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1、Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic lYou look excited.Section AI Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1.学生能正确拼读并运用以下词汇:(1)单词表中的黑体单词invite(2)连系动词:be,look,feel,taste,smell 和 sound(3)描述情绪的形容词:excited,happy 和 disappointed2.学生能正确运用以下短语造句:invite sb.to do sth.prepare sth.fbr sb.say thanks/goodbye/hello/sorry to sb.a ticket

2、 to.3.学生能自如地运用以下功能句进行交流:How are you doing?Very well,thank you.Guess what!What a pity!Skill aims:1.能听懂有关情绪的询问与表达的简单对话和陈述。2.能正确地运用本课的交际功能用语问候或表达情绪。3.能正确朗读课本的有关情绪描述的文本材料及难度相当的材料。4.能正确地运用本课连系动词加形容词作表语的语法结构,以及交际功能语言写出简单的问候和询问情绪的对话。Emotional aims:通过对Section A 的学习,学生能够在学会描述和表达自己情绪的同时,学会控制不利于自身的消极情绪,并且能够学会关

3、注他人的情绪,在别人情绪低落时主动帮助排解不良的情绪,互助互爱。II.The key points and difficult pointsKey points:学生在交流中能自如地运用系表结构和以下短语:invile sb.to do sth.prepare sth.for sb.say thanks/goodbye/hello/sorry to sb.a ticket to.Difficult points:1.学生对功能用语 How are you doing?的理解。2.描述他人情绪时连系动词正确形式的运用。III.Learning strategies通过听力训练,鼓励学生通过图片和

4、形容词的感情色彩大胆预测即将听到的内容,对所要完成的题目进行初步的判断。IV.Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector,the flash of the song,Do Re Mi.V.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Review第一步 复习(时间:5 分钟)复习表达情感的形容词并处理新词句。(寒假过后,师生见面,相互问候,然后教师以简笔画的形式表达出自己在寒假中的感受并让学生试着来表达,引出部分表示情感的形容词。)T:Did you have a good time in your winter holiday?Ss:Yes,w

5、e did.T:Si,did you ask your friends to your home for dinner?Sj:Certainly.(、T:Oh,I know you invited your friends to your home.Were you()?Si:Yes,we were very happy.T:Great.I know all of you had a good winter holiday.Now lets use stick figures to expressyour feelings in the holiday.sad excited angry wo

6、rried(板书并要求学生掌握invite和 none;理解womed;了解disappointed)invite,none,disappointed,worriedStep 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:7 分钟)呈现并处理la 的对话。1.(教师总结并导入la。)T:We had a good time in the winter holiday.So we are all happy today.What about Kangkang?Lets listen to 1 and find it.(板书)How does he feel?(核对答案。)2.(让学生跟读la

7、并画出文中重点词、句,然后教师板书。学生掌握say thanks to。)How are you doing?-excited-invite-say thaoks to3.(再听录音,让学生画出本对话生词及疑难点,教师板书并给予适当讲解。)T:Listen again,underline the new words and difficulties.(板书)movie theater,exciting.The Sound of Music,disappointed,Sound great!What a pity!Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)巩 固 la

8、 的知识点。1.(让学生再读l a,然后进行角色扮演。)T:Read la again,and then act it out in roles.2.(让学生完成lb,1 c 和 Ido)Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)引出并练习系表结构。1.(通过师生问答,呈现并讲解系表结构。)Kangkang/excited Mr.Lee/disappointedT:Kangkang looks excited.What about Mr.Lee?S:HefeelsdisaDDointed.主 系 表(让学生总结学过的系动词,教师板书,学习生词taste。)be,look,fe

9、el,sound,taste2.(给学生35分钟时间,完成2 的练习。)T:You have 35 minutes to finish 2.(教师板书答案。)(1)The food is/tastes verydelicious.(2)Michael is/Iooks so happy.(3)The music is/sounds wonderful.(4)They are/feelexcited.Step 5 Project第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8 分钟)合作探究本课重点词句。1.(让学生自我测试,通过反义词学习生词。)T:We have learned many adjectives

10、.Lets have a test.Say out the opposite words as quicklyas you can.T:happySs:.T:.(板书)popular-unpopularsmart一sillykind一cruelT:Great/Wonderful!2.Homework:T:Make a survey about how your friend feels when she/he is in the following situations.Situation FeelingPass the exam.Be late fbr class.Your pet dog

11、is dead.Listen to wonderful music.Your mother is ill.VI.Teaching ReflectionIts easy fbr the students to understand the structure of“linking verb+adjective.But its alittle hard for the students to use the correct form of the linking verbs in their own conversations.Teacher should design more oral pra

12、ctice fbr the students.V II.Blackboard designUnit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You look excited.Section A1.-How are you doing?-Wry well,thank you.2.linking veit)+acljective3.Guess what!4.i nvite sb.to do sth.5.one of+最高级+名词复数6.prepare sth.for sb.7.say thanks/hello/sorry/goodbye to sb.8.a ticket to.Secti

13、on BI.Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1.学生能掌握-ing和-ed在词尾的读音,及此类单词的重音位置;能在朗读中正确读出连读和句子的语调,并能区分出和读准需要重读的实词。2.学生能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词s e e m,并正确运用以-e d结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词。3.学生能正确运用linking verb+adjective”结构造句。4.学生能自如地运用系表结构的句子进行交流来谈论情绪。Skill aims:1.能听懂有关情绪的询问与表达的简单对话和陈述。2.能正确地运用带有系表结构的句子表达情绪,能自如地就个人喜好的话题进行交流。3.能

14、正确朗读课本的有关情绪描述的文本材料及难度相当的材料。4.能正确地运用本课连系动词加形容词作表语的语法结构,以及交际功能语言写出简单的问候和询问情绪的对话。Emotional aims:通过对Section B 的学习,鼓励学生在闲暇时间多参加积极健康的文体活动,开阔视野,陶冶情操,提高个人的自身修养,并能培养他们乐观向上的精神,有助于排解不良的情绪。II.The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1.linking verb+adjective2.正确运用以-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词。Difficult points:1.对以

15、-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词的理解。2.对句子中需重读的词的正确把握。IH.Learning strategies1.对同一词根的词的成组理解记忆有助单词记忆速度的提高和对词义的理解。2.通过模仿录音重读,连读和语调,让学生知道模仿读音是修正自己读音的很好的学习途径。IV.Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector,phonetic syllable cards,word cards.V Teaching proceduresStep 1 Review第一步 复习(时间:5 分钟)复习并处理新词句,然后导入新课。1.(教师检查上节课布置的

16、作业,复习系表结构,导出本课的目标语言。要求学生,掌握短语 be proud of。)T:Now lets check the homework.Si,when you are late for class,how do you feel?S|:I always feel worried and afraid.T:S2,if your pet dog is dead,are you sad?S2:Yes,I must be very sad.T:When you heard Zhang Yining won the first in the Olympic Games,how did you feel?S3:I felt excited.S4:I felt very pleased.T:Weare all proud of her,right?Ss:Yes.(板书画线部分。)upset,be proud ofStep 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(口 寸 间:12分钟)呈现并处理本课活动lao1.(通过谈论京剧,引入本课重点活动la。要求学生掌握film,理解Beijing


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