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1、新宁县第五中学授课教师:向永红Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areThe First PeriodI.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabularyrestroom,shampoo,stamp(2)Target LanguageExcuse me.Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?Sure.Theres a bookstore on River Road.2.Ability

2、Objects(1)Train students*listening ability.(2)Train students,communicative competence.3.Moral ObjectHelping each other is very important.It is a good quality.II.Teaching Key PointTarget LanguageHI.Teaching Difficult Points1.How to train students listening ability.2.How to train students*communicativ

3、e competence.IV.Teaching Methods1.Scene teaching method.2.Listening-and-answer activity to help the students go throughwith the listening materialV.Teaching Aids1.A tape recorder.2.Real objects.VI.Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT:Youre new to this school.You need to know where the mainoffice is.H

4、ow can you ask where the main office is?Si:Where,s the main office?T:Thafs one way to ask.But there is a more polite way you canask.You can say,*Can you tell me where the main office is?”Classrepeat.Can you tell me where the main office is?Ss:Can you tell me where the main office is?T:Thafs correct.

5、Now lefs say you want to know where Classroom1 is.How can you ask?S2:Can you tell me where Classroom 1 is?T:Good!There?s another polite way you can ask:Could you tell mehow to get to Classroom 1?Class repeat.Could you tell me how toget to Classroom 1?Ss:Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1?T:

6、Thafs right.Very good.Step II laThis activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some newwords.Go through the instructions with the class.Read the list of things to the class.To review the meaning of eachitem on the list,invite different students to say each phrase in theirown words.Point to

7、the lettered parts of the picture one by one.Ask a student:What kind of place is this?What do they sell there?Do we have one in our community?What isthe name of the one in our community?Point out the sample answer.Say,The letter c is in front of thewords buy shampoo because you could buy shampoo in

8、a departmentstore.There may be more than one correct answer for some blanks.While students are working,move around the room offering help asnecessary.Check the answers.Suggested answersshampoo:a or cmagazines:a or ddictionary:dtelephone call:a or eNoteinformation:a or ewriting paper:a or cstamps:esa

9、ve money:bShampoo is special soap,liquid,powder,etc.for washing of thehair.Step IH lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the targetlanguage in spoken conversation.Read the instructions to students.Point out the two conversationsthat are shown in the picture.As you listen,fill in t

10、he blanks with words you hear in the recording.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask them to fill in the blanks with the words you hear.When students listen,stop the recording from time to time to allowstudents enough time to fill in th

11、e blanks.Check the answers withthe whole class.Answers1.buy some stamps 4.save money2.post office 5.bank3.Center Street 6.Main StreetTapescriptConversation 1Girl 1:Excuse me.Could you tell me where I can buy somestamps?Boy 1:Yes.Theres post office on Center Street.Girl 1:Oh.Can you tell me where Cen

12、ter Street is.Boy 1:Sure.Go past the bank.Center Street is on your right.Girl 1:Thanks a lot.Boy 1:No problem.Conversation 2Girl 2:Excuse me.Do you know where I can save money?Boy 2:Sure.There*s a bank on Main Street.Girl 2:Oh.Could you please tell me how to get there?Boy 2:YesGo straight ahead.The

13、bank is on your left.Girl 2:Thank you.Boy 2:Youre welcome.Step IV 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Point out the example in the box.Get two students to read it to theclass.Si:Excuse me.Can you please tell me where I can get a

14、dictionary?S2:Sure.ThereJs a bookstore on River Road.Point out the list of things people need and the pictures of the placesin activity la.Say.Look at activity la.Have a conversation witha partner.Ask your parter politely where you can do these thingand then answer your partners questions.As student

15、s work,listen to some pairs in order to check the progressand help with pronunciation as needed.After students have had a chance to practise several exchanges,asksome pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out theirconversations.Step V SummaryIn this class,weve learned some important wo

16、rds,such as restroom,shampoo and so on.Weve also learned the targetlanguage.Excuse me.Can you please tell me where I can get adictionary?Sure.Theres a bookstore on River Road.Step VI HomeworkReview the target language.Step Y D Blackboard DesignUnit 11 Could you please tell mewhere the restrooms are?Section AThe First PeriodTarget Language:A:Excuse me.Can you please tell me where I canget a dictionary?B:Sure.Theres a bookstore on River Road.Unit 11 Could you please tell meThe Second PeriodI.Teach



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