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1、【考研英语】2021年4月吉林大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in2006/s World Cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthyquirk:elite soccer players are likely to have been born in the earliermonths of the year than in the later months.

2、If you then examined theEuropean national youth teams that feed the World Cup andprofessional ranks,you would find this strange phenomenon to be evenmore pronounced.What might account for this strange phenomenon?Here are a few guesses:a)certain astrological signs confer superiorsoccer skills,b)winte

3、r-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacitywhich increases soccer stamina,c)soccer mad parents are more likely toconceive children in springtime at the annual peak of soccer mania,d)none of the above.The word“mania”(Paragraph 2)most probably meansA、funB、crazeC、hysteriaD、excitement【正确答案】B【答案解析】

4、答 案 选B o词义理解题,考查考生利用上下文推测词义。文 章 第1段介绍一个奇怪的现象,即高水平的足球运动员多半是一年中头几个月出生的。第2段试图解释这一现象,对这一现象做出种种猜测,即“某些星相赋予人们高超的足球技能,“冬天出生的婴儿氧气足,这会增加足球运动所需的耐力,“足球迷的父母往往容易在春天孕育新生命等等。本段中的mania一词出现在第三种猜测中,句子的前半部分有soccer mad,意思是对足球痴迷、疯狂的,由此可以推断mania”一词与soccer mad接近,即 疯狂。因此正确 答 案 是B。第2题【单选题】I entered the hotel managers office

5、 and sat down.I had just lost 50and I felt very upset,I left the money in my room/I said,and its notthere now,The manager was sympathetic,but he could do nothing.Everyone/s losing money these days,he said.He started to complainabout this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.Agirl

6、came in and put an envelope on his desk.It contained 50.I foundthis outside this gentleman/s room.she said.Well,I said to themanager,there is still some honesty in this world!What did the writerbelieve had happened to his money?A、He had left his money in the manager/s office.B、Someone had stolen his

7、 money.C、The manager had the money.D、The girl had stolen the money.【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。作者说:I left the money in my room,and its not there now”,这句话的含义就是He believed thatsomeone had stolen his money/zo 因此,选项 B 是正确答案。第3题【单选题】During these past few years I used Associated Content to try writing.Ifound writin

8、g for that site was not my cup of tea.However,myexperience there was positive as I was rewarded with even morelearning opportunities just by dipping my toes into the water.ThroughAssociated Content I was introduced to the world of blogging.I decidedto learn how to set up a blog myself.Now Im interes

9、ted in blogging andcontinue to work as a writer.What is the author/s purpose of using thesite Associated Content?A、To write for the site Yahoo!Contributor Network.B、To know more about other writers.C、To have one of his articles published.D、To become a network writer.【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。根据本段的I decided

10、to learn how toset up a blog myself.Now Im interested in blogging andcontinue to work as a writer确 定D答案。A选项是作者偶然获得的结果,并非刚开始写作时的目的,可排除;B选项不是作者的目的;C选项是作者两年前已经取得的成果,无需再定为自己目标。第4题【单选题】Economic factors aside,the imbalanced distribution of educationalresources also affects fairness of education.A、unjustB、

11、impartialC、unevenD、improper【正确答案】C【答案解析】imbalanced不平衡的,不均衡的。uneven不均衡的。参考译文:除经济因素外,教育资源分配不均同样影响到了教育的公平性。第5题【单选题】“Who should go to see Li Ying He is ill today.w/,l suggest Wang HongA、goesB、would goC、goD、went【正确答案】C【答案解析】suggest在本句中意思是:建议。此 时suggest后面的从句需要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should+动词原形的形式,should可以省略。所以答案是C。第6

12、题【单选题】-What is that room?-we hold the meetings.A、The room isB、The room is the placeC、Thats the room whichD、Thats where【正确答案】D【答案解析】此句是be动词后由where引导的表语从句。第7题【单选题】What would have h a p p e n e d,as far as the river bankA、Bob had walked fartherB、if Bob should walk fartherC、had Bob walked fartherD、if Bo

13、b walked farther【正确答案】C【答案解析】当 if引导的虚拟条件从句的谓语动词含有were,had,could,should等词时,可将这些词提至句首,而 将 if省去,从而构成倒装句式.第8题【单选题】One reason is economic.In a traditional agricultural economy,largefamilies are helpful.Having more children means having more workers inthe fields and someone to take care of the parents in

14、old age.In anindustrial economy,the situation is different.Many children do not helpa family;instead,they are an expense.Thus,industrialization hasgenerally brought down the birth rate.This was the case in Italy,whichwas industrialized quite recently and rapidly.In the early part of thetwentieth cen

15、tury,Italy was a poor,largely agricultural country with ahigh birth rate.After World War团,Italys economy was rapidlymodernized and industrialized.By the end of the century,the birth ratehad dropped to 1.3 children per woman,the worlds lowest.In atraditional agricultural economy,a large f a mi l y.A、

16、can be an advantageB、may limit incomeC、isnt necessaryD、is expensive【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A o对照本段In a traditional agriculturaleconomy,large families are helpful.大的家庭是有帮助的,选项中最接近意思的是A,成为一个优势,答案是A。第9题【单选题】The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water inWashington.In April,Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook tochange its privacy policy.He also urged the Federal Trade Commission toset guidelines for social-networking sites.think the senator rightlycommunicated that we had not been clear



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