社交媒体发展

13、迅速,社会上不论男女都热衷于社交媒体分享自己的日常生活。随着高端品牌穿着常态化,消费者进一步关注“颜值”。男士对于“颜值”的价值观与女士相近,参与座谈会的男受访者往往将外表和机会挂鈎:“颜值高无论在酒吧和工作上都更受欢迎,机会也更多。”Passage 3:Chinese-English Translation.(30 points)Passage 3:Chinese-English Translation.(30 points)中国人把文学分为两种:教化的和娱乐的,或称为“载道”的与“抒情”的文学。两者的区分是显而易见:前者是客观的、阐述的;后者是主观的、抒情的。中国人都声称前者比后者具有更大

14、的价值,因为它能够陶冶人的性情,提高社会的道德水准。基于这一观点,他们便看不起小说和喜剧,认为他们是“区区小技,不足以登文学之大雅之堂”。而诗歌则不然,他们不仅不轻视,其修养与尊崇程度且远胜于西方。不过事实上,中国人全都在暗地里阅读小说和剧本。中国文学的媒介(亦即汉语)的特性,在很大的程度上决定了中国文学发展的特殊性。把汉语与欧洲语言作一比较,人们就会发现中国人的思维与文学的特性,在多么大的程度上是源自汉语的单音节性。Part II Chinese Proficiency Test(50 Points)Part II Chinese Proficiency Test(50 Points)一、名

15、词解释一、名词解释1.金文2.笔画3.能愿动词4.中补短语5.(辞格)比喻二、简答题二、简答题1.句式选择的总的原则是什么?2.文艺语体的语言特征有哪些?3.现代汉语在语音方面区别于印欧语系语言的特点是什么?4.汉语划分词类汇的标准如何?5.“把”字句的特点有哪些?三、作文三、作文曾经,当人们议论那些对什么事都喜欢说“随便”的人时,经常会说:这样的人好麻烦。现在,评价可能变成:这就是“佛系青年”吧。近来,“佛系青年”一词在中国蹿红。这类人的标志性话语被总结为都行、可以、没关系,他们“看淡一切”的心态可蔓延至工作、恋爱、网购等每一个生活角落。这是对现实的无奈、释然还是“以退为进”?在高速运转了近 40 年的中国社会,年轻人群体集中出现“慢下来”的态度,这在网络上激荡起无数言语与思考的碰撞。请以“当下学生佛系风格是否应当鼓励”为题用现代汉语写一篇 800-1000 汉字的论说文。



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