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1、2021-2022学年辽宁省沈阳市第七十二高级中学高一英语模拟试题含解析一、选择题1.语 音 知 识(共5小题,每 小 题L 5分,满 分7.5分)1.native2.accent3.thunder4.blood5.exactly参再答案:A.usageA.officialA.northA.roomA expertB.population C.practice D.naturalB.excuse C.correct D.excitingB.worthy C.clothes D.clothingB.zoo C.flood D.cartoonB.experiment C.exercise D.ex

2、ample1-5 BDACD2.-I am sorry I didn/t do a good job.一Never mi n d.,you have tried your best.A.Above all B.In all C.At all D.After all参考答案:D3.May I speak to Mr.Smith?-1 am afraid hes not.He is at a meeting now.A.absent B.convenientC.beneficial D.available参考答案:D【分析】考查形容词词义辨析。【详解】句意:一一我可以和史密斯先生说话吗?一一恐怕他

3、没空,现在他在开会。A.absent 缺席的;B.convenient 方便的;C.beneficial 有益的;D.available 有空的。注意convenient不可以用人作主语。故 选 Do4.I dont know the reason _ you were absent from themeeting,but Im sure itz s for some reason youdont want people to know.A.why;thatwhich;whatB.that;whyC.that;whichD.参考答案:A略5.-he use your computer?-Cer

4、tainly.Dont forget to turn it off when he finishes using it.A.Will B.Must C.Does D Shall参考答案:D6.-Hello,Km calling to complain about one of your sales staff.-Oh,_A.you must be kidding!B.what a shockC.why not?D.what happened?参考答案:D7.of coal used in this place every year,A.A plenty;was B.Large amounts;

5、wasC.A large number;was D.Large amounts;were参考答案:D8.a new library in our school last year?A.Is;built B.Was;bulit C.Does;build D.Did;build参考答案:B9.He found another e v id e n c e,o f great importance to the case.A.Which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think which is参考答案:A10.-一

6、Guess what!I have passed my driving test last week.A.Congratulations B.Celebrations C.Good luck D.All right参考答案:A11.He was about to tell me the secret someone patted him on the shoulder.A.as B.until C.while D.when参考答案:D略12.students are practicing in English with each other at the Englishcorner.A.The

7、 number of;to speak B.A great deal of;spokenC.A great many;speak D.A number of;speaking参考答案:D13.Although all three teams different approaches to the problem,they were allsuccessful.A.loaded B.recycled C.stressed D.adopted参考答案:D14.There a temple on the side of the mountain,didn*t there?A.would be B.w

8、ould have C.used to have D.used to be参考答案:D略15.Practising Chinese Kong fu can not only ones strength,but alsodevelop ones character.A.bring up B.take up C.build up D.pull up参考答案:C16.Mr Frank asked me a question I could go with him to he called the TreasureHouse the next week.A.that;which B.whether;t

9、hat C.whether;what D.that;where参考答案:C17.Will you come to my birthday party?A.Good idea B.Thank you C.Kd love to D.Its my pleasure参考答案:C1 8.一 H a ve you decided when to lea ve for S ha ngha i?一 Y es,w e on F rida y.A.lea ve B.a re lea ving C.ha ve left D.lea ves参考答案:B二、翻译46.曾经有一段时间我们相处得很好,一起学习,一起玩游戏.

10、47.目前其他国家学习汉语的人数在迅速上升.48.自从上中学以来,我就梦想着与朋友一起去西藏旅游.49.整个城市一片废墟,世界似乎到了末日.50.他坚持认为我犯了错误,坚持要我向他的母亲道歉.参考答案:46.There was a time when we got along/on well with each other,studying and playing gamestogether/and we studied and played games together.47.At present the number of people(who are)learning Chinese i

11、n other countries isincreasing rapidly fast.48.Ever since middle school,I have dreamed about/of taking a trip to Tibet with my friend(s)49.The whole city was/lay in ruins and it looked as if the world was at an end.50.He insisted that I had made a serious mistake and I(should)apologize to/make an ap

12、ologyto his mother.【46题详解】考查一般过去时和定语从句。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,本句涉及定语从句,atim e 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中作状语,所以关系副词为where。定语从句的谓语为get along/on well with 意为”与.相处得好”,studying and playing games together 是现在分词短语作状语,也可以转换成并列句and we studied and played games together。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:There was a time when we got along/on well w

13、ith each other,studying and playing games together/and we studied and played games together。【47题详解】考查现在进行时和定语从句/现在分词短语。根据状语At present要用现在进行时态,所以谓语为is increasing;learning Chinese in other countries是现在分词短语作宾语修饰名词people,与可以转换成定语从句who are learning Chinese in other countrieso再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:At present the

14、 number of people(who are)learning Chinese in othercountries is increasing rapidly fasto【48题详解】考查现在完成时和动词短语。根据时间状语Ever since middle school要用现在完成时态,主语为I,谓语为have dreamed about/of意为 梦想,渴望;take a trip to 意为”之旅o 再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:Ever since middle school,I have dreamed about/oftaking a trip to Tibet with my

15、 friend(s)。【49题详解】考查一般过去时和表语从句。分析句子可知,因事情已发生,都要用一般过去时态,主语为 The whole city,谓语为be/lie in ruins意为 成为废墟”,as if后接方式从句表示事实时,要用陈述语气。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:The whole city was/lay in ruins and itlooked as if the world was at an end。【50题详解】考 查 宾 语 从 句 和insist的用法。分析句子可知,因事情已发生,要用一般过去时态;insist意为 坚持说,时,后接宾语从句用陈述语气,即I ha

16、d made a serious mistake是陈述证据;意为 坚决要求 时,用虚拟证据,即I (should)apologize to/make an apology tohis mother;make a mistake 意为 犯错误;apologize to/make an apology to 意为”向.道歉再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:He insisted that I had made a serious mistake and I(should)apologize to/make an apology to his mother。三、阅读理解20.Welcome to one of the largest collections of footwear in the world that will make yougreen with envy.Here at the Footwear Museum you can see exhibits(展 品)from allover the world.You can find out about shoes worn by



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