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1、2022年江苏省南京市江东中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、选择题1.Now that he has missed his,hell have to wait for the next round.A.chance B.turn C.duty D.class参考答案:B解析:turn“轮次、轮值”根据下句中的round“轮”而确定2.As the host,the EU is committed some 45%of the cost,with the other partnerscontributing about 9%each.A.to cover B.being covered C.cove

2、red D.to covering参考答案:D3.With the computers s y s t e m.it cant be used at the moment.A updating B being updated C.updated D.to update参考答案:B4.-Many people have been ill from a strange disease these d a y s,we have neverheard of beforeA.it B.that C.one D.this参考答案:21.Co略5.-Do you understand the film T

3、he Hobbit,the most amazing US-made one last year?-but I am confused at many scenes.A.Not a little B.Not a bit C.Just a little D.Quite a lot参考答案:C6.一Mom,today I received a message telling me to send money to the account.一Delete it.Its a trick.Many a person by such tricks.A.have been cheated B.were ch

4、eatedC.has been cheated D.was cheated参考答案:C略7.There is not much time left,but_ we must get there in time.A.somehow B.anyway C.however D.somewhat参考答案:B8.You look excited.Whats up?一 My sister is going to have a baby!That means Ill be an aunt.A.I guess.B.No doubt.C.Guess what!D.All right.参考答案:C9.A/H1N1

5、 flu virus has threatened the whole world that scientists try to.A.give it up B.make it up C.make it out D.give it out参考答案:C10.Memory is rightly considered_ to our sense of who we are.A.commercial B.fundamental C.individualD.professional参考答案:B11.Instead of lending a hand,Jim just stood by,laughing a

6、t us in trouble.-Oh,it s _ of him to be so cold hearted.A.typical B.ordinary C.commonD.normal参考答案:A12.Til go to the library as soon as I finish what I.A.was doing B.am doing C.havedone D.had been doing参考答案:B考查动词的时态。句意:我一完成眼下正在做的事情就去图书馆。主句是将来时,时间状语从句用现在时。finish与选项C 的 have done矛盾,故选B 项。13.一What do you

7、 think of the performance today?一Great!_But a musical genius could perform so successfully.A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody参考答案:B解析:本题考查代词的用法。根据句意“只有音乐天才才能表演得如此成功”可知,应用none but只有。14.She did not feel a bit nervous though it was the first time she _ in public.A.spoke B.have spoken C.had spoken D.wer

8、e speaking参考答案:C15.The good thing about children is that they _ very easily to new environments.A.adapt B.appeal C.attach D.apply参考答案:Ao解析:该句的意思是“对于孩子们来说比较好的是他们能够非常容易的适应新的环境。adapt to 适应;appeal。呼吁,使感兴趣;attachto粘 贴;applyto申请;所以答案为:A。24.Im calling about the apartment you_ the other day.Could you tell m

9、e moreabout it?A.advertised B.had advertisedC.are advertising D.will advertise参考答案:A17.In order to change the attitudes the clerks,the company isbring in new rules for their interests.A.about B.of C.towards D.on参考答案:B略18.Any delay in homework may not work of students.A.in the absence B.in the presen

10、ce C.in the favour D.in the attitude参考答案:c二、翻译72.尽管他已经非常尽力,他还是没能弥补损失。(as)73.如今,为网络优质资源付费似乎是个热门现象。(seem)74.我认为这些家长们的焦虑源自于对孩子未来的不确定性,以及对成功这个概念的落伍理解。(result)75.老年人能安度晚年,孩子们有幸福的童年,那就有千家万户幸福愉悦的家庭。(lead)参考答案:72.Hard as he tried,he failed to make up for the loss.73.Nowadays,it seems that paying for quality

11、 online resources is a popular phenomenon.74.I think these parentsz anxiety results from uncertainty about their childrens future,and out-of-date concepts of success.75.When our senior citizens have decent lives in retirement and our children have nicechildhoods,all families will lead happier lives.

12、7 2 题详解】尽管他已经非常尽力Hard as he trie d,运用了倒装句式,弥补损失make up for the loss。故译为 Hard as he tried,he failed to make up for the losso【73题详解】为网络优质资源付费paying for quality online resources,似 乎 it seems th a t,热门现象popular phenomenono 故译为 iNowadays,it seems that paying for quality online resources is apopular pheno

13、menono【74题详解】源 自 于 results fro m,家 长 们 的 焦 虑 parents anxiety,孩子未来的不确定性uncertaintyabout their childrens fu tu re,落伍的 out-of-dateo 故译为 I think these parents anxietyresults from uncertainty about their childrens future,and out-of-date concepts of successo7 5 题详解】安度晚年 have decent lives in retirem ent,幸福

14、的童年 nice childhoods,幸福愉悦 leadhappier liveso 故译为 When our senior citizens have decent lives in retirement and our childrenhave nice childhoods,all families will lead happier liveso三、阅读理解20.In the second half of each year,many powerful storms are born in the tropicalAtlantic and Caribbean seas.Of thes

15、e,only about a half a dozen generate the strong,circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them hurricane status,and severalusually make their way to the coast.There they cause millions of dollars of damage,andbring death to large numbers of people.The great storms that hit the coast star

16、t as innocent circling disturbances(气旋)hundreds even thousands of miles out to sea.As they travel aimlessly over waterwarmed by the summer sun,they are carried westward by the trade winds.Whenconditions are just right,warm,moist(潮湿的)air flows in at the bottom of such adisturbance,moves upward through it and comes out at the top.In the process,themoisture in this warm air produces rain,and with it the heat that is switched to energyin the form of strong winds.As the heat increases,the young hurri


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