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1、【考研英语】2021年 11月北京遗传与发育生物学研究所研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】Facing growing costs and shrinking tax,the government is nowthreatening to cut funding for environmental protection programs.A、budgetB、collectionC、profitD、revenue【正确答案】D【答案解析】revenue 收入,税收,尤指国家的岁入。根据题意,正确答案应为D。第2题【单选题】Unemployment seems to b

2、e the social problem in this areaand may undermine social stability.A、prevalentB、primitiveC、previousD premature【正确答案】A【答案解析】prevalent“普遍的,流行的。根据题意,正确答案应选A。第3题【单选题】Late one Sunday afternoon in September 1999,Oseola McCarty,anelderly cleaning lady passed away in the little wooden frame housewhere she

3、had lived and worked most of her life.It may seem like anordinary end to a humble life,but there was something quite exceptionalabout this woman.In the summer of 1995,McCarty gave$150,000,most of the money she had saved throughout her life,to the Universityof Southern Mississippi in her hometown.The

4、 money was to help otherAfrican Americans through university.She had started her savings habitas a young child when she would return from school to clean and iron formoney which she would then save.This woman shocked and inspired theworld b e c a u s e.A、she had managed to save so much moneyB、she ga

5、ve her money to African AmericansC、she gave her life savings to help others through universityD she only spent money on cheap things【正确答案】C【答案解析】0nly是绝对词,在选项D 中出现,根据经验排除 D;对照原文第一自然段最后一句话there was somethingquite exceptional about this woman 说她有些特别的地方,接着第二自然段就讲 In the summer of 1995,McCarty gave$150,0

6、00,most of the money she had saved throughout herlife,to the University of Southern Mississippi in her hometown.她把大部分积攒的钱捐献给了家乡的大学,A 和 B 表达都不全面,答案是C。第4题【单选题】It is amusing that she her father/s bad temper as well as hermother/s good looks.A、inheritedB、retainedC、preservedD、maintained【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题的B、

7、C 和 D 选项虽然意思有些相近,但从题句意来看只有A 符合题意。inherit“经遗传而得(性格、特征等)第5题【单选题】I couldnt have got to the meeting on time an earlier train.A、if I had not caughtB、unless I had caughtC、if I did not catchD unless I caught【正确答案】B【答案解析】if.not和unless有时可以互相替换,但也有不能互相替换的时候。unless用于这样的句子,即 如果A不受阻于 B,A 将发生,He will accept the j

8、ob if the salary isnot too low/unless the salary is too low.第6题【单选题】We rely more than any other major economy on the goods and servicesthat we export,the investment that we attract and we make abroad.A、我们对投资和引资的依靠超过了世界上商品和服务的出口。B、我们对商品和服务出口的依靠超过了世界上其他的对投资和引资的经济体。C、我们对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依靠没有超过了世界上其他主要经济

9、体。D、我们对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依靠超过了世界上其他主要经济体。【正确答案】D【答案解析】注意从结构上理解本句。句子主干为:We relyon.;o n后面跟两个平行的介词宾语the goods and services和the investment,分别有两个限制性定语从句修饰。注意这里两个限制性定语从句的翻译,把从句译都成了词组:商品和服务出口和“投资和引资”。第7题【单选题】Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan.A、这个计划没有一点用。B、这个计划只能招致灾祸。C、这个计划一点害处也没有。D、这个计划是要战胜一切灾

10、害。【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。nothing but表示“只的意思。第8题【单选题】We have to modify our plan a little bit.A、reduceB、sufferC、adjustD、utilize【正确答案】C【答案解析】modify 修改,修饰;更改;adjust调整,使适合。第9题【单选题】People suspected that“Lucky”,as he was called by friends,wanted to killhis wife he no longer lived with.They say that Lucan entere

11、d his oldhouse and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake.His estranged wifeheard noises,came downstairs and was also attacked,but managed toescape.Seven months after the murder,a jury concluded that Lucan hadkilled the nanny.lt is thought that Lucan killed the nanny b e c a u s e.A、she was looking

12、 after the childrenB、she was a friend of LucansC、it was dark and he thought she was Lady LucanD、Loa rd Lucan thought the nanny stole his car【正确答案】C【答案解析】答 案 选 C o 因果关系题。对 照 本 段 Peoplesuspected thatLucky,as he was called by friends,wanted tokill his wife he no longer lived with.They say that Lucan en

13、teredhis old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake.本来是要杀他的妻子,可是因为天太黑,所以错杀了保姆。第10题【单选题】Hes unlucky,and hes always suffering luck one after another.A、a sickB、an illC、sickD、ill【正确答案】D【答案解析】英语中的名词有可数与不可数之分,luck是不可数名词,用来修饰贬义的luck形容词有bad,poor或ill,这时川的词义是:不好的。第11题【单选题】For the purpose of this Co

14、nvention any Contracting State may,bydomestic legislation,assimilate to its own nationals any persondomiciled in that State.A、就本公约而言,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住于该国的任何人按本国国民对待。B、为了本公约的目的,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住那个国家的任何人按本国国民对待。C、为实施本公约,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住于该国的任何人按本国国民对待。D、为了本公约的目的,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住那个国家的任何人当作本国国民

15、。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答 案 选C o本题考查的知识点为法律文书的特点。for the purpose of.是法律条文里常用的一个短语,意思相当于“就 而言,在此处翻译为“为实施本公约 。第12题【单选题】Don/t your health.A、recommendB、enterC、slipD、neglect【正确答案】D【答案解析】neglect疏忽,忽视;忽略。第13题【单选题】Used to TV shows,many people do not have the to read a bookthat requires thinking.A、courageB、wisdomC、pat

16、ienceD、freedom【正确答案】C【答案解析】考查名词。have the patience to do something表示有耐心做某事。第14题【单选题】The heat was so from the fire that the firemen could not enterthe building.A、intenseB、tenseC、intensiveD、violent【正确答案】A【答案解析】intense强烈的/挚热的。tense紧张的。intensive深入的/细致的。violent暴力的。第15题【单选题】It is amusing that she her fathers bad temper as well as hermothers good looks.A、inheritedB、retainedC、preservedD、maintained【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题的B、C和D选项虽然意思有些相近,但从题句意来看只有A符合题意。inherit经遗传而得(性格、特征等)。第16题【单选题】Only two countries in the advanc


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