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1、山东省淄博市淄川区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编语法填空2023年山东省淄博市淄川区中考一模英语试题四、语法填空The UN Chinese Language Day is celebrated on April 20th,a date around Guyu.Peoplechose this date because Guyu was started to remember the(1)(die)of Cang Jie.Heinvented Chinese characters about 5,000 years ago.Since then,people(2)(admire)

2、him a lot.Last year,more than 300 different organizations of over 100 countries celebrated the day.They held all kinds of activities(3)(spread)Chinese culture.Teachers of a ConfuciusInstitute(孑 子 学 院)in Moscow introduced the history of Chinese Language Day and the 24Solar Terms(节 气)to students by(4)

3、(hold)a Colorful China activity.An educationalpartnership(合伙企业)between China and South Africa brought Chinese tea art to(5)farm to celebrate the day.In a Confucius Classroom in the UK,a Chinese teacher and the studentscelebrated the day(6)(different).The teacher dressed(7)as a panda andwelcomed the

4、students to a Chinese cultural event.All students said hello to the panda”(8)excitement.Besides,Shah Nishith Avinash,who once studied in a Confucius Institute,hasset up(9)(h e)own business India China Academy(学院).He said,Thal day,we tried some Chinese food like moon cakes and played a word-guessing

5、game.”Chinese is(10)(get)more and more popular.According to a report,at the presenttime,over 25 million foreigners are learning Chinese.2022年山东省淄博市淄川区中考一模英语试题六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当内容或用括号内单词的正确形式填空(每空不多于3 个单词)This year is the Chinese year of the tiger.The tiger is called“the king of the fbrest”.Its sc

6、aryand people dont dare to get close to it.But Sun Simiao once saved a tiger,and the tiger is very42(thank)to him.Do you know the story between them?Sun Simiao,a medical 43(science)in Tang Dynasty,was known 44 theking of medicine”.One morning,Sun Simiao went to a hill 45(find)herbs.On the way,a tige

7、r came to him.It kowtowed(叩头)to him and opened its big mouth.Sun found the tiger wasvery thin.It must be he thought.He moved 46(slow)to the tiger and saw itsswollen throat.“There 47(be)a bone in your throat,Sun said to the tiger.tNo worries,Til helpyou.”By 48(use)a ring,Sun kept the tigers mouth ope

8、n.He took the bone out and putsome herbs in its throat.After he removed the ring,the tiger ran away.He smiled and went on walking.He spent halfa day 49(go)down the high hill.Suddenly,a tiger came to him.It put something infront of him,lowered its head many 50(time)and then walked away.Sun picked up

9、thatthing.It was a good herb!He looked at the tigers back.It was 51 same tiger he hadhelped in the morning.2021年山东省淄博市淄川区中考一模英语试题六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My life was perfect when I was twelve years old.I had a big family,37(include)mysister,Chrissy,and a little brother,Patrick,wh

10、om I loved greatly.Spring was coming,and I was38(excite)about another summer with Grandma.She and I had great fun together lastsummer.She was retiring this year,so that meant more time with her.Then,39 April 11,2017,at 10:00 P.M.,we were all going to bed when the phone 40(ring).My uncle wascalling t

11、o say that Grandpa had just taken Grandma to the hospital.The next morning,I was 41(tell)that Grandma was gone due to a heart disease.Itried to be strong,but even my father cried.I hadnt even said goodbye 42 her.I couldntcontrol my feelings anymore and began to cry 43(loud),It finally hit me:She was

12、 goneforever.All she had left me were 44(memory)in the garden which the hours we spentplanting flowers and taking care of 45(they).I believe that my grandma is a star watchingover me,and she would have wanted me 46(be)strong and happy like her,even thoughthere are bad times.My family and friends lov

13、e me for who I am and support me for what I do,asI know my grandma would,too.答案:2023年山东省淄博市淄川区中考一模英语试题【答案】【小 题 1 death 小题 2 have admired【小题3】to spread【小题4】holding【小题5】a【小题6】differently【小题7】up【小题8】with【小题9】his【小题 10 getting【解析】(1)考查名词。句意:人们选择这一天是因为谷雨是为了纪念仓颉之死而开始的。the为定冠词,后跟名词。故答案为death。(2)考查动词。句意:从那时

14、起,人们对他非常钦佩。根 据 since then可知用现在完成时,people为集合名词,后谓语动词为have done的形式。故答案为have admired(3)考查动词不定式。句意:他们举行了各种各样的活动来传播中国文化。用动词不定式表示目的。故答案为t。spread。(4)考查动名词。句意:莫斯科一所孔子学院的老师们通过举办“多彩中国”活动,向学生们介绍了中国语言日的历史和二十四节气。by为介词,后跟动名词。故答案为holding。(5)考查冠词。句意:中国和南非之间的教育合作伙伴关系将中国茶艺带到一个农场来庆祝这一天。farm为辅音音素的单词,前用不定冠词a 表示一个。故答案为a。

15、(6)考查副词。句意:在英国的孔子课堂里,一位中国老师和学生们用不同的方式庆祝这个节日。celebrate”庆祝”符合题意,用副词修饰实义动词。故答案为differently。(7)考查副词。句意:老师打扮成熊猫的样子,欢迎学生们参加一个中国文化活动。dress upas打扮,动词短语。故答案为up。(8)考查介词。句意:所有的学生都兴奋地向“熊猫”打招呼。with excitement兴奋,名词短语。故答案为with(9)考查形容词性物主代词。句意:止 匕 外,曾经在孔子学院学习的Shah Nishith Avinash已经成立了自己的企业一一印度中国学院。wn business前用形容词性

16、物主代词。故答案为his。(10)考查动词。句意:中文越来越受欢迎了。is后跟动词的现在分词构成现在进行时的谓语动词。故答案为getting。本文主要讲了谷雨前后联合国庆祝中国语言日。2022年山东省淄博市淄川区中考一模英语试题42.thankful 43.scientist 44.as 45.to find 46.slowly 47.is 48.using49.going 50.times 51.the【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要关于孙思邈在上山采药时救下一只老虎的故事。42.句意:但是孙思邈曾经救过一只老虎,并且这只老虎对他非常感激。根据“Sun Simiao oncesaved a tiger”可知,孙思邈曾经救下的老虎非常感谢他,be thankful to对.感激,,此处thank 感谢”变成形容词thankful”感 激 的 故 填 thankful43.句意:孙思邈,唐代医药学家,以“药王 著称。结合句子Sun Simiao,a medical.in TangDynasty”及 science“科学,孙思邈是一名唐代的医药学家,medical scientist“医



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