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1、人教PEP版英语三年级下册全册教案设计行玄4援Unit 1 Welcome back to school!教材分析本单元以同学们新学期开学重新回到校园为话题。教学内容是围绕国家、校园人物、自我1绍而展开的。教学重点是听、说、认读单词“China,Canad a,UK,USA,he,she”和 teacher,studenpupil”及其复数形式。能听懂、会说核心句型“We have two new friend s today.Hi,Im.Im fromWelcome!z,/z-Where are you from?Im from.He/She is.”。教学目标知识目标:能够听懂、会说句型“

2、一Where are you from?-Im from.He/She is.”,能够认读句子 一Where are you from?I,能够听、说、认读单词“China,Canad a,UK,USA,he,she,teacher,stud ent(pupil)w 知道元音字母a 在单词中的短音发音/ae/能力目标:能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型T mfrom”“He s/she sa ”等简单介绍自己I及他人能够在情景中运用句型 一Where are you from?一 mfrom”询问他人的国籍或籍贯并回乙能够正确说出元音字母a 在单词中的短音发音/克/,并能够根据其发音规则拼读学过

3、的语音例i情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:学会与人沟通、交流个人信息 学习对人有礼貌的好行为 通过学习国家名称,了解中国和主要英语国家的国旗以及标志性的建筑物 能够逐步做到见到符合发音规则的词能拼读,听到符合发音规则的词能拼写课时安排第一课时:Part A Lets talk&Look and say第二课时:Part A Lets learn&Lets chant第三课时:Part A Lets spell第四课时:Part B Lets talk&Look and say第五课时:Part B Lets learn&Lets chant第六课时:Part B Start to read&

4、Lets check&Lets singThe first period(第一课时)Part A Lets talk&Look and sayA 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Lets talk通过观察、谈 论Lets ta lk板块的图片,并 在PPT和教师的帮助下理解对话大意能够按照正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色表演能在情景中运用句型We have two new friend s today.Hi,Im Im from.”进行初步的交5并介绍自己的国籍或籍贯Look and say通过教师展示的图片,操练核心句型Hi Km from.”A 教学重点能够熟练运用句型“

5、Hi,Fm.Tm fkom.”进行自我介绍。A 教学难点1.能够听懂对话大意,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2.知道China,Canada的正确发音,知道国家名缩写UK和USA所表示的含义,并记住国家名缩写前必须带定冠词the。2.PPT课件、课文录音、视频、人物头饰等。A 教学过程Step 1:Warm-up&Lead-inl.G reetings.T:Hello!Everyone.Welcome back to school!Nice to see you again.Ss:Nice to see you,too.2.Sing a song-Hello.(播放课件)3.Lead-in.T

6、:B efore the class,Ill divide you into four groups.Group 1:China.Group 2:The UK.Group 3:Canad a.Group 4:The USA.Lets have a competition,OK?Ss:OK!Step 2:Presentationl.Look and learn T:B oys and girls,we have two new friend s today.Lets have a look!Teaching purpose歌曲不仅可以激发2的 学 习 兴 趣,还 能 帮 助2自然地讲入学习英语的

7、彳Teaching purpose利用学生熟悉的卡ii象 自 然 导 入,贴 近 学 生 生活。利用图片教学,使由知 识 具 体 化,更利于学勺翩 知 堂 忘(1)Panpan:Hello!Km Panpan.Km from China.Nice to see you!(课件出示:熊猫图片和五星红旗,并播放以上画外音,台词根据语音逐字出现)(2)Peppa Pig:Hello!Km Peppa Pig.Im from the UK.Nice to see you!(课件出示:小猪佩奇图片和英国国旗,并播放以上画外音,台词根据语音逐字出现)Teach the new words.T:Do you

8、 like your new friends?Ss:Yes.Write down the sentence“We have two new friend s today,on the blackboard(Write new and friend s“in red chalk.),and teach the word s new and friend(s)”in high and low voice.T:Do you still remember our old friend s?Show the pictures of Chen Jie,Mike,Sarah,Wu B inbin and J

9、ohn on the PPTone by one.(出示课件)Lead stud ents to introd uce them by using Hi!Im.”T:Well,they have two new friend s today,too.Who are they?Show the pictures of Amy and Zhang Peng on the PPT.(出示课件)Teach the word s boy and girl by pointing to d ifferent stud ents on the PPT.Show the plural forms of boy

10、 and girl on the PPT.(出示课件)Z.Watch and answer.(1)Stud ents watch the vid eo.(课件出示:教材 P4 Lets talk 的视频)T:So,can you answer the questions?You can look at your books.B rief answeris OK.场 济 出 示L Who are they?2.Where are they from?SI:They are Amy and Zhang Peng.S2:Amy is from the UK and Zhang Peng is fro

11、m Shand ong.(2)Stud ents watch again.The teacher shows the d ialogue on the PPT,andcircles the new word s zzand,today,welcome”.(出示课件)Show the meaning of these word s on the PP and then teach the word s.(出示课件)(Teaching methods:read one by one,group to group,boys vs girls,catch thefinger.)3.Listen and

12、 repeat.Teaching purpose通过问题引导学生回忆课文视频并观察和讨论课文图片,整体感知文本内容,进入文本话题。多种游戏活动操练单词,增强趣味性。Teaching purpose播放录音,学生听录音跟读。引导学生按照正确的语音语调朗读对话。小老师活动的设计能激发学生兴趣,鼓励学生,增强自信。(1)Let stud ents read after the record ing and pay attention to thepronunciation and the intonation.(出示课件)(2)Let stud ents read the dialogue in g

13、roups.(3)Invite different stud ents to be little teachers to lead the other stud ents toread the new word s for several times.4.Role-play.Each group chooses one stud ent to wear a head wear and role|play.T:Whats your name,please?SI:Im Amy.T:Where are you from?SI:Im from the UK.T:Welcome!Now,introd u

14、ce yourself to the class.SI:Hello!Km Amy.Im from the UK.Ss:Welcome!T:Whats your name,please?S2:Im Zhang Peng.Teaching purpose通过戴头饰进行角色扮演,引导学生操练核心词汇及句型。The best group will be reward ed.Step 3:PracticeLook and say.l .Play the recording of Look and say”.(课件出示:教材 P4 Look and say 的音频)The teacher shows th

15、e d ialogue on the PPI;and circles the word s“Canad a”and the USA,as well as their flags on the PPT.(出示课件)Stud ents read the word s after the teacher.2.Read and match./Amy /九/e /Soroh、/M ike、A|Lead stud ents to read and match,then let them introd uce themselves byusing the following sentence structu

16、res:Km.Im from(t he).Teaching purpose在学习文本的基础上,让学生连线并且自我介绍,引导学生创编对话并进行操练,使学生易于掌握功能句型。3.Read and act.(1)Stud ents practice the dialogue in groups and wear the head wears to actit out.(2)Stud ents make their own d ialogues,then show them to the class.Step 4:Consolidation&Extensionl.Train,train,train.Show a big ma p.(课件出示:世界地图)The teacher points to d ifferent citiesor countries.Stud ents are asked to introd uce themselves one by one.For examples:(The teacher points to B eij ing.)SI:Hi,Im Im from B


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