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1、2 0 2 3高考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1,全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2,请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。第 一 部 分(共 20小题,每小题1.5 分,满 分 30分)1.Allen followed his customer across the yard and stood on the step of the h o u s e,t w o shopping bags.

2、A.liftedB.having lifted C.to lift D.lifting2.Tom is the only one of the students who a scholarship since last year.A.has won B.have won C.is winning D.wins3.How did you like Johns exhibition of paintings last weekend?To tell you the truth,his paintings didnt me much.A.refer to B.appeal to C.belong t

3、o D.occur to4.The important thing in life is to have a great aim,and the to achieve it.A.acquisition B.comprehensionC.determination D.satisfaction5.We are to hold the sports meeting next w e e k e n d,t h e air quality becomes better.A.which B.whenC.where D.while6.I say something to you?You were rea

4、lly,really something back there.Incredible!Are you talking to me?Whoa!A.MustB.Can C.NeedD.Should7.The two pens are the same,but the red one cost that one.A.as much twice as B.twice as much asC.much as twice as D.as twice much as8.At school,it is essential that every child equally regardless of famil

5、y background.A.treating B.treated C.be treated D.is treated9.With the development of science,more new technology to the fields of IT.A.has introduced B.is being introducedC.is introduced D.was introduced10.Backward somewhat technologically we are for the moment,we have confidence in our ability to c

6、atch upin time.A.although B.if C.as D.once11 I about what youve said and Ive decided to take your advice.A.thought B.have been thinkingC.was thinking D.was thinking12.We are so t i r e d.w e could take the day off tomorrow!A.Only ifB.What ifC.If onlyD.If so13.I forgot to register for the courses.Vm

7、one day late and most of the classes are full.What shall I do?_You cant do anything about that.A.Take your time.B.Poor you!C.So what?D.No way!14.It is almost five years since Jimmy taught high school students and he as an interpreter in a foreign enterprise.A.served B.had servedC.is serving D.would

8、serve15.Mike is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does his boss.A.serves B.satisfiesC.promises D.supports16.Hey!Everyone in the office was at the dinner party in honor of Mn Charles except you.What happened?I after Mike,my colleague.He was badly ill.A.have looked B.was looking

9、 C.would look D.had looked17.They came back from their long walk and went into bed,.A.tiredly but relaxing B.tired but relaxingC.tiredly but relaxed D.tired but relaxed18.For the final of our journey,we decided to take the coach.A.leg B.roundC.distance D.path19.Star skater Wu Dajing won Chinas first

10、 gold medal at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Gainesbreaking world record in short track mens 500m.A.to B.byC.with D.in20.Which do you prefer,tea or coffee?_.I really dont mind.A.Both B.NoneC.Neither D.Either第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.(6 分)The other morning on the subway

11、 I sat next to an attractive young blonde woman who was readingsomething on her iPad.She was very well-dressed,carrying a Prada bag with tastefully applied make-up indeed,shehad an unmistakable air of wealth,material success and even authority.I suspected she worked as a highly-paid WallStreet lawye

12、r or stockbroker or something of that sort.So,I was curious to see what she was so focused on.The WallStreet Journal perhaps?The Economist?Quite the contrary;rather,she was concentrating on a romance novel.Then I realized that I have known manywomen who love romance novelssmart,attractive,successful

13、,“liberated J modern females who nonetheless find somekind of deep satisfaction and thrill from those hyper-romantic,artificial and extremely unrealistic tales of handsome,manly heroes falling in love with virginal women,enduring a series of adventures,then no doubt having a happy ending.These roman

14、ce stories are to literature what hot dogs are t。fine food.Yet,the genre(体裁)remains enormouslypopular Consider some of these surprising statistics from the good folks at the Romance Writers of America(RWA):*More than 9,000 romance titles were released last year,with sales of about$1.44 billion(more

15、than triple the taxesproduced by classic literary fiction).*More than 90 percent of the market are women(okay,thafs not at all surprising).*Readers are typically women between the ages 30 and 54 who are themselves involved in a romantic relationship(betraying the stereotype that only lonely women lo

16、ng for these tales of love and adventure).*Almost 40 percent of romance book consumers have an annual income of between$50,000 and$99,900(placingthem firmly in the middle class).I had thought that romance novels accounted for a very small share of the literary market,so I was quite surprisedthat this part has such enormous popularity.But I must wonder why so many womenforty years after the womensliberation movement-continue to enjoy themselves in the fanciful tales?Pm not sure if it represents a



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