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1、试卷代号:1 3 5 6国 家 开 放 大 学2 0 2 1年 秋 季 学 期 期 末 统 一 考 试高级英语听说(2)试题2022年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Section One(20 points,2 points each)Directions:Listen to the conversation and fill in the

2、blanks with the words you hear.Write thewords on the Answer Sheet.Mari:Your dog is so adorable*Nancy.How old is he?Nancy:Eleven.Mari:Wow,thats pretty(1)Nancy:Yeah.I just love him so much.I dont know what Ill do when hes(2)Mari:Well,you can clone him,you know.Nancy:Clone him?Youre(3),right?Mari:Yeah,

3、of course.But actually*it is possible.Scientists in Korea have cloned a dog,you know?I saw a(4)of it in Time magazine.Nancy:Really?Ive heard of cloned(5),and mice and rabbits.But not pets likedogs.Andrew:Oh,yeah.(6)it or not*there is a company in California that offers a petcloning service.For$15,00

4、0,you can have an exact copy of your pet.Nancy:Thats so weird.Actually,it kind of scares me.Pretty soon,theyll start cloningpeople and then.Andrew:Nah,I dont think thats going to(7).I think cloning will be used inpositive ways.Nancy:Like what?Andrew:Like saving endangered species.For example*scienti

5、sts could save the giant pandaand other animals before they become extinct.Mari:Oh.yeah,and(8)thing.I heard that scientists will be able to clone bodyparts.You know,just grow a new heartf or a new tooth.(1356号)高级英语听说(2)试题第1页(共5页)Andrew:U h-huh.T ha t*s wha t ste m c e ll re se a rc h is a ll(9),whic

6、 h is simila r toc loning.A lot of me d ic a l prob le ms a re going to b e solve d with tha t for sure.Nancy:W e ll,I m a ll for tha t.E spe c ia lly if it c a n he lp us live (1 0).Mari:O r if the y c a n he lp your d og live longe r,right?Nancy R ight!S e c tion T w o (2 0 points,2 points e a c h

7、)P a rt O neD ire c tions:Y ou a re going to liste n to five short c onve rsa tions/pa ssa ge s.A fte r e a c hc onve rsa tion/pa ssa ge,the re is one que stion.C hoose the b e st a nswe r to e a c h que stion a nd writeyour a nswe rs on the A nswe r S he e t.Number One:a conversation1 1.W ha t c a

8、n you gue ss a b out the woma n s a pa rtme nt?A.I t,s on the third floor.B.I t,s in b a d c ond ition.C.I t,s in a good ne ighb orhood.Number Two:A conversation1 2.Wh o is the ma n?A.A ne ighb or.B.A re pa irma n.C.T he a pa rtme nt ma na ge r.Number Three:a mini lecture1 3.W ha t c ould ha ppe n i

9、f you try to b rib e a polic e offic e r in the U nite d S ta te s?A.Y ou c ould b e a rre ste d.B.Y ou will ge t spe c ia l tre a tme nt.C.I t c ould he lp your b usine ss.(1 3 5 6号)高级英语听说(2)试题第2页(共5页)Number Four:a monologue1 4.T his man.A.is d ivorc e dB.ha s ne ve r b e e n ma rrie dC.is ma rrie

10、d with c hild re nNumber Five:a conversation1 5.W ha t c e re mony is the c onve rsa tion a b out?A.A nnive rsa ry.B.F une ra l.Q W e d d ing.P a rt T w oD ire c tions:Y ou a re going to liste n to one c onve rsa tion.A fte r the c onve rsa tion,the re a re fiveque stions.C hoose the b e st a nswe r

11、 to e a c h que stion a nd write your a nswe rs on the A nswe r S he e t.1 6.W h a t d oe s the c ustome r wa nt to d o?A.A pply for a c re d it c a rd.B.B orrow some mone y.C P a y b a c k a loa n.1 7.W ha t d oe s the b a nk c le rk a d vise the c ustome r to d o?A.A pply for n e w c re d it c a r

12、d.B.T a lk to a nothe r b a nk.C.S pe a k to a loa n spe c ia list.1 8.T he b a nk c le rk sugge sts tha t a d iffe re nt type of loa n would b e .A.C he a pe rB.F a ste rC.E a sie r(1 3 5 6号)高级英语听说(2)试题第3页(共5页)1 9.W ha t is the inte re st on E lsa s c re d it c a rd?A.8%B.1 8%Q 8 0%2 0.W ha t kind

13、of loa n is E lsa inte re ste d in?A.A pe rsona l loa n.B.A c a r loa n.C.A h om e improve me nt loa n.S e c tion T hre e (3 0 points,3 points e a c h)D ire c tions:Y ou re going to liste n to a c onve rsa tion.A fte r the c onve rsa tion the re a re te nsta te me nts.D e c id e whe the r the follow

14、ing sta te me nts a re true or fa lse.W rite T for true a nd Ffor fa lse on the A nswe r S he e t.T he c onve rsa tion will b e re a d twic e.2 1.J e ff gra nts to find a fulltime job.22.J e ff wa nts to d rop out of sc hool.2 3.J e ff s fa the r will support J e ff if he d rops out of sc hool.2 4.J

15、 e ff s id e a l job ha s nothing to d o with music.2 5.B urge r R a nc h is a fa st food pla c e.2 6.J e ff d oe sn t like his first job a t a ll.2 7.N a nc y ha s b e e n te a c hing for four ye a rs.2 8.N a nc y s id e a l job is to b e a write r.2 9.M a ri ha s a pa rt-time job.3 0.M ost prob a

16、b ly it s J e ff tha t pa ys for the d inne r.S e c tion F our(3 0 points,3 points e a c h)D ire c tions:L iste n to the le c ture a nd fill in the b la nks to c omple te the note s.W rite your a nswe rson the A nswe r S he e t.N a m e of the spe a ke r:O ffic e r J e nkinsP urpose of the spe e c h:to give the a ud ie nc e some simple sugge stions on h o w to ma ke the ir(31)a nd c a rs sa fe r.(1 3 5 6号)高级英语听说(2)试题第4页(共5页)A.S ugge stions on how to ma ke home s sa fe r:a.L ightsoutsid e the hous



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